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Last active August 9, 2016 16:29
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N2 : Page Template : Attributes Cheat Sheet
/*Example with Code Explations
//1. The N2>>Model>> Page Template
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cadence.Web.Helpers.Attributes;
using Cadence.Web.Helpers.Extensions;
using Cadence.Web.Models.N2.Base;
using Cadence.Web.Models.N2.Parts;
using N2;
using N2.Details;
using N2.Installation;
using N2.Integrity;
using N2.Persistence.Search;
using N2.Persistence.Serialization;
using N2.Web.UI;
namespace Cadence.Web.Models.N2.PageTemplates {
//This attribute tells N2 that this is a Page Template, with the user-facing friendly name "Content Page"
[PageDefinition("Content Page"]
//This attribute tells N2 that this page can only be a child of the listed page types
//when the user creates a new page using this template.
[RestrictParents(typeof(HomePage), typeof(DepartmentPage), typeof(ContentPage))]
//When the user is editing a page created from this template, the admin area displays a tab for Social Media content
//the editor controls for the boolean values below will be displayed inside this tab because of their attributes
/// Tab areas, I assume for better admin UI/UX.
[TabContainer(Containers.SocialMedia, "Social Media", 20)]
//Note that the class inherits from AbstractPage - this is a custom type that inherits from an N2 type (N2Item)
//but adds some extra functionality. It's recommended to use the AbstractPage (and other related classes) from
//existing projects - would be a good idea to create an internal NuGet package that contains these
public class ContentPage : AbstractPage {
//Rich Text Editor : When the user is editing a page based on this template, this attribute tells N2 that that the user should see a rich text editor,
//and it should be displayed inside the Main content tab
/// Use for large paragraph sections, body text
[EditableFreeTextArea("Content", 5, FreeTextAreaSettingsSet.Simple, ContainerName = Containers.MainContent)]
//VERY IMPORTANT VIRTUAL - All editable properties should have the virtual keyword, otherwise N2 will just ignore them. virtual = editable
public virtual string Content { get; set; }
// CHECKBOX : The attribute on these properties will tell the admin page to render checkboxes inside the SocialMedia tab that was defined in the class-level attribute
///param 1 label beside the editable text box . the string property is the label text for the admin editor
///param 2 the integer property is the sort index used when displaying the editor inputs in the admin
///param 3 the tab containter you are referencing. Here we reference Containers.SocialMedia tab we created.
[EditableCheckBox("Show Facebook Button", 200, ContainerName = Containers.SocialMedia)]
public virtual bool ShowFacebookButton { get; set; }
[EditableCheckBox("Show Twitter Button", 201, ContainerName = Containers.SocialMedia)]
public virtual bool ShowTwitterButton { get; set; }
[EditableCheckBox("Show LinkedIn Button", 202, ContainerName = Containers.SocialMedia)]
public virtual bool ShowLinkedInButton { get; set; }
[EditableCheckBox("Show GooglePlus Button", 203, ContainerName = Containers.SocialMedia)]
public virtual bool ShowGooglePlusButton { get; set; }
//2. The Associatted controller setup. e.g., ContentController.cs
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using AutoMapper;
using Cadence.Web.Models.N2.PageTemplates;
using Cadence.Web.Models.ViewModels.Content;
using N2;
using N2.Definitions;
using N2.Web;
using N2.Web.Mvc;
namespace Cadence.Web.Controllers {
//tells N2 which type to work with
//make sure to inherit from the ContentController<T> base class
public class ContentController : ContentController<ContentPage> {
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