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Created December 28, 2017 20:34
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Probabilistic programming with source transformations, in Julia
using Distributions
using StatsFuns
using MacroTools
using MacroTools: postwalk
# A model is just a special kind of quoted expression:
myModel = quote
μ ~ Normal(0,5)
σ ~ Cauchy(0,3)
for x in data
x ~ Normal(μ,σ)
# `real` and `positiveReal` work as declarations, in order to
# identify the support of the parameter space.
# An inference method is a macro that transforms the model
# code. This gives flexibility and speed. Operational
# consequences of declarations and ~ are not fixed, but depend
# on the inference method.
# For example, here's an interpretation that implements a very
# simple Stan workalike:
macro logdensity(ex)
body = postwalk(@eval ($ex)) do x
if @capture(x, v_ ~ dist_)
ℓ += logpdf($dist, $v)
elseif @capture(x, real(v_))
$v = θ[𝚥]
𝚥 += 1
elseif @capture(x, positiveReal(v_))
$v = softplus(θ[𝚥])
# Jacobian correction:
# Add log-determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation
# Careful with this, need to double check
ℓ += abs($v - θ[𝚥])
𝚥 += 1
else x
function(θ, data)
ℓ = 0.0
𝚥 = 1
return ℓ
# The idea is to walk the code looking for parameter
# declarations. The parameters are represented as a vector of
# real values. Each time we see a parameter, we reparameterize
# so it comes from the reals, and we increment the index 𝚥.
# To use the Stan approach, we just apply the macro:
logDensity = @logdensity myModel
# From here, the next step would usually be inference; Stan uses NUTS
# or variational inference, either of which is pretty quick to get to
# in Julia. But for simplicity, let's just visualize the result for a
# fixed σ.
using Plots
μs = linspace(-10,10,1000)
data = randn(10) .- 5
# `logDensity` is in terms of the joint, not conditional, density.
# Here's a quick hack to get at the latter:
priorLogZ = logsumexp([logDensity([μ,1.0],[]) for μ in linspace(-30,30,1000)])
postLogZ = logsumexp([logDensity([μ,1.0],data) for μ in linspace(-30,30,1000)])
logprior = [logDensity([μ,1.0],[]) - priorLogZ for μ in μs]
logpost = [logDensity([μ,1.0],data) - postLogZ for μ in μs]
plot(μs,exp.(logprior), label="prior")
plot!(μs, exp.(logpost), label="posterior")
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