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Created August 20, 2011 07:25
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Foswiki::Addressable ?
# See bottom of attachment for default license and copyright information
package Foswiki::Contrib::MigrationScriptsContrib::Roles::FoswikiAddressable;
use Moose::Role;
use Assert;
use Foswiki::Func();
use Foswiki::Meta();
use Foswiki::Address();
has 'address' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Foswiki::Address',
builder => '_build_address',
lazy => 1
sub _build_address {
my ($self) = @_;
return Foswiki::Address->new(
string => $self->location(),
existHints => 0
=begin TML
---++ ClassMethod get_data([$metaObj]) -> data
Get data from resource specified by the Foswiki::Address object.
* =$metaObj= - optional (may be undef), an Foswiki::Meta instance of the
resource (it *must* contain the resource identified by =$self->address()=).
* =data= - the data returned depends on the resource type:
* =attachment=: =$fh= (attachmenthandle to the attachment stream)
* =metatype=: =@members= (an array of hashrefs, as returned by
* =metamember=: =$member= (a hashref, as returned by
Foswiki::Meta::get() )
* =metakey=: =$value= (a scalar value)
* =text=: =$text=
sub get_data {
my ( $self, $metaObj ) = @_;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
return $self->_addressDo( 'GET', $metaObj );
=begin TML
---++ ClassMethod put_data($metaObj, data) -> $metaObj
Put data to the resource specified by the Foswiki::Address object.
If =$self->address()= is of type attachment, the file attachment is updated.
For all other types, this method does *not* update the resource. You must call
=->save()= on the returned Foswiki::Meta object to do that.
* =$metaObj= - may be undef, an Foswiki::Meta instance of the
resource (it *must* contain the resource identified by =$self->address()=). Useful
when you want to do multiple =put_data()= operations on the same $metaObj,
and would rather do only one =$metaObj->save()= call at the end.
* =data= - the input data depends on the resource type:
* =attachment=: =$input_fh=, =%opts= (filehandle to the attachment stream to
be saved, and =%opts= which are understood by Foswiki::Meta::attach() ).
* =metatype=: =@input_members= (an array of hashrefs, as used in
* =metamember=: =$input_member= (a hashref, as used in
* =metakey=: =$input_value= (a scalar value)
* =text=: =$input_text=
sub put_data {
my ( $self, $metaObj, @data ) = @_;
!defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta'),
( $metaObj || 'undef' ) . ' is a ' . ref($metaObj)
) if DEBUG;
return $self->_addressDo( 'PUT', $metaObj, @data );
sub _equivMeta {
my ( $self, $metaObj ) = @_;
ASSERT( $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $self->address()->isa('Foswiki::Address') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $self->address()->web() ) if DEBUG;
my $addrCTopic = $self->address()->topic();
my $addrCRev = $self->address()->rev();
my $addrCObj =
Foswiki::Address->new( webpath => $self->address()->webpath() );
ASSERT($metaObj) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $metaObj->web() ) if DEBUG;
my %metaAddr = ( web => $metaObj->web() );
my $metaTopic = $metaObj->topic();
my $metaRev = $metaObj->latestIsLoaded() ? $metaObj->getLoadedRev() : undef;
if ($metaTopic) {
$metaAddr{topic} = $metaTopic;
if ( defined $metaRev ) {
$metaAddr{rev} = $metaRev;
if ($addrCTopic) {
if ( defined $addrCRev ) {
return $addrCObj->equiv( Foswiki::Address->new(%metaAddr) );
sub _addressDo {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, @data ) = @_;
ASSERT( $action eq 'PUT' || $action eq 'GET' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $self->address()->web() ) if DEBUG;
my $method = '_handleAddr_' . $self->address()->type();
ASSERT( defined &{$method}, "sub '$method' exists" ) if DEBUG;
return $self->$method( $action, $metaObj, @data );
sub _getMetaObj {
my ( $self, $check, $metaObj ) = @_;
ASSERT( $check eq 'VIEW' || $check eq 'CHANGE' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
my $web = $self->address()->web();
my $topic = $self->address()->topic();
ASSERT( defined $web and length($web) ) if DEBUG;
my $rev = $self->address()->rev();
ASSERT( $check eq 'VIEW' or $check eq 'CHANGE' ) if DEBUG;
if ( $self->address()->isA('attachment') ) {
$rev = undef;
if ($metaObj) {
ASSERT( $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $self->_equivMeta($metaObj) ) if DEBUG;
else {
($metaObj) = Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $web, $topic, $rev );
Foswiki::Func::checkAccessPermission( $check,
undef, $topic, $web, $metaObj );
return $metaObj;
sub _handleAddr_attachment {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, $input_fh, %opts ) = @_;
ASSERT( $action eq 'PUT' || $action eq 'GET' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
my $fh;
my $retMetaObj;
ASSERT( $self->address()->isA('attachment') ) if DEBUG;
my $name = $self->address()->attachment();
ASSERT( $name and length($name) ) if DEBUG;
if ( $action eq 'GET' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'VIEW', $metaObj );
$fh = $metaObj->openAttachment( $name, '<', %opts );
elsif ( $action eq 'PUT' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'CHANGE', $metaObj );
$metaObj->attach( name => $name, stream => $input_fh, %opts );
$retMetaObj = 1;
else {
ASSERT( 0, "Action '$action' is valid" );
return $retMetaObj ? $metaObj : $fh;
sub _handleAddr_metatype {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, @input_metamembers ) = @_;
ASSERT( $action eq 'GET' || $action eq 'PUT' ) if DEBUG;
my @metamembers;
my $retMetaObj;
ASSERT( $self->address()->type() eq 'metatype' ) if DEBUG;
my @tompath = @{ $self->address()->tompath() };
ASSERT( scalar(@tompath) == 2 ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $tompath[0] eq 'META' ) if DEBUG;
my $typename = $tompath[1];
ASSERT( $typename and length($typename) ) if DEBUG;
if ( $action eq 'GET' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'VIEW', $metaObj );
@metamembers = $metaObj->find($typename);
elsif ( $action eq 'PUT' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'CHANGE', $metaObj );
$metaObj->putAll( $typename, @input_metamembers );
$retMetaObj = 1;
else {
ASSERT( 0, "Action '$action' is valid" );
return $retMetaObj ? $metaObj : @metamembers;
sub _metamemberGetNameKey {
my ( $self, $topicObj ) = @_;
ASSERT( $topicObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
my @tompath = @{ $self->address()->tompath() };
ASSERT( scalar(@tompath) >= 3, 'tompath is length: ' . scalar(@tompath) )
ASSERT( $tompath[0] eq 'META' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $tompath[1] ) if DEBUG;
my $typename = $tompath[1];
my $selector = $tompath[2];
ASSERT( defined $selector ) if DEBUG;
my $namekey;
if ( $selector =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
my @members = $topicObj->find($typename);
ASSERT( exists $members[$selector]->{name} ) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $members[$selector]->{name};
else {
ASSERT( ref($selector) eq 'HASH' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $selector->{name}, 'selector is numeric or has a name key' )
scalar( keys( %{$selector} ) ) == 1,
'is not a compound selector'
) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $selector->{name};
return $namekey;
sub _handleAddr_metamember {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, $input_metamember ) = @_;
ASSERT( $action eq 'GET' || $action eq 'PUT' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $input_metamember || ref($input_metamember) eq 'HASH' )
my $metamember;
my $retMetaObj;
ASSERT( $self->address()->type() eq 'metamember' ) if DEBUG;
my @tompath = @{ $self->address()->tompath() };
ASSERT( scalar(@tompath) == 3 ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $tompath[0] eq 'META' ) if DEBUG;
my $typename = $tompath[1];
ASSERT( $typename and length($typename) ) if DEBUG;
my $selector = $tompath[2];
if ( $action eq 'GET' ) {
my $namekey;
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'VIEW', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $self->_metamemberGetNameKey($metaObj);
$metamember = $metaObj->get( $typename, $namekey );
elsif ( $action eq 'PUT' ) {
my $namekey;
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'CHANGE', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $self->_metamemberGetNameKey($metaObj);
if ( defined $namekey ) {
$metaObj->putKeyed( $typename, $input_metamember );
else {
$metaObj->put( $typename, $input_metamember );
$retMetaObj = 1;
else {
ASSERT( 0, "Action '$action' is valid" );
return $retMetaObj ? $metaObj : $metamember;
sub _handleAddr_metakey {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, $input_value ) = @_;
my $metakey;
my $retMetaObj;
ASSERT( $action eq 'GET' || $action eq 'PUT' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $input_value || !ref($input_value) ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $self->address()->type() eq 'metakey' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( scalar( @{ $self->address()->tompath() } ) == 4 ) if DEBUG;
my $typename = $self->address()->tompath()->[1];
ASSERT( $typename and length($typename) ) if DEBUG;
if ( $action eq 'GET' ) {
my $namekey;
my $member;
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'VIEW', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $self->_metamemberGetNameKey($metaObj);
$member = $metaObj->get( $typename, $namekey );
if ( defined $member ) {
my $memberkey = $self->address()->tompath()->[3];
ASSERT( defined $memberkey && length($memberkey) ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( ref($member) eq 'HASH' ) if DEBUG;
$metakey = $member->{$memberkey};
elsif ( $action eq 'PUT' ) {
my $namekey;
my $memberkey = $self->address()->tompath()->[3];
ASSERT( defined $memberkey && length($memberkey) ) if DEBUG;
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'CHANGE', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$namekey = $self->_metamemberGetNameKey($metaObj);
if ( defined $namekey ) {
my $member = $metaObj->get( $typename, $namekey );
if ( defined $member ) {
ASSERT( ref($member) eq 'HASH' ) if DEBUG;
$member->{$memberkey} = $input_value;
else {
$member = {
name => $namekey,
$memberkey => $input_value
$metaObj->putKeyed( $typename, $member );
else {
$metaObj->put( $typename, { $memberkey => $input_value } );
$retMetaObj = 1;
else {
ASSERT( 0, "Action '$action' is valid" );
return $retMetaObj ? $metaObj : $metakey;
sub _handleAddr_text {
my ( $self, $action, $metaObj, $input_text ) = @_;
ASSERT( $action eq 'GET' || $action eq 'PUT' ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( !defined $metaObj || $metaObj->isa('Foswiki::Meta') ) if DEBUG;
my $text;
my $retMetaObj;
ASSERT( $self->address()->type() eq 'text' ) if DEBUG;
my @tompath = @{ $self->address()->tompath() };
ASSERT( scalar(@tompath) == 1 ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( $tompath[0] eq 'text' ) if DEBUG;
if ( $action eq 'GET' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'VIEW', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$text = $metaObj->text();
elsif ( $action eq 'PUT' ) {
$metaObj = $self->_getMetaObj( 'CHANGE', $metaObj );
ASSERT( $metaObj->topic() ) if DEBUG;
$retMetaObj = 1;
else {
ASSERT( 0, "Action '$action' is valid" );
return $retMetaObj ? $metaObj : $text;
package Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable;
use Moose;
with 'Foswiki::Contrib::MigrationScriptsContrib::Roles::FoswikiAddressable';
package Test::Foswiki::Contrib::MigrationScriptsContrib::Roles::FoswikiAddressable;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Class();
use FoswikiFnTestCase();
use base qw(Test::Class);
my $fwtest = FoswikiFnTestCase->new('FoswikiAddressable');
sub init {
my $data = 'some data';
Foswiki::Func::createWeb( $fwtest->{test_web} );
$fwtest->{test_topicObject}->text('some text');
{ name => 'Field1', value => 'Value1' },
{ name => 'Field2', value => 'Value2' }
{ name => 'Foo1', ness => 'Fooness1' },
{ name => 'Foo2', ness => 'Fooness2' }
open( my $fh, '<', \$data ) or die $!;
$fwtest->{test_web}, $fwtest->{test_topic},
'', { stream => $fh }
close $fh or die $!;
sub attachment : Tests(4) {
my $addressable = Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable->new(
address => Foswiki::Address->new(
string => "$fwtest->{test_web}.$fwtest->{test_topic}/"
'address accessor'
my $dname =
ok( -d $dname, 'pub directory exists' );
my $attach_fh = $addressable->get_data();
cmp_ok( 'some data', 'eq', <$attach_fh>, 'attachment read ok' );
my $new_data = 'some new data';
open( my $fh, '<', \$new_data ) or die $!;
$addressable->put_data( undef, $fh );
$attach_fh = $addressable->get_data();
cmp_ok( <$attach_fh>, 'eq', 'some new data', 'attachment write ok' );
sub topic_text : Tests(2) {
my $addressable = Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable->new(
address => Foswiki::Address->new(
string => "'$fwtest->{test_web}.$fwtest->{test_topic}'/text"
cmp_ok( $addressable->get_data(), 'eq', 'some text', 'topic text read ok' );
my ($topicObj) =
Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $fwtest->{test_web}, $fwtest->{test_topic} );
$addressable->put_data( $topicObj, 'some new topic text' );
'some new topic text',
'topic text write ok'
sub topic_meta : Tests(15) {
my $addressable = Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable->new(
address => Foswiki::Address->new(
string => "'$fwtest->{test_web}.$fwtest->{test_topic}'/Field1"
cmp_ok( $addressable->get_data(),
'eq', 'Value1', 'topic META:FIELD[name=...].value read ok' );
my ($topicObj) =
Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $fwtest->{test_web}, $fwtest->{test_topic} );
$addressable->put_data( $topicObj, 'New Value1' );
cmp_ok( $addressable->get_data(),
'eq', 'New Value1', 'topic META:FIELD[name=...].value write ok' );
$topicObj->get( 'FIELD', 'Field1' ),
name => 'Field1',
value => 'New Value1'
'topic META:FIELD[name=...].value write ok via Foswiki::Meta'
$addressable = Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable->new(
address => Foswiki::Address->new(
string =>
my $expected_foo_member = {
name => 'Foo2',
ness => 'Fooness2'
is_deeply( $topicObj->get( 'FOO', 'Foo2' ),
'topic META:FOO[name=...] read ok via Foswiki::Meta' );
is_deeply( $addressable->get_data($topicObj),
$expected_foo_member, 'topic META:FOO[name=...] read ok' );
my $new_expected_foo_member = {
name => 'Foo2',
ness => 'New Fooness2'
$addressable->put_data( $topicObj, $new_expected_foo_member );
is_deeply( $addressable->get_data(),
$new_expected_foo_member, 'topic META:FOO[name=...] write ok' );
is_deeply( $topicObj->get( 'FOO', 'Foo2' ),
'topic META:FOO[name=...] write ok validated with Foswiki::Meta' );
$addressable = Test::Consumes::FoswikiAddressable->new(
address => Foswiki::Address->new(
string => "'$fwtest->{test_web}.$fwtest->{test_topic}'/META:FOO"
my $expected_foo = [
name => 'Foo1',
ness => 'Fooness1'
name => 'Foo2',
ness => 'New Fooness2'
is_deeply( [ $topicObj->find('FOO') ],
$expected_foo, 'topic META:FOO read ok via Foswiki::Meta' );
is_deeply( [ $addressable->get_data($topicObj) ],
$expected_foo, 'topic META:FOO read ok' );
my $new_expected_foo = [
name => 'Foo3',
ness => 'The only foo3'
$addressable->put_data( $topicObj, @{$new_expected_foo} );
[ $addressable->get_data() ],
'topic META:FOO write ok'
is_deeply( [ $topicObj->find('FOO') ],
'topic META:FOO write ok validated with Foswiki::Meta' );
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