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Created October 29, 2011 12:31
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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# See bottom of file for default license and copyright information
package CSVDemo;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Adjust these variables to suit your own data/requirements
my $formname = 'System.MigrationScriptsCSVDemo.CSVDemoForm';
my ( $csvtopic, $csvfile ) =
( 'System.MigrationScriptsCSVDemo', 'example.csv' );
my $csvTopicObj;
my $saveweb = 'System.MigrationScriptsCSVDemo';
my $asUser = 'admin';
# The elements in this array are columns in the CSV file. Each element is a
# hash representing a row in a DataForms definition table. This schema has is
# used twice:
# 1 For generating a DataForms definition topic used on each data topic
# representing a row of CSV data
# 1 For mapping & processing each row of CSV data into a topic
# There are a couple of "special" schema lines that can look like this:
# * {split_fn => \&some_fn} - CSV cell in, multiple formfields out. Split
# into formfields using some_fn($topicObj, $csvvalue) and returns an array of
# META:FIELD hashes suitable for passing into Foswiki::Meta::putKeyed when
# the CSV value is defined, and when it isn't, returns an array of schema
# definition hashrefs. For example, consider a CSV file with two columns,
# PersonID and FullName, but you want the data topic to have separate First,
# middle and LastName fields:
# {name => 'PersonID', type => 'label', attributes => 'H'},
# {split_fn => \&split_fullname}...
# The job of split_fn is to take the $csvvalue (Eg. "John Fred Smith") and split it into
# several elements looking something like this:
# {name => 'FirstName', title => 'First name', type => 'text', size => '100', value => 'John'},
# {name => 'MiddleName', title => 'Middle name', type => 'text', size => '100', value => 'Fred'},
# {name => 'LastName', title => 'Last name', type => 'text', size => '100', value => 'Smith'}
# * {skip_fn => \&some_fn2} - CSV cell in, no formfields out. You may wish
# to accumulate multiple CSV cells for later (useful for making a formfield
# derived from multiple CSV columns). For example, consider a CSV file with
# four columns, PersonID, FirstName, MiddleName and LastName, but you want
# the data topic to represent the three name parts as one FullName field:
# {name => 'PersonID', type => 'label', attributes => 'H'},
# {skip_fn => \&get_firstName},
# {skip_fn => \&get_middlename},
# {split_fn => \&do_fullname}...
# The job of get_firstname & get_middlename would be to remember "John" &
# "Fred", then do_fullname would return a single-element array which contains
# a concatenation of first + middle + lastnames, looking ultimately like
# {name => 'FullName', title => 'Full name', type => 'text', size => '100', value => "$first $middle $last"}
# * {do_fn => \&some_fn3} - generate formfields. Is passed the $topicObj
# for the current CSV row, but the job of this method is usually to add a
# field which is not derived from the CSV file. For example, do_importmeta
# adds formfields to help identify which CSV file an imported topic came from,
# and what version it was:
# {name => 'ImportTopic', type => 'label', attr => 'H'},
# {name => 'ImportTopicRev', type => 'label', attr => 'H'},
# {name => 'ImportTopicAttachment', type => 'label', attr => 'H'},
# {name => 'ImportTopicAttachmentRev', type => 'label', attr => 'H'}
my @schema = (
name => 'Score',
title => 'Score (weight)',
type => 'text',
size => '10'
{ name => 'Name', title => 'Name', type => 'text', size => '100' },
{ split_fn => \&split_authority },
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Name Full
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Name LSID
name => 'NameURI',
title => 'URI of this name',
type => 'externaldata+taxonname',
size => '100'
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted name
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted authority
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted full name
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted name LSID
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted taxon LSID
{ skip_fn => undef }, # Accepted name URI
name => 'TaxonURI',
title => 'URI of the accepted concept for this name',
type => 'externaldata+taxonconcept',
size => '100'
{ do_fn => \&do_importmeta }
my $goodlibpath = eval {
require 'setlib.cfg';
if ( not $goodlibpath ) {
Please start the script with your Foswiki's bin directory in the perl LIB path,
Eg. perl -wT -I /var/lib/foswiki/bin ./
\tThe error was: '$!'
require 'LocalSite.cfg';
$Foswiki::cfg{Engine} = 'Foswiki::Engine::CLI';
require Carp;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
use Assert;
use Data::Dumper;
use Text::CSV;
use Foswiki();
use Foswiki::Func();
use Foswiki::Meta();
use Foswiki::Contrib::MigrationScriptsContrib();
my $session = Foswiki->new($asUser);
sub split_authority {
my ( $topicObject, $count, $csvcell, $csvrow, $csvcol, $schemaRowI ) = @_;
my $Authority = {
name => 'Authority',
title => 'Authority (author)',
type => 'text',
size => '100'
my $Year = {
name => 'AuthorityYear',
title => 'Year published',
type => 'text',
size => '10'
if ( $topicObject and defined $csvcell ) {
$csvcell =~ /\w,\s*(\d{4,4})\b/;
( $Authority->{value}, $Year->{value} ) = ( $csvcell || '', $1 || '' );
return ( $Authority, $Year );
sub do_importmeta {
my ( $topicObject, $count, $csvcell, $csvrow, $csvcol, $schemaRowI ) = @_;
my $ImportTopic = { name => 'ImportTopic', type => 'label', attr => 'H' };
my $ImportTopicRev =
{ name => 'ImportTopicRev', type => 'label', attr => 'H' };
my $ImportTopicAttachment =
{ name => 'ImportTopicAttachment', type => 'label', attr => 'H' };
my $ImportTopicAttachmentRev =
{ name => 'ImportTopicAttachmentRev', type => 'label', attr => 'H' };
my $ImportTopicAttachmentRow =
{ name => 'ImportTopicAttachmentRow', type => 'label', attr => 'H' };
my @fields;
if ($topicObject) {
$ImportTopic->{value} = $csvtopic;
$ImportTopicRev->{value} =
'' . $csvTopicObj->getRevisionInfo()->{version}; #Force string
$ImportTopicAttachment->{value} = $csvfile;
$ImportTopicAttachmentRev->{value} = ''
. $csvTopicObj->getAttachmentRevisionInfo($csvfile)
->{version}; #Force string
$ImportTopicAttachmentRow->{value} = '' . $count;
@fields = (
$ImportTopic, $ImportTopicRev, $ImportTopicAttachment,
$ImportTopicAttachmentRev, $ImportTopicAttachmentRow
return @fields;
sub gen_schemaline {
my ($field) = @_;
my $defaults = { type => 'richtext' };
my @line;
foreach my $bit (qw(name type size values title attributes)) {
if ( $field->{$bit} ) {
push( @line, ' ' . $field->{$bit} . ' ' );
elsif ( $defaults->{$bit} ) {
push( @line, ' ' . $defaults->{$bit} . ' ' );
else {
push( @line, ' ' );
return '|' . join( '|', @line ) . '|';
sub gen_form {
my @lines = (
'| *Name* | *Type* | *Size* | *Values* | *Tooltip message* | *Attributes* |'
foreach my $property (@schema) {
if ( exists $property->{split_fn} ) {
foreach my $splitproperty ( $property->{split_fn}->() ) {
push( @lines, gen_schemaline($splitproperty) );
elsif ( exists $property->{skip_fn} ) {
elsif ( exists $property->{do_fn} ) {
foreach my $splitproperty ( $property->{do_fn}->() ) {
push( @lines, gen_schemaline($splitproperty) );
else {
push( @lines, gen_schemaline($property) );
return join( "\n", @lines );
sub set_up {
my ( $formWeb, $formTopic ) =
Foswiki::Func::normalizeWebTopicName( $saveweb, $formname );
my $formTopicObj;
if ( not Foswiki::Func::webExists($saveweb) ) {
if ( not Foswiki::Func::webExists($formWeb) ) {
$formTopicObj =
Foswiki::Meta->new( $session, $formWeb, $formTopic, gen_form() );
sub genFIELDs {
my ( $topicObject, $count, $csvRow, @csvcol2schemarow ) = @_;
my @fields;
my $csvColI = 0;
if ( not scalar(@csvcol2schemarow) ) {
my $num = scalar( @{$csvRow} );
if ( $num < scalar(@schema) ) {
$num = scalar(@schema);
@csvcol2schemarow = 0 .. ( $num - 1 );
# Loop over a list of schema rows
foreach my $schemaRowI (@csvcol2schemarow) {
my $schemaRow = $schema[$schemaRowI];
if ( exists $schemaRow->{split_fn} ) {
my @splitfields = $schemaRow->{split_fn}->(
$topicObject, $count, $csvRow->[$csvColI], $csvRow, $csvColI,
if ( scalar(@splitfields) ) {
push( @fields, @splitfields );
$csvColI += 1;
elsif ( exists $schemaRow->{skip_fn} ) {
if ( defined $schemaRow->{skip_fn} ) {
$topicObject, $count, $csvRow->[$csvColI], $csvRow,
$csvColI, $schemaRowI
$csvColI += 1;
elsif ( exists $schemaRow->{do_fn} ) {
my @splitfields = $schemaRow->{do_fn}->(
$topicObject, $count, $csvRow->[$csvColI], $csvRow, $csvColI,
if ( scalar(@splitfields) ) {
push( @fields, @splitfields );
else {
my %field = %{$schemaRow}; #make a copy
$field{value} = $csvRow->[$csvColI];
push( @fields, \%field );
$csvColI += 1;
return @fields;
sub createTopic {
my ( $count, $row ) = @_;
my $topicname = $row->[1];
my $topicObject;
my @rowFields;
$topicname =~ s/[\W]/_/g;
print "Creating $topicname, count $count...\n";
($topicObject) = Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $saveweb, $topicname );
@rowFields = genFIELDs( $topicObject, $count, $row );
$topicObject->put( 'FORM', { name => $formname } );
$topicObject->putAll( 'FIELD', @rowFields );
sub run {
my $count = 0;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new(
{ auto_diag => 1, binary => 1 } ) # should set binary attribute.
or die "Cannot use CSV: " . Text::CSV->error_diag();
($csvTopicObj) =
Foswiki::Func::normalizeWebTopicName( $saveweb, $csvtopic ) );
my $fh;
$fh = $csvTopicObj->openAttachment( $csvfile, '<' );
$csv->getline($fh); #skip the first line
while ( my $row = $csv->getline($fh) ) {
createTopic( $count, $row );
$count = $count + 1;
$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
close $fh;
sub resave_topics {
my ($web) = @_;
my $itr = Foswiki::Func::query('1', undef, {web => $web});
while ($itr->hasNext()) {
my ($web, $topic) = Foswiki::Func::normalizeWebTopicName('',$itr->next());
my ($topicObject) = Foswiki::Func::readTopic($web, $topic);
print "webtopic: $web.$topic\n";
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