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Created December 27, 2017 02:23
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Discovering Applicative Functors in Haskell

Discovering Applicative Functors in Haskell

When first learning Applicatives, they always seemed an oddball thing to me. At first, Functors made sense and Monads sort of made sense, but Applicatives felt shoehorned in between the two.

That is until I was reading Programming In Haskell by Graham Hutton, Second Edition (section 12.2) on Applicatives. His explanation takes a bit of a leap and is presented in an odd order, but I think I can reorder the information in such a way that we can feel as if we are discovering Applicative Functors (or Applicatives for short) ourselves.

Start with Functor

Let's remind ourselves of the Functor class definition:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

In order to "discover" Applicatives, we must put fmap in the proper context.

Properties of fmap

fmap takes an ordinary function of 1 paramter and applies it to a structure, i.e. a Functor, e.g. a List. Two points are important here:

  1. Normal function
  2. One parameter

And when complete, fmap gives us a new Functor, e.g. a new List. One important point here:

  1. Result is the exact same Functor

Now what happens when we want to change some of these properties?

What if the Result was NOT a Functor or a different Functor?

These sorts of mappings are interesting in their own right but don't really move us toward Applicative Functors, so for this exercise, we will ignore them.

What if the function was NOT normal?

What does it mean to be a normal function? Well, it's just your everyday, run-of-the-mill, function.

What does a function that's not normal look like? Here are some:

g :: [a -> b]
h :: Maybe (a -> b)

The functions are normal but exist in a container, aka a Functor. The g function exists in the List Functor and h function in the Maybe Functor.

At least for now, we can consider a non-normal function as one that is contained in a Functor.

More than 1 parameter?

Looking at the type of fmap:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

We can imagine that our function is of type, a -> b -> c meaning that we need a different sort of fmap, viz. fmap2:

fmap2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
fmap2 g x = ???

Turns out that the definition isn't obvious.

Let's start with regular old fmap and take our g with 2 parameters and see what happens when we combine the two in ghci:

λ> :t fmap g
fmap g :: (Functor f) => f b -> f (b -> c)

Notice that after applying g, we still need 1 more parameter. No surprises here.

But the real problem is that once our function has been partially applied to fmap, it's now inside of a Functor.

Originally our function was just a normal function. But now it's not.

This is getting hard in the abstract so let's create some concrete examples to help us think.

λ> let g x y = x + y
λ> :t g
g :: Num a => a -> a -> a
λ> :t fmap g [1,2]
fmap g [1,2] :: Num a => [a -> a]

Okay, so our function is inside the List Functor. We need a function like fmap except it takes a value instead of a function and applies it to a list of functions instead of a list of values.

Let's call this rmap because it sort of the reverse of what map does with lists:

λ> :{
rmap _ [] = []
rmap v (f : fs) = f v : rmap v fs
λ> :t rmap
rmap :: t -> [t -> a] -> [a]
λ> :t rmap [3,4] $ fmap g [1,2]
rmap [3,4] $ fmap g [1,2] :: (Num [a], Num a) => [[a]]

Not surprising that [[a]] is in the List Functor twice, once for each mapping. Once from the fmap and once from the rmap.

It's clear that we need something other than fmap, but what?

Something else

Let's write the type signature for this magical function that will get us out of this mess.

We need something that can deal with functions inside of Functors:

somethingElse :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

fmap is fine for the first parameter but all subsequent parameters will need this function which looks like fmap except the function is inside of the Functor.

We should make a class for this and formalize it and give it a good name (or at least a better name than somethingElse).


Let's define Applicative Functor or Applicative for short:

class Functor f => Applicative a where
  pure :: a -> f a
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Here, pure wraps something in the Applicative. We can use this to take a normal function and make it non-normal. It's sort of like, what we've been calling normal is called pure in the context of Applicatives'. We are saying that the function we pass is pureand needs to be wrapped to use as part of theApplicative`.

The operator <*> is our magical function that acts like fmap also known as <$>, except it can handle the function being in the Functor.

Using our new toy

Now we can return to our previous example:

λ> let g x y = x + y
λ> :t g
g :: Num a => a -> a -> a

Now we can use it very easily with <$>, <*> and optionally pure:

λ> g <$> [3,4] <*> [10,20]
λ> pure g <*> [3,4] <*> [10,20]

What's nice about this, compared to the failed rmap approach we tried earlier, is that the order of parameters follows the convention of left to right. With rmap it did not.

Other uses

Mapping with multiple parameters is great and all, but you can use Applicatives in lots of other scenarios.

One that pops to mind from the Haskell Programming from first principles by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki is record construction with validating parameters. I've greatly abbreviated their example:

λ> :{
validateLength :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
validateLength maxLen s =
  if (length s) > maxLen
  then Nothing
  else Just s

mkName :: String -> Maybe String
mkName name =
  validateLength 25 name
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Int} deriving (Show)
λ> Person <$> mkName "Joe" <*> pure 20
Just (Person {name = "Joe", age = 20})
λ> pure Person <*> mkName "Joe" <*> pure 20
Just (Person {name = "Joe", age = 20})

Here you construct a Maybe Person. A Just Person if the parameters are valid or Nothing if not.

Common Pattern

The fact that Applicatives arose from the limitations of fmap with functions of multiple parameters makes the following patterns unsurprising. First parameter uses <$> then subsequent parameters use <*>.

funcOfOneParam <$> p1
funcOfTwoParams <$> p1 <*> p2
pure funcOfTwoParams <*> p1 <*> p2
funcOfThreeParams <$> p1 <*> p2 <*> p3
pure funcOfThreeParams <*> p1 <*> p2 <*> p3
-- etc.


Hopefull, this has made Applicatives seem a lot less magical, odd or unimportant. Historically, they came after Functors and Monads and one can now see why.

You can do a lot with Functor by itself and it's only when you start dealing with functions of multiple parameters that you start to encounter the need for Applicatives.

When I first saw that Applicatives took functions that were inside Functors, I thought "why would anyone put a function in a Functor". I could think of the rare case where a function is inside a Maybe, but it seems such an edge case that it seemed to hardly warrent a whole new thing.

But after seeing this perspective, I realized that it's more of a by-product of using fmap with functions of multiple parameters. In our above examples, both g and Person were functions of multiple parameters.

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