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Created May 27, 2019 20:23
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julia> using PackageCompiler
julia> PackageCompiler.compile_incremental(:Makie, :AbstractPlotting, force = false)
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\compiled\v1.1\Makie\iZ1Bl.ji for Makie [ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a]
WARNING: using GLAbstraction.update! in module GLMakie conflicts with an existing identifier.
Updating registry at `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Makie\Project.toml`
[537997a7] + AbstractPlotting v0.9.7
[5789e2e9] + FileIO v1.0.6
[e9467ef8] + GLMakie v0.0.5
[6218d12a] + ImageMagick v0.7.3
[dca85d43] + QuartzImageIO v0.6.0
[44cfe95a] + Pkg
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Makie\Manifest.toml`
[621f4979] + AbstractFFTs v0.4.1
[537997a7] + AbstractPlotting v0.9.7
[13072b0f] + AxisAlgorithms v1.0.0
[39de3d68] + AxisArrays v0.3.0
[9e28174c] + BinDeps v0.8.10
[b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.4
[631607c0] + CMake v1.1.1
[d5fb7624] + CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
[00ebfdb7] + CSTParser v0.5.2
[a2cac450] + ColorBrewer v0.4.0
[3da002f7] + ColorTypes v0.8.0
[c3611d14] + ColorVectorSpace v0.6.2
[5ae59095] + Colors v0.9.5
[34da2185] + Compat v2.1.0
[8f4d0f93] + Conda v1.2.0
[d38c429a] + Contour v0.5.1
[150eb455] + CoordinateTransformations v0.5.0
[864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.15.0
[7a1cc6ca] + FFTW v0.2.4
[5789e2e9] + FileIO v1.0.6
[53c48c17] + FixedPointNumbers v0.5.3
[b38be410] + FreeType v2.1.1
[663a7486] + FreeTypeAbstraction v0.4.2
[f7f18e0c] + GLFW v2.3.0
[e9467ef8] + GLMakie v0.0.5
[4d00f742] + GeometryTypes v0.7.4
[a2bd30eb] + Graphics v0.4.0
[d9be37ee] + Homebrew v0.7.1
[bbac6d45] + IdentityRanges v0.3.0
[2803e5a7] + ImageAxes v0.6.0
[a09fc81d] + ImageCore v0.7.4
[6218d12a] + ImageMagick v0.7.3
[02fcd773] + ImageTransformations v0.8.0
[9b13fd28] + IndirectArrays v0.5.0
[a98d9a8b] + Interpolations v0.12.1
[8197267c] + IntervalSets v0.3.1
[c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.1.1
[682c06a0] + JSON v0.20.0
[1914dd2f] + MacroTools v0.5.0
[dbb5928d] + MappedArrays v0.2.1
[e1d29d7a] + Missings v0.4.1
[66fc600b] + ModernGL v1.0.0
[77ba4419] + NaNMath v0.3.2
[510215fc] + Observables v0.2.3
[6fe1bfb0] + OffsetArrays v0.11.0
[bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
[19eb6ba3] + Packing v0.3.0
[5432bcbf] + PaddedViews v0.4.2
[d96e819e] + Parameters v0.10.3
[995b91a9] + PlotUtils v0.5.8
[27ebfcd6] + Primes v0.4.0
[dca85d43] + QuartzImageIO v0.6.0
[b3c3ace0] + RangeArrays v0.3.1
[c84ed2f1] + Ratios v0.3.1
[189a3867] + Reexport v0.2.0
[6038ab10] + Rotations v0.11.1
[992d4aef] + Showoff v0.2.1
[73760f76] + SignedDistanceFields v0.4.0
[699a6c99] + SimpleTraits v0.8.0
[a2af1166] + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
[276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v0.7.2
[90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.10.3
[2913bbd2] + StatsBase v0.30.0
[0796e94c] + Tokenize v0.5.3
[30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.0
[1cfade01] + UnicodeFun v0.4.0
[81def892] + VersionParsing v1.1.3
[efce3f68] + WoodburyMatrices v0.4.1
[2a0f44e3] + Base64
[ade2ca70] + Dates
[8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles
[8ba89e20] + Distributed
[b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils
[76f85450] + LibGit2
[8f399da3] + Libdl
[37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra
[56ddb016] + Logging
[d6f4376e] + Markdown
[a63ad114] + Mmap
[44cfe95a] + Pkg
[de0858da] + Printf
[3fa0cd96] + REPL
[9a3f8284] + Random
[ea8e919c] + SHA
[9e88b42a] + Serialization
[1a1011a3] + SharedArrays
[6462fe0b] + Sockets
[2f01184e] + SparseArrays
[10745b16] + Statistics
[8dfed614] + Test
[cf7118a7] + UUIDs
[4ec0a83e] + Unicode
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Makie\Project.toml`
[9b87118b] + PackageCompiler v0.6.3
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Makie\Manifest.toml`
[c7e460c6] + ArgParse v0.6.2
[e1450e63] + BufferedStreams v1.0.0
[0862f596] + HTTPClient v0.2.1
[b27032c2] + LibCURL v0.5.1
[522f3ed2] + LibExpat v0.5.0
[2ec943e9] + Libz v1.0.0
[9b87118b] + PackageCompiler v0.6.3
[b718987f] + TextWrap v0.3.0
[c17dfb99] + WinRPM v0.4.2
[ Info: activating new environment at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Makie\Project.toml.
Updating registry at `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo ``
WARNING: using Makie.AbstractPlotting in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
[ Info: starting from index 1
running tutorial_simple_scatter
running tutorial_markersize
running tutorial_simple_line
running tutorial_adding_to_a_scene
running tutorial_adjusting_scene_limits
running tutorial_basic_theming
running tutorial_heatmap
running tutorial_linesegments
running tutorial_barplot
running test_heatmap___image_overlap
running animation
running barplot_1
running poly_and_colormap
running quiver_1
running image_1
running scatter_colormap
running lots_of_heatmaps
running fem_polygon_2d
running fem_mesh_2d
running colored_triangle
running heatmap_interpolation
running colored_triangle_1
running subscenes
running polygons
running contour_function
running hbox_1
running customize_axes
running contour_1
running heatmap_1
running animated_scatter
running text_annotation
running text_rotation
running the_famous_iris_example
running chess_game
running linesegments___colors
1 : #version 330
2 :
3 : #extension GL_ARB_conservative_depth: enable
4 :
5 : in vec2 vertex;
6 : in vec3 color;
7 : uniform float thickness;
8 :
9 : uniform mat4 projection, view, model;
10 : uniform uint objectid;
11 :
12 : out uvec2 g_id;
13 : out vec4 g_color;
14 : out float g_thickness;
15 :
16 : vec4 getindex(sampler2D tex, int index);
17 : vec4 getindex(sampler1D tex, int index);
18 :
19 : vec4 to_vec4(vec3 v){return vec4(v, 1);}
20 : vec4 to_vec4(vec2 v){return vec4(v, 0, 1);}
21 :
22 :
23 : void main()
24 : {
25 : int index = gl_VertexID;
26 : g_id = uvec2(objectid, index+1);
27 : g_color = color;;
28 : g_thickness = thickness;
29 : gl_Position = projection*view*model*to_vec4(vertex);
30 : }
31 :
┌ Warning: shader C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\line_segment.vert didn't compile.
│ ERROR: 0:27: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'attribute 3-component vector of float' to 'varying 4-component vector of float'
└ @ GLMakie.GLAbstraction C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLAbstraction\GLShader.jl:142
┌ Warning: Snoop file errored. Precompile statements were recorded untill error!
│ exception =
│ LoadError: program 81 not linked. Error in:
│ C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\fragment_output.frag or C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\util.vert or C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\line_segment.vert or C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\line_segment.geom or C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\GLMakie\nDrlO\src\GLVisualize\assets\shader\lines.frag
│ Attached vertex shader is not compiled.
│ in expression starting at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\Makie\ogxgz\test\runtests.jl:12
└ @ Main C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\run_julia_code.jl:12
[ Info: used 6078 out of 6127 precompile statements
Updating registry at `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\AbstractPlotting\Project.toml`
[a2cac450] + ColorBrewer v0.4.0
[3da002f7] + ColorTypes v0.8.0
[5ae59095] + Colors v0.9.5
[d38c429a] + Contour v0.5.1
[5789e2e9] + FileIO v1.0.6
[53c48c17] + FixedPointNumbers v0.5.3
[b38be410] + FreeType v2.1.1
[663a7486] + FreeTypeAbstraction v0.4.2
[4d00f742] + GeometryTypes v0.7.4
[6218d12a] + ImageMagick v0.7.3
[8197267c] + IntervalSets v0.3.1
[510215fc] + Observables v0.2.3
[19eb6ba3] + Packing v0.3.0
[995b91a9] + PlotUtils v0.5.8
[992d4aef] + Showoff v0.2.1
[73760f76] + SignedDistanceFields v0.4.0
[90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.10.3
[1cfade01] + UnicodeFun v0.4.0
[37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra
[d6f4376e] + Markdown
[de0858da] + Printf
[9a3f8284] + Random
[9e88b42a] + Serialization
[10745b16] + Statistics
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\AbstractPlotting\Manifest.toml`
[621f4979] + AbstractFFTs v0.4.1
[9e28174c] + BinDeps v0.8.10
[b99e7846] + BinaryProvider v0.5.4
[a2cac450] + ColorBrewer v0.4.0
[3da002f7] + ColorTypes v0.8.0
[c3611d14] + ColorVectorSpace v0.6.2
[5ae59095] + Colors v0.9.5
[34da2185] + Compat v2.1.0
[8f4d0f93] + Conda v1.2.0
[d38c429a] + Contour v0.5.1
[864edb3b] + DataStructures v0.15.0
[7a1cc6ca] + FFTW v0.2.4
[5789e2e9] + FileIO v1.0.6
[53c48c17] + FixedPointNumbers v0.5.3
[b38be410] + FreeType v2.1.1
[663a7486] + FreeTypeAbstraction v0.4.2
[4d00f742] + GeometryTypes v0.7.4
[a2bd30eb] + Graphics v0.4.0
[a09fc81d] + ImageCore v0.8.3
[6218d12a] + ImageMagick v0.7.3
[8197267c] + IntervalSets v0.3.1
[c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.1.1
[682c06a0] + JSON v0.20.0
[dbb5928d] + MappedArrays v0.2.1
[e1d29d7a] + Missings v0.4.1
[77ba4419] + NaNMath v0.3.2
[510215fc] + Observables v0.2.3
[6fe1bfb0] + OffsetArrays v0.11.0
[bac558e1] + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
[19eb6ba3] + Packing v0.3.0
[5432bcbf] + PaddedViews v0.4.2
[995b91a9] + PlotUtils v0.5.8
[189a3867] + Reexport v0.2.0
[992d4aef] + Showoff v0.2.1
[73760f76] + SignedDistanceFields v0.4.0
[a2af1166] + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
[276daf66] + SpecialFunctions v0.7.2
[90137ffa] + StaticArrays v0.10.3
[2913bbd2] + StatsBase v0.30.0
[30578b45] + URIParser v0.4.0
[1cfade01] + UnicodeFun v0.4.0
[81def892] + VersionParsing v1.1.3
[2a0f44e3] + Base64
[ade2ca70] + Dates
[8bb1440f] + DelimitedFiles
[8ba89e20] + Distributed
[b77e0a4c] + InteractiveUtils
[76f85450] + LibGit2
[8f399da3] + Libdl
[37e2e46d] + LinearAlgebra
[56ddb016] + Logging
[d6f4376e] + Markdown
[a63ad114] + Mmap
[44cfe95a] + Pkg
[de0858da] + Printf
[3fa0cd96] + REPL
[9a3f8284] + Random
[ea8e919c] + SHA
[9e88b42a] + Serialization
[1a1011a3] + SharedArrays
[6462fe0b] + Sockets
[2f01184e] + SparseArrays
[10745b16] + Statistics
[8dfed614] + Test
[cf7118a7] + UUIDs
[4ec0a83e] + Unicode
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\AbstractPlotting\Project.toml`
[9b87118b] + PackageCompiler v0.6.3
[44cfe95a] + Pkg
Updating `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\AbstractPlotting\Manifest.toml`
[c7e460c6] + ArgParse v0.6.2
[e1450e63] + BufferedStreams v1.0.0
[0862f596] + HTTPClient v0.2.1
[b27032c2] + LibCURL v0.5.1
[522f3ed2] + LibExpat v0.5.0
[2ec943e9] + Libz v1.0.0
[9b87118b] + PackageCompiler v0.6.3
[b718987f] + TextWrap v0.3.0
[c17dfb99] + WinRPM v0.4.2
[ Info: activating new environment at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\AbstractPlotting\Project.toml.
Updating registry at `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo ``
Test Summary: | Pass Total
Quaternions | 8 8
Test Summary: | Pass Total
Projection math | 2 2
┌ Warning: Snoop file errored. Precompile statements were recorded untill error!
│ exception =
│ LoadError: UndefVarError: load_tests not defined
│ in expression starting at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\AbstractPlotting\eLqZf\test\runtests.jl:12
└ @ Main C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\run_julia_code.jl:12
[ Info: used 337 out of 337 precompile statements
┌ Info: activating new environment at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\Project.toml.
└ @ Pkg.API C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\API.jl:524
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: ambiguious dependency for ImageMagick: ImageCore
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
[2] Dict{Base.UUID,Pkg.Types.PackageEntry}(::Dict{String,Any}) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:519
[3] #read_manifest#47(::String, ::Function, ::IOStream) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:571
[4] #read_manifest at .\tuple.jl:0 [inlined]
[5] #50 at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:575 [inlined]
[6] #open#310(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::getfield(Pkg.Types, Symbol("##50#51")){String}, ::String) at .\iostream.jl:375
[7] open at .\iostream.jl:373 [inlined]
[8] read_manifest at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:574 [inlined]
[9] Pkg.Types.EnvCache(::Nothing) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:301
[10] Type at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\Types.jl:278 [inlined]
[11] Pkg.Types.Context() at .\util.jl:728
[12] #instantiate#66 at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\API.jl:440 [inlined]
[13] instantiate() at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.1\Pkg\src\API.jl:440
[14] top-level scope at none:0
[15] include at .\boot.jl:326 [inlined]
[16] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1038
[17] include at .\sysimg.jl:29 [inlined]
[18] include(::String) at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\run_julia_code.jl:16
[19] top-level scope at none:0
[20] include at .\boot.jl:326 [inlined]
[21] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1038
[22] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:29
[23] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at .\client.jl:267
[24] _start() at .\client.jl:436
in expression starting at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\packages\incremental_precompile.jl:7
in expression starting at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\run_julia_code.jl:18
ERROR: failed process: Process(`'C:\Users\cstamas\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\bin\julia.exe' --optimize=3 '--output-o=C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\sys.a' -g1 --track-allocation=none --startup-file=no --code-coverage=none --history-file=yes --inline=yes --math-mode=ieee --handle-signals=yes --warn-overwrite=no --compile=yes --depwarn=yes --cpu-target=native --track-allocation=none --sysimage-native-code=yes '--sysimage=C:\Users\cstamas\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\lib\julia\sys.dll' -g1 --compiled-modules=yes --optimize=2 'C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\sysimg\run_julia_code.jl'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
[1] error(::String, ::Base.Process, ::String, ::Int64, ::String) at .\error.jl:42
[2] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:785 [inlined]
[3] #run#515(::Bool, ::Function, ::Cmd) at .\process.jl:726
[4] run at .\process.jl:724 [inlined]
[5] #run_julia#1 at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\src\compiler_flags.jl:225 [inlined]
[6] #run_julia at .\none:0 [inlined]
[7] #compile_incremental#62(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Function, ::String, ::String) at C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\fF1RF\src\incremental.jl:137
[8] #compile_incremental#63 at .\none:0 [inlined]
[9] (::getfield(PackageCompiler, Symbol("#kw##compile_incremental")))(::NamedTuple{(:force,),Tuple{Bool}}, ::typeof(compile_incremental), ::Symbol, ::Symbol) at .\none:0
[10] top-level scope at none:0
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.1.1
Commit 55e36cc308 (2019-05-16 04:10 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, ivybridge)
(v1.1) pkg> st
Status `C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\environments\v1.1\Project.toml`
[537997a7] AbstractPlotting v0.9.7 #master (
[c52e3926] Atom v0.8.5
[6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.4.2
[5ae59095] Colors v0.9.5
[a6e380b2] ControlSystems v0.5.3
[717857b8] DSP v0.5.2
[31a5f54b] Debugger v0.4.0
[67fdca37] Displaz v1.0.0
[e30172f5] Documenter v0.22.4
[cd674d7a] DocumenterLaTeX v0.2.0
[997ab1e6] DocumenterMarkdown v0.2.0
[5789e2e9] FileIO v1.0.6
[f7f18e0c] GLFW v2.3.0
[e9467ef8] GLMakie v0.0.5 #master (
[28b8d3ca] GR v0.39.0 ⚲
[4d00f742] GeometryTypes v0.7.4
[7073ff75] IJulia v1.18.1
[6218d12a] ImageMagick v0.7.3
[86fae568] ImageView v0.9.0
[916415d5] Images v0.18.0
[c601a237] Interact v0.10.2
[033835bb] JLD2 v0.1.2
[e5e0dc1b] Juno v0.7.0
[b964fa9f] LaTeXStrings v1.0.3
[fc18253b] LazyJSON v0.1.1
[ee78f7c6] Makie v0.9.3
[dbd62bd0] MakieGallery v0.0.7
[283c5d60] MeshCat v0.6.0
[6ad125db] MeshCatMechanisms v0.4.0
[7269a6da] MeshIO v0.3.1
[66fc600b] ModernGL v1.0.0
[510215fc] Observables v0.2.3
[9b87118b] PackageCompiler v0.6.3+ #master ( ⚲
[91a5bcdd] Plots v0.25.1
[d330b81b] PyPlot v2.8.1
[df47a6cb] RData v0.6.0
[ce6b1742] RDatasets v0.6.1
[dee08c22] RegionTrees v0.2.0
[295af30f] Revise v2.1.5
[366cf18f] RigidBodyDynamics v2.0.0
[6038ab10] Rotations v0.11.1
[90137ffa] StaticArrays v0.10.3
[65254759] StatsMakie v0.0.5
[24249f21] SymPy v1.0.3
[5e47fb64] TestImages v0.5.1
[44d3d7a6] Weave v0.9.0
[8603256b] ZChop v0.3.3
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