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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Java Concurrency

Java Concurrency


  • Self contained execution environment
  • Own memory space
  • Interprocess execution environment
  • Process have at least one

Threading Strategies

  • Instantiate own Threads on demand
  • Pass tasks to an Executor (As described later)

Defining and starting a thread

  • Two methods:
    • Best practice: define Runnable class object
    • Other option: Extend Thread and execute

Pausing Threads


  • Suspends thread for defined time
  • Not guaranteed to be precise. It's as precise as the OS may be
  • Cannot assume it will not be interrupted


  • Usually given with InterruptedException
  • Thread should stop and do something else
  • Very common for stopping threads


  • Waits for a Thread to complete
  • Can have timeout like Thread.sleep() throwing InterruptedException when timed out
public class SimpleThreads {

    // Display a message, preceded by
    // the name of the current thread
    static void threadMessage(String message) {
        String threadName =
        System.out.format("%s: %s%n",

    private static class MessageLoop
        implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            String importantInfo[] = {
                "Mares eat oats",
                "Does eat oats",
                "Little lambs eat ivy",
                "A kid will eat ivy too"
            try {
                for (int i = 0;
                     i < importantInfo.length;
                     i++) {
                    // Pause for 4 seconds
                    // Print a message
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                threadMessage("I wasn't done!");

    public static void main(String args[])
        throws InterruptedException {

        // Delay, in milliseconds before
        // we interrupt MessageLoop
        // thread (default one hour).
        long patience = 1000 * 60 * 60;

        // If command line argument
        // present, gives patience
        // in seconds.
        if (args.length > 0) {
            try {
                patience = Long.parseLong(args[0]) * 1000;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                System.err.println("Argument must be an integer.");

        threadMessage("Starting MessageLoop thread");
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Thread t = new Thread(new MessageLoop());

        threadMessage("Waiting for MessageLoop thread to finish");
        // loop until MessageLoop
        // thread exits
        while (t.isAlive()) {
            threadMessage("Still waiting...");
            // Wait maximum of 1 second
            // for MessageLoop thread
            // to finish.
            if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > patience)
                  && t.isAlive()) {
                threadMessage("Tired of waiting!");
                // Shouldn't be long now
                // -- wait indefinitely
  • Locks done through internal Java API known as monitors
  • Allows only one thread to hold the lock
  • 2 threads accessing at once causes one to block until other gives up the monitor
  • Automatic acquisition and release when using synchronize'd methods
  • Static methods provide class level locks

Synchronized Statements

  • Allows Object to be specified as the intrinsic lock Example using lock1 and lock2 as locks:
public class MsLunch {
    private long c1 = 0;
    private long c2 = 0;
    private Object lock1 = new Object();
    private Object lock2 = new Object();

    public void inc1() {
        synchronized(lock1) {

    public void inc2() {
        synchronized(lock2) {
  • Must be careful with using this method
  • Make sure interleaving access to the fields is alright

Atomic Access

  • References and primitives are atomic writes
    • Except long and double
  • Reads are atomic for all volatile variables
  • Atomic access is more efficient than synchronize'd code
  • It requires more care, however


  • Two Threads waiting for each other to do something
  • Threads will never end and must be interrupted


  • synchronize'd method which is slow
  • One Thread calls method many times
  • Another Thread must now wait long periods before using method


  • Two Threads constantly responding to eachother
  • Not technically blocked, simply too busy to respond

Guarded Blocks

  • Coordinated actions between Threads
  • Works by polling a condition that must be true to continue
  • Uses Object.wait() until interrupted and condition check can try again


public synchronized void guardedJoy(){
    while ( ! joy ){
        try {
        } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {}
    System.out.println("We have joy!");
  • Note the InterruptedException is not the end of the loop, it just works to start the Thread back up and check the conditional once more
  • Invoking wait() inside synchronize'd methods is an easy way to acquire the intrinsic lock
  • Object.notifyAll() is usually better than Object.notify()
  • Object.notify() does not specify which Thread is woken up
  • Java Collections Framework has guarded block objects

High Level Concurrency Objects

Lock Objects - Locking idioms to simplify concurrent applications

Executors - API for thread management

Concurrent Collections - Collections with reduced need of synchronize

Atomic Variables - Minimize syncing + memory consistency issues

ThreadLocalRandom - Psudorandom numbers from multiple Threads

Lock Objects and the Lock Interface

  • Very similar to implicit locks
  • Support wait/notify through condition objects
  • Advantages:
  • Can back out of lock acquisition attempt
  • Lock.tryLock() backs out if not available or times out
  • Lock.lockInterruptibly() backs out if another Thread interrupts prior to acquisition

Executors - Interfaces, Pools and Fork/Join

  • 3 Interfaces:
  • Executor - Launcher for new tasks
  • ExecutorService - Subinterface of Executor with lifecycle management features
  • ScheduledExecutorService - Scheduled subinterface of ExecutorService

Executor Interface

  • Executor.execute(Runnable)
  • The java.util.concurrent implementation uses worker threads and more advanced functionality such as thread pools

ExecutorService Interface

  • ExecutorService.submit(Runnable || Callable)
  • Returns Future object
  • Retrieves Callable return value
  • Manages status of Callable and Runnable tasks
  • Methods for submitting Collections of Callable tasks
  • Manages shutdown of the Executor

ScheduledExecutorService Interface

  • Executes Runnable or Callable tasks after a delay
  • ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate()
  • ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay()

Thread Pools - java.util.concurrent.Executors

  • Minimizes Thread objects to instantiate
  • Alloc/Dealloc of Thread memory space is expensive
  • Fixed Thread Pool:
  • Specified number of Threads
  • Terminated Threads are replaced with new ones
  • Submitted via internal queue for when there are more tasks than available worker Threads
  • Graceful degredation
  • Can't spin up more Threads
  • Keeps execution within system limits, even when many tasks

Fork & Join

  • Implementation of ExecutorService
  • Built for multicore/many processors
  • Designed for small units of work built recursively
  • Goal is to use all available hardware power
  • Uses worker threads in a thread pool
  • Idle worker threads steal tasks from other busy threads
Basic Use
  • ForkJoinTask
  • Usually RecursiveTask or RecursiveAction Impl
if ( work is small enough )
    do it all
    split the work
    invoke this on each piece and wait for results

Written with StackEdit.

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