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Created March 15, 2018 22:31
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Script to take line-delimited content and merge it with a template.
/* Item formatter
This script takes data in a set of line-delimited items, as follows:
Arthur Arthurson
From: Phoenix, AZ
Major: Political Science
Bertha Berthason
From: Elmhurst, HI
Major: English
Casey Caseyton
From: Ringewald, NY
Major: Physics
It then plugs these values into a markup template that you specify. It can
also remove the labels preceding a line ("From:", "Major:", etc).
1. Replace the $template markup with your own markup. Specify the parts to be
replaced as follows: {{NAME}}, {{FROM}}, etc.
2. In the $setup array, specify the tags in the order that their corresponding
lines appear in the data:
If the line contains a label ("From:") that you want removed, include that
as follows:
"FROM, From:",
$template = <<<TEMPLATE
<div class="item"><!-- item start -->
<h3 class="item__title">{{NAME}}</h3>
<div class="item__bio">
<ul class="item__bioList">
<li><strong>From:</strong> {{FROM}}</li>
<li><strong>Major/minor:</strong> {{MAJOR}}</li>
<li><strong>Extracurriculars:</strong> {{EXTRAS}}</li>
<li><a href="mailto:{{EMAIL}}">{{EMAIL}}</a></li>
<div class="u-Video">
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" mozallowfullscreen="" src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="640"></iframe>
</div><!-- item end -->
/* Now specify which lines of data correspond to tags in
the template.
$setup = array(
"FROM, From:",
"MAJOR, Major/minor:",
"EXTRAS, Extracurriculars:",
$data = <<<DATA
Arthur, class of 2017
From: Amherst, MA
Major/minor: Political science and Hispanic studies
Extracurriculars: Theater, Ultimate Frisbee, intramural sports
Bea, class of 2019
From: Belfort, AZ
Major/minor: Philosophy
Extracurriculars: English Language Learners Outreach Program, student-run choir
Casey, class of 2019
From: Cobb, GA
Major/minor: Political science, biology, and education
Extracurriculars: Transitions intern, R.E.A.L. Skills tutor, weight training
Dana, class of 2018
From: Delacorte, NY
Major/minor: Psychology, education, and art history
Extracurriculars: Varsity rowing
Edgar, class of 2018
From: Edgarton, MA
Major/minor: Urban studies
Extracurriculars: Varsity cross country and track, international studies research assistant
Frank, class of 2018
From: Frankenville, IL
Major/minor: Media studies
Extracurriculars: Student theater
/* Don't edit anything below here
============================== */
// First, divide all the data into individual items
$data_items = explode(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $data);
/* This function takes a tag, a data item (name, email, etc), and a
chunk of markup (the template), wraps the tag in handlebars, and
replaces the tag in the markup with the actual data.
function apply_tag_to_template($tag, $data, $template) {
$formatted_tag = "{{".$tag."}}";
return str_replace($formatted_tag, $data, $template);
/* This function takes an entire item (a collection of lines), splits it up,
and merges the data with the template markup.
function format_item($data) {
// Divide the item into its individual lines
$item_lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $data);
global $setup, $template;
$final_item_markup = $template;
// Run through each line: match it to a tag, and then plug it
// into the template markup.
for($j=0;$j<count($item_lines);$j++) {
$tag_to_replace = $setup[$j];
$content_to_replace_it_with = $item_lines[$j];
// If a line includes a label, remove the label
if(strpos($setup[$j], ", ")) {
$tag_divided = explode(", ", $setup[$j]);
$tag_to_replace = $tag_divided[0];
$content_to_replace_it_with = str_replace($tag_divided[1], "", $content_to_replace_it_with);
// Remove any white space from the beginning of the content
$content_to_replace_it_with = trim($content_to_replace_it_with);
$final_item_markup = apply_tag_to_template($tag_to_replace, $content_to_replace_it_with, $final_item_markup);
return $final_item_markup;
// Run through all the individual items
$final_markup = "";
for($i=0;$i<count($data_items);$i++) {
echo format_item($data_items[$i]);
// echo $final_markup;
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