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- I am cscott (https://keybase.io/cscott) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCEVlDaiV8nejfMQqVjKskx-74Gn-GBqDVQyCGC4DBlDAo
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Sometime, browsing over http/https is just too insecure. For those times when you must absolutely guarantee no executable code will be served to you, we present:
Wikipedia via [telnet].
Uses the nice [mw-ocg-texter] package to do pleasant Unicode rendering
(01:01:10 PM) James_F: subbu: <ref> in a <ref> is invalid. | |
(01:01:20 PM) James_F: As is {{#tag:ref}} in a <ref>? | |
(01:01:35 PM) subbu: James_F, yes, that is what i meant | |
(01:01:38 PM) James_F: Or something hideously stupid. | |
(01:01:43 PM) James_F: Yay wikitext. :-( | |
(01:01:51 PM) subbu: but, yes,you are right ... <ref> in <ref> is invalid. | |
(01:06:28 PM) neilpquinn [~neilpquin@] entered the room. | |
(01:07:07 PM) divec|away is now known as divec | |
(01:08:18 PM) TrevorParscal is now known as TrevorP|Away | |
(01:08:37 PM) cscott-free: i should add that to my list of "101 crazy ways to escape wikitext" |
#!/usr/bin/env node | |
var r = require("request"); | |
var url = "http://wiki.vocaloid.de/api.php?format=json&action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces%7Cnamespacealiases%7Cmagicwords%7Cfunctionhooks%7Cextensiontags%7Cgeneral%7Cinterwikimap%7Clanguages%7Cprotocols&rawcontinue=1"; | |
r({ url: url, json: false }, function(err, res, body) { | |
console.log("First character is: ", body.charCodeAt(0)); | |
}); |