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Last active April 26, 2016 14:28
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private IDisposable _shimContext { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// <para>Rules for evaluating expected HTTP requests under test.</para>
/// <para>When a rule is matched, the shim will be set up with the information contained in the tuple: the raw HTTP return code and response string.</para>
/// <para>Each rule is a function and is given the original Uri of the request and, as a convenience, the parsed query portion of the HTTP request.
/// The functions are expected to return a boolean value of whether the parameters match.</para>
/// </summary>
protected Dictionary<Func<Uri, NameValueCollection, bool>, Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>> expectedHttpRequests;
public void Setup()
_testobject = new Some();
_shimContext = ShimsContext.Create();
expectedHttpRequests = new Dictionary<Func<Uri, NameValueCollection, bool>, Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>>();
ShimHttpWebRequest.AllInstances.GetResponse = (request) =>
var responseShim = new ShimHttpWebResponse();
var parts = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.RequestUri.Query);
foreach (var condition in expectedHttpRequests)
if (condition.Key(request.RequestUri, parts))
responseShim.StatusCodeGet = () => condition.Value.Item1;
responseShim.GetResponseStream = () => new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(condition.Value.Item2));
return responseShim.Instance;
Assert.Fail("Got unexpected Request URL: {0}", request.RequestUri.ToString()); // shouldn't end up here :|
return null;
public void Teardown()
_shimContext = null;
[TestMethod, TestCategory("Unit")]
public void TestRules()
(uri, query) => uri.AbsolutePath == "/user" && query["id"] == 5,
"{\"id\": 5,\"status\":\"bonehead\"}"
var user = _testobject.GetUser(5)
Assert.AreEqual("bonehead", user.Status)
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