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Last active June 25, 2021 06:24
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Examples of NUnit and Moq assertions
public void SetUp()
_MockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Strict);
_MockLogger = _MockRepository.Create<ILogger<TagController>>();
_MockTagManager = _MockRepository.Create<ITagManager>();
_MockApplicationConfigManager = _MockRepository.Create<IApplicationConfigManager>();
private TagController CreateTagController()
_MockLogger.Setup(logger => logger.Log(It.IsAny<LogLevel>(),
It.Is<It.IsAnyType>((v, t) => true),
It.Is<Func<It.IsAnyType, Exception, string>>((v, t) => true)));
return new TagController(
public async Task Edit_check_completed()
AsyncTestDelegate act = () => _Controller.Edit(It.IsAny<int>());
public async Task Edit_check_called_ShowProposalManager()
AsyncTestDelegate act = () => _Controller.Edit(It.IsAny<int>());
_ShowProposalManagerMock.Verify(spmm => spmm.GetShowProposalById(It.IsAny<int>()));
public async Task Check_ViewName()
var result = await _Controller.Edit(It.IsAny<int>()) as ViewResult;
Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewName, "~/views/tv/showproposal/edit.cshtml");
public async Task ShowProposalProductSearchModal_check_throws_ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
AsyncTestDelegate act = () => _Controller.ShowProposalProductSearchModal(0);
Assert.That(act, Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
public class DepartmentController : Controller
DepartmentAccess objds;
public DepartmentController()
objds = new DepartmentAccess();
// GET: Department
public ActionResult Index()
var Depts = objds.GetDepartments();
return View("Index",Depts);
// GET: Department/Create
public ActionResult Create()
var Dept = new Department();
return View(Dept);
// POST: Department/Create
public ActionResult Create(Department dept)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(dept);
public class ControllerTestClass
/// <summary>
/// Test the Action metjod returning Specific Index View
/// </summary>
public void TestDepartmentIndex()
var obj =new DepartmentController();
var actResult = obj.Index() as ViewResult;
Assert.That(actResult.ViewName, Is.EqualTo("Index"));
/// <summary>
/// Testing the RedirectToRoute to Check for the Redirect
/// to Index Action
/// </summary>
public void TestDepartmentCreateRedirect()
var obj = new DepartmentController();
RedirectToRouteResult result = obj.Create(new Department()
}) as RedirectToRouteResult;
Assert.That(result.RouteValues["action"], Is.EqualTo("Index"));
/// <summary>
/// Test to return Error View is the Model is Invalid
/// </summary>
public void TestDepartmentCreateErrorView()
var obj = new DepartmentController();
ViewResult result = obj.Create(new Department()
DeptNo = 2,
Dname = "D1",
Location = "L1"
}) as ViewResult;
Assert.That(result.ViewName, Is.EqualTo("Error"));
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