##Intro to Python:
<div class="app"><style type="text/css" media="screen,print">#g-graphic-box .g-artboard { | |
margin:0 auto; | |
} | |
#g-graphic-box .g-artboard p { | |
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.g-aiAbs { | |
position:absolute; | |
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.g-aiImg { |
<!-- Pym --> | |
<script defer src="https://pym.nprapps.org/pym.v1.min.js"></script> | |
<!-- Graphic --> | |
<div class="dv201808-graphic dv201808-graphic--centered dv201808-graphic--centered-narrow" data-pym-src="https://graphics.texastribune.org/graphics/tx-gulf-infastructure-2018-11/">Loading...</div> | |
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.dv201808-graphic { | |
clear: both; |
##Intro to Python:
<div class="left"> | |
<h3 style="line-height: 28px;"><a href="http://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/health/medicaid-charts" target="_blank">Iowa's new Medicaid program in nine charts</a></h3> | |
<a href="http://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/health/medicaid-charts" target="_blank"><img style="width: 100%;" src="http://www.thegazette.com/storyimage/GA/20170117/NEWS/170119707/AR/0/AR-170119707.jpg&MaxH=500" alt="" /></a> | |
<p class="embed-subhead">Each fiscal quarter, the Department of Human Services releases an extensive report detailing how the managed care organizations are performing. Click for a snapshot of the data</p> | |
</div> |
This will walk you through creating a new data project in Saxo. The following you only need to do once:
Make sure you have Homebrew installed, if you don't already:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
Install node via Homebrew:
brew install node
<div class="center"><iframe frameborder="0" height="450" src="https://gadatabases.herokuapp.com/datasets/2" width="100%"></iframe></div> |
<iframe src="http://files.gazlab.com/content-host/timelines/timelines-tik-tok/jerime-mitchell-shooting.html" width="100%" scrolling="yes" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" height="500px"></iframe> |
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<script>$('#follow-us-box').addClass('display-none');</script> |