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Created August 2, 2019 00:13
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Partial axiomatization of hybrid logic assertions for actors in Dafny
module ActorCore {
class {:extern} ActorRef<Ms> {}
predicate {:extern} at<T,Ms>(i: ActorRef<Ms>, p:(T ~> bool))
/* at[i](_) is a modality */
lemma atImpl<T,M>(c:ActorRef<M>, P:T~>bool, Q:T~>bool)
requires forall x:T :: P.requires(x) ==> Q.requires(x)
requires forall x:T :: P.requires(x) ==> P(x) ==> Q(x)
ensures at(c, P) ==> at(c, Q)
/* When using the above, Dafny sometimes doesn't notice the precondition holds;
this variant forces it to look for it. */
lemma atImpl2<T,M>(c:ActorRef<M>, P:T~>bool, Q:T~>bool)
requires forall x:T :: P.requires(x) ==> Q.requires(x)
requires forall x:T :: P.requires(x) ==> P(x) ==> Q(x)
requires at(c,P)
ensures at(c, Q)
/* Generic utility for packing a sender with an arbitrary message */
class MsgBox<T,U> {
var sender: ActorRef<T>
var msg: U
constructor(s:ActorRef<T>, m:U) {
sender := s;
msg := m;
abstract module DafnyActor {
import opened ActorCore
type State
type Msgs
twostate predicate stable(a:Actor, P:State~>bool) reads a, P.reads {
(old(P.requires(a.state) && P(a.state)) &&
==> (P.requires(a.state)) && P(a.state)
class Actor {
twostate predicate G() reads this
function method self() : ActorRef<Msgs> reads this
var state: State
constructor {:extern} () ensures inv()
predicate inv() reads this
method send<T>(dest: ActorRef<T>, msg:T)
method receive(message: Msgs)
modifies this
requires inv()
ensures inv()
ensures G()
class Witness {
var loc: ActorRef<Msgs>
predicate P(s:State) reads this
twostate lemma stability(x:Actor)
ensures stable(x, P)
ensures P(r.state)
ensures at(r.self(), P)
lemma introAt(r:Actor)
requires r.self() == loc
requires P(r.state)
ensures at(r.self(), P)
{ assume at(r.self(), P); }
static method Unpack(w:Witness)
ensures at(w.loc, w.P)
assume at(w.loc, w.P);
module CounterStuff {
module CounterMod refines DafnyActor {
// Work around Dafny issue 332 (
// I've introduced a local guarantee Gsub (here and in the manager) giving what
// *should* be the refined definition of G, and added it as a postcondition to
// both receive methods.
twostate predicate stableSub(a:Actor, P:State~>bool) reads a, P.reads {
(old(P.requires(a.state) && P(a.state)) &&
==> (P.requires(a.state)) && P(a.state)
class Witness {
var lb: nat
predicate P(s:State) { lb <= s }
twostate lemma stability(x:Actor)
ensures stable(x, P)
ensures stableSub(x, P)
// This fails to check the stableSub postcondition (added to work 'fake' a fix to the twostate predicate refinement bug) because I can't add the extra required precondition I added to substable(Actor).
assume lb == old(lb);
// Work around Dafny issue 332 (
assume x.Gsub() ==> x.G();
assert stableSub(x,P);
twostate lemma substable(x:Actor)
// Currently no way in Dafny to say all fields of an object remain fixed, which would need to be in the *abstract* module's precondition.
// Hack it here by stating this specifically for lb.
// Would be fixed by adding object immutability to Dafny.
requires lb == old(lb)
requires old(P(x.state))
requires x.Gsub()
ensures P(x.state)
assert (lb <= old(x.state));
assert (old(x.state) <= x.state);
ensures P(r.state)
ensures at(r.self(), P)
lb := r.state;
loc := r.self();
assert P(r.state);
type State = nat
type Msgs = MsgBox<Witness,nat>
class Actor {
ensures inv()
state := 0;
twostate predicate Gsub() reads this { old(this.state) <= state }
predicate inv() { 0 <= this.state }
method receive(message: Msgs)
ensures inv()
ensures Gsub()
state := state + message.msg;
var w := new Witness(this);
send(message.sender, w);
assert Gsub();
// Work around Dafny issue 332 (
assume Gsub() ==> G();
module ManagerMod refines DafnyActor {
import CounterMod
type State = nat
type Msgs = CounterMod.Witness
class Actor {
function method self() : ActorRef<Msgs>
var child: ActorRef<MsgBox<CounterMod.Witness,nat>>
twostate predicate Gsub() reads this { old(child)==child && old(state) <= state && at(child, (s:nat) reads this => state <= s) }
predicate inv() { at(child, (s:nat) reads this => state <= s) }
method send<T>(dest: ActorRef<T>, msg:T)
method receive(message: Msgs)
ensures inv()
ensures Gsub()
var sender := message.loc;
atImpl(sender, message.P, (s:nat) reads message => <= s);
assert (at(sender, (s:nat) reads message => <= s));
if (sender == child && state < {
state :=;
atImpl(child, (s:nat) reads message => <= s, (s:nat) reads this => this.state <= s);
// Gsub here is a standin for G... which I can't refine correctly due to a Dafny bug
assert Gsub();
assume Gsub() ==> G();
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