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Rancher Kubernetes Engine with TungstenFabric on Ubuntu
1) Install Ubuntu on nodes and set hostname and IP on all nodes
2) Prepare nodes. Run these commands as the root user on all nodes
#turn off swap
swapoff -a
#install packages
apt-get install -y ntp
#configure ntp. set to your local or preferred server
sed -i '/pool/d' /etc/ntp.conf
echo 'server iburst' | tee -a /etc/ntp.conf
service ntp restart
#disable firewall
sudo ufw disable
3) Distribute ssh keys
#copy existing ssh key pair to /root/.ssh/ on the master node or create a new ssh key pair with
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
#distribute the public key to each node with
ssh-copy-id user@node
4) Instantiate RKE Kubernetes cluster with no CNI plugin
#run these commands as root on the master node
#cd and download rke binary
cd /root/ ; wget
#rename, chmod, move, test rke binary
mv rke_linux-amd64 rke ; chmod +x rke ; mv rke /usr/bin ; rke --version
#configure the cluster.yml using 'rke config'.
#set the following variables for each node and accept the default for all other variables
rke config
#Number of Hosts #enter the number of nodes in the cluster
#SSH Address of Hosts #enter IP address for node
#SSH User of host #enter root
#Is host a Control Plane host #enter y for master node
#Is host a Worker Host #enter y for worker node
#Is host an etcd host #enter y for master node
#Override Hostname of host #enter hostname of node
#Network Plugin type #enter none
#Service Cluster IP Range #enter
#Cluster Network CIDR #enter
#Cluster DNS Service IP #enter
#run rke up to instantiate rke kubernetes cluster
rke up
5) Install TungstenFabric
#run these commands as root on the master node
#install kubectl
sudo snap install kubectl --classic
#copy kubeconfig into place
mkdir /root/.kube ; cp /root/kube_config_cluster.yml /root/.kube/config
#label master nodes with the '' label.
#replace <MASTER_NODE_NAME> with the hostname of the master node
kubectl label nodes <MASTER_NODE_NAME>
#add /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm to rke kubelet container ON ALL NODES
docker exec -it kubelet mkdir -p /var/lib/contrail/ports/vm
#install TungstenFabric via manifest. set <MASTER_NODE_IP> to the master node ip
export K8S_MASTER_IP=<MASTER_NODE_IP> ; CONTRAIL_REPO="\/opencontrailnightly"; CONTRAIL_RELEASE="latest"; mkdir -pm 777 /var/lib/contrail/kafka-logs; curl | sed "s/{{ K8S_MASTER_IP }}/$K8S_MASTER_IP/g; s/{{ CONTRAIL_REPO }}/$CONTRAIL_REPO/g; s/{{ CONTRAIL_RELEASE }}/$CONTRAIL_RELEASE/g" >> /root/tf.yml ; kubectl apply -f /root/tf.yml
#fix coredns
kubectl get configmap -nkube-system coredns -o yaml >> /root/coredns-configmap.yaml
export coredns_line=" forward ."
sed -i "s/.*forward.*/$coredns_line/" /root/coredns-configmap.yaml
kubectl get deployment -nkube-system coredns -o yaml >> /root/coredns-deployment.yaml
sed -i "/ livenessProbe:/,+9d" /root/coredns-deployment.yaml
sed -i "/ readinessProbe:/,+8d" /root/coredns-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f /root/coredns-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f /root/coredns-deployment.yaml
#get pod status
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -owide
#for now it is safe to ignore analytics db crashloop
#kube-system contrail-analyticsdb-r6474 2/3 CrashLoopBackOff
#get TungstenFabric status once all TungstenFabric pods are running
login to webui at https://<MASTER_NODE_IP>:8143 u: admin p: contrail123
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