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Last active April 25, 2024 19:35
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X11 in docker on macOS

To forward X11 from inside a docker container to a host running macOS

  1. Install XQuartz:
  2. Launch XQuartz. Under the XQuartz menu, select Preferences
  3. Go to the security tab and ensure "Allow connections from network clients" is checked.
  4. Run xhost + ${hostname} to allow connections to the macOS host *
  5. Setup a HOSTNAME env var export HOSTNAME=`hostname`*
  6. Add the following to your docker-compose:
  - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix

* It should be noted that steps 4 and 5 can be automated to run everytime XQuartz starts, but that's outside of the scope of this gist

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There shouldn't be a need of using "DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0" and mounting the "/tmp/.X11-unix" socket file. I was able to make this work with just the DISPLAY envvar and enabling network connections and disabling connections auth in XQuartz settings.
Nevertheless, I think the ideal would be to just use the "/tmp/.X11-unix" file instead of network connections. I'm not being able to make this work even though the file seems to be correctly mounted inside the container.

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Tigatok commented Apr 5, 2024

@ldipenti FTR I had to include the host.docker.internal:0, in 2024. I'm on a MacBook Pro 2024 m3 version.

Here is a working Dockerfile and Dockercompose:

FROM openjdk:11

# Install necessary packages for X11 or for your app
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libxext6 \
    libxrender1 \
    libxtst6 \

# Set the working directory

# Copy the source code into the container
COPY src /app/src
COPY dist/lib /app/lib

# Compile the Java application
RUN javac -cp "/app/lib/*" -d /app/bin /app/src/*.java

# Set the DISPLAY environment variable for X11 forwarding
ENV DISPLAY host.docker.internal:0

# Run the compiled Java application
CMD ["java", "-cp", "/app/bin:/app/lib/*", "MainClass"]
version: '3'
    build: .
    image: java-app
    container_name: java-app-container
      - _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dsun.java2d.xrender=false"

I added the _JAVA_OPTIONS stuff cause I was getting some weird color errors on my swing ui.

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