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cshold / shop.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
React's raw zoom JS
window.timber = window.timber || {};
timber.cacheSelectors = function () {
timber.cache = {
// Product Page
$productImageWrap: $('#productPhoto'),
$productImage: $('#productPhotoImg'),
$thumbImages: $('#productThumbs').find('a.product-photo-thumb')
cshold / shop.js
Created August 15, 2014 19:58
Shopify Ajax Cart Callback
// Create a global function that handles all cart-related JS
initCart = function (obj) {
// Do all cart things here
// If running as the ajax cart callback, an object is returned
if (obj.is_visible) {
// the cart is shown
} else {
// the cart was hidden
cshold / supply-footer-middle
Created June 13, 2014 15:58
Middle column of the Shopify Supply theme
cshold / supply-collection-sidebar
Last active August 20, 2021 06:47
The sidebar for Shopify's Supply theme, including code to handle an advanced tagging system.
{% comment %}
A customized sidebar for this theme. If advanced tagging is enabled in
theme settings, prepend your tags with "group" names (E.g. BRAND_) and your
collection page will create groups of tags to sort by.
Expansion of
{% endcomment %}
cshold / supply-social-sharing-js
Created June 11, 2014 19:03
The JS required to setup social sharing on a Shopify theme
timber.socialSharing = function () {
var buttons = timber.cache.shareButtons,
permalink ='permalink'),
shareButtons = buttons.find('a'),
socialCounts = buttons.find('span.share-count');
{% if settings.social_sharing_products or settings.social_sharing_blog %}
// Get share stats from respective APIs
var fbLink = $('.share-facebook'),
twitLink = $('.share-twitter'),
cshold / supply-social-sharing
Created June 11, 2014 19:00
A snippet for social sharing buttons in a Shopify theme. Notice the use of theme settings to show/hide each button.
{% comment %}
This snippet is used to showcase each collection during the loop,
'for product in collection.products' in list-collections.liquid.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign shareCountClass = '' %}
{% if template contains 'article' or template contains 'blog' %}
{% capture permalinkURL %}{{ shop.url }}{{ article.url }}{% endcapture %}
cshold / supply-theme-product-review-styles
Created June 11, 2014 18:44
Product review app style overrides for Shopify's Supply theme
#Product Reviews - Free Shopify App
#shopify-product-reviews {
margin: 0;
.spr-header-title {
@extend h1;
cshold / timber-js-final
Created June 9, 2014 16:06
Timber Tutorial | Final JS File
/* Simple jQuery Equal Heights @version 1.5.1. Copyright (c) 2013 Matt Banks. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */
!function(a){a.fn.equalHeights=function(){var b=0,c=a(this);return c.each(function(){var c=a(this).innerHeight();c>b&&(b=c)}),c.css("height",b)},a("[data-equal]").each(function(){var b=a(this),"equal");b.find(c).equalHeights()})}(jQuery);
window.timber = window.timber || {};
timber.cache = {
// General
html: $('html'),
body: $('body'),
equalHeight: $('.equal-height'),
cshold / timber-navigation
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Timber Tutorial | Responsive Navigation
// ==============================================================================
// #Site Nav and Dropdowns
// ==============================================================================
.nav-bar {
background-color: $colorNav;
a {
color: $colorNavText;
cshold / timber-cart-search-styles
Created June 9, 2014 15:49
Timber Tutorial | Cart and Search Styles
.header-cart-btn {
@extend .btn;
position: relative;
font-size: 19px;
line-height: 19px;
padding-top: 12px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
border: 0 none;
margin-left: $gutter/2;
vertical-align: top;