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Created October 9, 2015 08:35
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Example Makefile used when dealing with Sweave
## $* = filename without extension
## $@ = the output file
## $< = the input file
.SUFFIXES: .tex .pdf .Rnw .R
MAIN = lecture
INCLUDES = chapter1 chapter2 chapter3
TEX = $(INCLUDES:=.tex)
all: $(TEX) $(MAIN).pdf
$(MAIN).pdf: $(TEX) $(MAIN).tex
view: all
xpdf $(MAIN).pdf &
R CMD Stangle $<
Rscript -e "require(highlight); \
driver = HighlightWeaveLatex(boxes = TRUE);\
Sweave('$*.Rnw', driver = driver ); "
rubber --pdf $*.tex # Or use pdflatex
rm -fv $(MAIN).pdf $(TEX) $(RFILES)
rm -fv *.aux *.dvi *.log *.toc *.bak *~ *.blg *.bbl *.lot *.lof
rm -fv *.nav *.snm *.out *.pyc \#*\# _region_* _tmp.* *.vrb
rm -fv Rplots.pdf *.RData movie.csv.gz mygraph*
make clean
rm -fv ../graphics/*.pdf
rm -fvr auto/
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