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Last active April 5, 2023 17:49
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import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.optimize
def norm_or_zero(v):
# normalize vectors along the last axis, avoiding div0 for zero vectors.
denom = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
return np.where(denom > 0, v / denom, 0)
def get_thrust(p):
# p should have shape (*, N, 3), for the (px,py,pz) of an arbitrary batch-shape (*,)
# of input jets with up to N particles. Zero-pad along the N dimension for jets that
# have fewer than N particles.
# start with a guess of nhat by taking the axis of the momentum sum over the jet
psum = np.sum(p, axis=-2) # shape: (*, 3)
nhat_0 = norm_or_zero(psum) # shape: (*, 3)
# define optimization objective:
def obj(nhat):
# we have to restore nhat's shape since scipy.optimize flattens it
nhat = nhat.reshape(nhat_0.shape)
# force nhat to be normalized
# probably not ideal, creates degenerate directions in
# the gradiant, but, eh. you could use a proper constraint.
# or solve in a local 2d parameterization for S2.
nhat = norm_or_zero(nhat) # shape: (*, 3)
nhat = nhat[...,None,:] # shape: (*, 1, 3)
dotproduct = np.sum(p*nhat, axis=-1) # shape: (*, N)
numerator = np.sum(np.abs(dotproduct), axis=-1) # shape: (*,)
# we have to take the mean over all jets to
# to a scalar output, but the jacobian should be diagonal.
out = numerator.mean()
return -out # negative for minimize()
# maximize the numerator:
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(obj, nhat_0.flatten())
# now calculate thrust for the solved values of alphas:
nhat = result.x.reshape(nhat_0.shape)
nhat = norm_or_zero(nhat)[...,None,:] # shape (*,1,3)
dotproduct = np.sum(p*nhat, axis=-1)
numerator = np.sum(np.abs(dotproduct), axis=-1) # shape: (*,)
pmag = np.linalg.norm(p, axis=-1) # shape: (*,N)
denominator = pmag.sum(axis=-1) # shape: (*,)
return np.where(denominator > 0, numerator / denominator, 0) # shape: (*,)
def get_thrust_T(pt):
# pt should have shape (*, N, 2), for the px and py of an arbitrary batch-shape (*,)
# of input jets with up to N particles. Zero-pad along the N dimension for jets that
# have fewer than N particles.
# returns zero for jets that had all zero particles.
# transverse thrust can just be solved directly.
ptsum = np.sum(pt, axis=-2) # shape: (*, 2)
alphas = np.arctan2(ptsum[...,1], ptsum[...,0]) # shape: (*,)
alphas = alphas[...,None] # shape: (*,) -> (*,1)
dotproduct = (pt[...,0]*np.cos(alphas))**2 + (pt[...,1]*np.sin(alphas))**2 # shape: (*,N)
numerator = np.sqrt(dotproduct).sum(axis=-1) # shape: (*,)
ptmag = np.linalg.norm(pt, axis=-1) # shape: (*,N)
denominator = ptmag.sum(axis=-1) # shape: (*,)
return np.where(denominator > 0, numerator / denominator, 0) # shape: (*,)
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