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Last active October 23, 2016 23:31
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import ROOT as r
import numpy as np
class FatJet:
def __init__(self, tree, idx):
# make an object representing the jet at index `idx` by pulling
# interesting attributes out of the tree.
self.m = tree.fjet_m[idx] = tree.fjet_pt[idx]
self.pt_untrim = tree.ut_asso_fjet_pt[idx]
self.tau21 = tree.fjet_tau21[idx]
self.tau21_untrim = tree.ut_asso_fjet_tau21[idx]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from argparse import ArgumentParser
# read the command line arguments
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Loop through some ntuple and read stuff")
parser.add_argument("--tree-name", default="zpj", help="The name of the tree to read.")
parser.add_argument("input_file", help="the input ntuple")
args = parser.parse_args()
# open the file and get the tree
print "Loading tree '%s' from %s" % (args.tree_name, args.input_file)
input_file = r.TFile(args.input_file)
t = input_file.Get(args.tree_name)
total_events = t.GetEntries()
print "There are %d events in the tree." % total_events
# loop thru the events and do stuff
for i,evt in enumerate(t):
if i%10==0:
print "processing event %d" % i
# here's one way to do it...
# simultaneously loop thru the list of fatjets pT/mass/tau21:
for (pt, mass, tau21) in zip(evt.fjet_pt, evt.fjet_m, evt.fjet_tau21):
if pt<400e3: continue
if mass < 20e3: continue
print "Event %d: found some jet w/ like high pt and stuff: (%g, %g, %g)" % (i, pt, mass, tau21)
# but IMO a clearer way is to build up a list of jet "objects".
# see the very simple class definition at the top of this file.
n_fatjets = len(evt.fjet_m)
fatjets_all = [FatJet(t, idx) for idx in xrange(n_fatjets)]
# calculate the tau21' values for each fatjet
for jet in fatjets_all:
# note that in python we can arbitrarilly assign new attributes to an object
jet.tau21_prime = jet.tau21_untrim #+ 0.04 * np.log(jet.m**2 / jet.pt_untrim / 1e3)
# now slim down the list of fatjets by making some selection requirements on pT and mass
selected = fatjets_all
selected = filter(lambda j: j.m>20e3, selected)
selected = filter(lambda j:>200e3, selected)
print "(Event %d) selected %d of %d fatjets!" % (i, len(selected), n_fatjets)
for iselected, jet in enumerate(selected):
# print the selected jets and compare their tau21 and tau21' values
print "\t%d: (pT, tau21, tau21') = (%d, %.2f, %.2f)" % (iselected,, jet.tau21, jet.tau21_prime)
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