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Last active June 3, 2019 12:48
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using Sockets
using Logging
using Makie, AbstractPlotting
using Observables
using LazyJSON
# Stores the last received string.
const input_string = Node("")
# Stores the parsed vector.
const input_vector = Node(zeros(6))
# used as trigger to update the plot
const lastUpdate_ = Node(time_ns());
function servertask()
# ...
# TCP server that reads the messages into: input_string
# it's a JSON string like: {"actual_qd": [0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "actual_q": [0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}
# ...
# at a 125Hz this means the last 10 seconds
const MAX_SIZE = 1250;
# 6 arrays for the 6 subplots
FxV = rand(MAX_SIZE);
# ... 5 more times
tV = rand(MAX_SIZE);
fxNode = Node(FxV);
# ... 5 more times
tvNode = Node(tV);
s1 = lines(fxNode);
# ... 5 more times
# put in an array to handle the axes and the limit updates easier
sArr = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6];
yArr = ["$i" for i in 1:6]
scene = vbox(hbox(sArr[3], sArr[2], sArr[1]), hbox(sArr[6], sArr[5], sArr[4]));
for i in 1:6
sArr[i][Axis][:names][:axisnames] = ("Time", yArr[i]);
# this function makes a "fix sized" array
function pushTo!(A, newX, maxSize)
if size(A, 1) < maxSize
push!(A, newX)
push!(A, newX)
function getJSONvalue(str, jsonid)
jsonD = LazyJSON.value(str)
input_vector[] = convert(Array{Float64,1}, jsonD[jsonid])
return true
@info "JSON parse error caught: $jsonid; $str"
return false
# this called every time when a new message is parsed
# updates the vectors (not the observables)
function updateplotvectors(f)
pushTo!(FxV, f[1], MAX_SIZE)
# ... 5 more times
# get the current time
current_time = time_ns()
# save the time in seconds - not used currently
ttt = (current_time-startUp)/1000000000
#pushTo!(tV, ttt, MAX_SIZE)
# lastUpdate_ is used to trigger further updates (but it is throttled down)
lastUpdate_[] = current_time
# this function updates the observables (= the plot itself)
function updatePlot(val)
fxNode[] = FxV
# ... 5 more times
# update limits:
for i in 1:6
# JSON name
const JOINT = "actual_q"
# throttle plot updates to 4 times / second
lastUpdate = throttle(0.25, lastUpdate_)
# process the input string
h_input = on(str->getJSONvalue(str, JOINT), input_string)
# when an input string is processed, update the vectors
h_array = on(updateplotvectors, input_vector)
# when the throttled observable updates, update the plot
h_plot = on(updatePlot, lastUpdate)
# Running #
#show the plot
servtask = Task(servertask)
const startUp = time_ns()
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