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Last active December 21, 2015 06:19
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open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
module StrictlyPositive where
-- The following datatype is accepted by Agda, but rejected
-- by Coq
data Ty : Set0 -> Set0 where
c1 : Ty ℕ
c2 : Ty (Ty ℕ)
c3 : Ty (Ty (Ty ℕ))
-- Coq complains that the occurrences of [Ty _] in the index positions of
-- c2 and c3 violate strict positivity.
{- So apparently Coq and Agda have different notions of strictly positive,
which I thought was a well-defined syntactic restriction on inductive
I found no explanation online of *why* this is permitted, but apparently Nils
Anders Danielsson thinks this should be prohibited, and Voevodsky claims
this is incompatible with univalence:
Looking at one of Dybjer's early inductive type papers, after a vague offhand
comment in the introduction that Paulin-Möhring and Coquand's version has slight
differences due to being in an impredicative theory on page 7 of Inductive Families
( Dybjer presents
a scheme for inductive definitions of a type P where P seems to be allowed as
an index in the result of any constructor (e.g. ctor_i : ... -> P (P ...) is allowed)
as in Agda, whereas the Coq documentation and Paulin-Möhring's CID paper is quite
explicit that this is disallowed. This suggests that this discrepancy might be
a result of predicativity vs. impredicativity (though Set in Coq has been predicative
by default since version 7), though I can't find any clear description of the different
restrictions imposed on inductive definitions in impredicative vs. predicative
type theories.
{- The following is also permitted, and equivalent to the single inductive family
above. But is this accepted because it's a baseline inductive-recursive
definition, or because Agda again has a more liberal view of strict positivity than Coq would?
(There's no direct Coq equivalent, since Coq doesn't support direct IR definitions.)
data U : Set0 -> Set0 where
c : (i : Fin 3) -> U (T i)
T : Fin 3 -> Set0
T zero = ℕ
T (suc zero) = U ℕ
T (suc (suc i)) = U (U ℕ)
Inductive Ty : Set -> Set :=
| c1 : Ty nat
| c2 : Ty (Ty nat)
| c3 : Ty (Ty (Ty nat)).
(* Apparently Coq'Art uses almost the same definition in demonstrating a definition
that violates strict positivity (Section, p.379):
Inductive T : Set -> Set := c : (T (T nat)).
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