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Created April 23, 2019 23:55
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export ProbVector
using ArgCheck: @argcheck
using Parameters
import TransformVariables: RealVector,@calltrans, LogJacFlag,
VectorTransform, dimension, inverse!, inverse_eltype
using TransformVariables
(y, r, ℓ) = SIGNATURES
Given ``x ∈ ℝ`` and ``0 ≤ r ≤ 1``, return `(y, r′)` such that
1. ``y + r′ = r``,
2. ``y: 0 ≤ y ≤ r`` is mapped with a bijection from `x`.
`ℓ` is the log Jacobian (whether it is evaluated depends on `flag`).
@inline function l1_remainder_transform(flag::LogJacFlag, x, r)
z = logistic(x)
y = z*r
(y, r-y,
flag isa NoLogJac ? flag : log(r) - log(z*(1-z)))
(x, r′) = SIGNATURES
Inverse of [`l1_remainder_transform`](@ref) in `x` and `y`.
@inline l1_remainder_inverse(y, r) = logit(y/r), r-y
Transform `n-1` real numbers to a probability vector of length `n`
@calltrans struct ProbVector <: VectorTransform
function ProbVector(n::Int)
@argcheck n ≥ 1 "Dimension should be positive."
dimension(t::ProbVector) = t.n - 1
function transform_with(flag::LogJacFlag, t::ProbVector, x::RealVector)
@unpack n = t
@argcheck n - 1 == length(x)
T = extended_eltype(x)
r = one(T)
y = Vector{T}(undef, n)
ℓ = logjac_zero(flag, T)
index = firstindex(x)
@inbounds for i in 1:(n - 1)
xi = x[index]
index += 1
y[i], r, ℓi = l1_remainder_transform(flag, xi, r)
ℓ += ℓi
y[end] = r
y, ℓ
inverse_eltype(t::ProbVector, y::RealVector) = extended_eltype(y)
function inverse!(x::RealVector, t::ProbVector, y::RealVector)
@unpack n = t
@argcheck length(y) == n
@argcheck length(x) == n - 1
r = one(eltype(y))
xi = firstindex(x)
@inbounds for yi in axes(y, 1)[1:(end-1)]
x[xi], r = l1_remainder_inverse(y[yi], r)
xi += 1
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