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Last active September 20, 2017 18:53
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(function(ext) {
// Cleanup function when the extension is unloaded
ext._shutdown = function() {};
// Status reporting code
// Use this to report missing hardware, plugin or unsupported browser
ext._getStatus = function() {
return {status: 2, msg: 'Ready'};
// Block and block menu descriptions
var descriptor = {
blocks: [
['r', 'Messages Count', 'getMessageCount'],
[' ', 'Follow %s', 'putFollower', 'csf30816'],
[' ', 'Alert %s', 'addAlert', 'This page is top secret!'],
[' ', 'Love Project# %n', 'addLove', 100000],
[' ', 'Favorite Project# %n', 'addFave', 100000],
[' ', 'Shut down this project with reason %s', 'shut', ''],
['r', 'Amount of projects on scratch', 'projectsGetAmount']
ext.getMessageCount = function(callback) {
url: '',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (responseText) {
messages = responseText['msg_count'];
ext.putFollower = function(user) {
type: "PUT",
url: "" + user + "/add/",
data: {
usernames: Scratch.INIT_DATA.LOGGED_IN_USER.model.username
ext.addAlert = function(alert) {
ext.addLove = function(projectID) {
type: "PUT",
url: "" + projectID + "/add/?usernames=" + Scratch.INIT_DATA.LOGGED_IN_USER.model.username,
data: {
usernames: Scratch.INIT_DATA.LOGGED_IN_USER.model.username
ext.addFave = function(projectID) {
type: "PUT",
url: "" + projectID + "/add/?usernames=" + Scratch.INIT_DATA.LOGGED_IN_USER.model.username,
data: {
usernames: Scratch.INIT_DATA.LOGGED_IN_USER.model.username
ext.shutdown = function(shut) {
document.write('This project has been shut down for this reason: ' + shut + '!');
ext.projectGetAmount = function(callback) {
url: '',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (responseText) {
projects = responseText['count'];
// Register the extension
ScratchExtensions.register('Scratch Api', descriptor, ext);
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bob1171 commented Sep 20, 2017


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