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Last active November 27, 2016 10:15
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Example React Native Navigator using NavigatorExperimental
class MyApp extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// This defines the initial navigation state.
navigationState: {
index: 0, // starts with first route focused.
routes: [{key: 'LaunchScreen'}], // starts with only one route.
render() {
return (
<AppNavigator initialRouteKey="LaunchScreen"/>
const AppNavigator = createNavigator( (key) => {
switch (key) {
case 'LoginAccount':
return LoginAccountScreen;
case 'LoginService':
return LoginServiceScreen;
case 'DepartmentsScreen':
return DepartmentsScreen;
case 'EmployeesScreen':
return EmployeesScreen;
case 'LaunchScreen':
return LaunchScreen;
console.error('ERROR------------- Cannot find route for', key);
}, 'LaunchScreen');
const ModalScenesNavigator = createNavigator((key) => {
switch (key){
case 'Scene1Modal':
return Scene1Modal;
case 'Scene2Modal':
return Scene2Modal;
case 'Scene3Modal':
return Scene3Modal;
///inside the component
this.props.modalRoute(<AddOrderNavigator initialRouteKey="Scene1Modal"/>, {});
///another example, push a route on the navigator, with some props
this.props.pushRoute('MyRouteName', {propsKey1: propsValue1, propsKey2: propsValue2})
* Creates a React component, which will be able to act as a NavigationCardStack, and will be able to pass props to
* its children regarding how to push, pop and replace scenes.
* @param navigatorReducer a function that takes a string as an argument and returns a React Component class
* @returns {{new(any, any): {_onNavigationChange, _componentForKey, _renderScene: (function(Object): React.Element), render: (function(): React.Element)}}}
function createNavigator(navigatorReducer : Function){
* Supported Actions (via the 'props' object inside each screen) :
* 'push'. can also accept an argument to pass as props
* 'pop'. no other arguments. goes backward
* 'reset'. resets the navigation stack, and goes to the selected route.
* 'modal'. presents a modal. It is totally fine to present an entire new navigator!
* Components will need to call the following:
* pushRoute(key : string, [data : Object])
* popRoute()
* resetRoute(key : string, [data : Object])
return class extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
initialRouteKey : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
childProps : React.PropTypes.object
// This sets up the methods (e.g. Pop, Push) for navigation.
constructor(props: any, context: any) {
super(props, context);
this._onPushRoute = (key, data) => {this._onNavigationChange(key, 'push', data)};
this._onPopRoute = () => {this._onNavigationChange(null, 'pop')};
this._onResetRoute = (key, data) => {this._onNavigationChange(key, 'reset', data)};
this._onModalRoute = (embeddedComponent, data) => {this._onNavigationChange('modal', 'modal', data, embeddedComponent)};
this._renderScene = this._renderScene.bind(this);
let initialRoute = props.initialRouteKey;
this._pushDirection = 'horizontal';
this.state = {
additionalChildProps : {},
direction : 'horizontal',
navigationState : {
index : 0,
routes : [{key : initialRoute}]
* Handle the navigation changes.
* Note for modals:
* When presenting a modal, the state changes to render the transitions as "vertical". Only when a new
* "push" happens the transitions go back to "horizontal"
* @param key the key of the scene to be displayed
* @param type the type of the new state. one of {push, pop, reset, modal}
* @param data additional data to be passed to the new screen.
* @param embeddedComponent use this with the modal component. It represents the modal content (this should ideally be a new Navigator)
* @private
_onNavigationChange = (key : string, type: string, data : any, embeddedComponent : Object): void => {
let {navigationState} = this.state;
switch (type) {
case 'push':
// push a new route.
let route = {key: key, passPropsObject : data};
navigationState = NavigationStateUtils.push(navigationState, route);
case 'pop':
navigationState = NavigationStateUtils.pop(navigationState);
case 'reset':
const routeReset = {key: key, passPropsObject : data};
navigationState = {index : 0, routes : [{...routeReset}]};
case 'modal':
let modalRoute = {key : 'Modal', passPropsObject : null, embeddedComponent : embeddedComponent, data : data, modal: true};
navigationState = NavigationStateUtils.push(navigationState, modalRoute);
// NavigationStateUtils gives you back the same `navigationState` if nothing
// has changed. You could use that to avoid redundant re-rendering.
if (this.state.navigationState !== navigationState) {
_setDirectionToHorizontal = () : void => {
direction : 'horizontal'
this._pushDirection = 'horizontal'
_setDirectionToVertical = () : void =>{
direction : 'vertical'
this._pushDirection = 'vertical';
* Actually render the scene.
* @param sceneProps
* @returns {*}
* @private
_renderScene = (sceneProps: Object): React.Element => {
let extraArguments = sceneProps.scene.route.passPropsObject || {};
let childProps = this.props.childProps || {};
let sceneKey = sceneProps.scene.route.key;
let embeddedComponent = sceneProps.scene.route.embeddedComponent;
extraArguments = {...extraArguments, ...childProps, navigator : this};
let props = {
route : sceneProps.scene.route,
pushRoute : this._onPushRoute,
popRoute : this._onPopRoute,
resetRoute : this._onResetRoute,
modalRoute : this._onModalRoute
if (sceneKey === 'Modal'){
//we know inside there is a component with possibly a navigator inside, so return this.
props = {
route : sceneProps.scene.route,
navigator : this,
modalParent : this,
childProps : {
closeModal : () => {
return React.cloneElement(embeddedComponent, props);
let ComponentClass = this._componentForKey(sceneKey);
return <ComponentClass {...props} />;
* Rendering the header.
* @param sceneProps
* @returns {*}
* @private
_renderHeader = (sceneProps: Object) : React.Element => {
let currentSceneRoute = sceneProps.scene.route;
return (
<NavigationBar {...sceneProps} title={currentSceneRoute.title || null}/>
// Now use the `NavigationCardStack` to render the scenes.
render(): React.Element {
return (
* Selects a component from a specified key.
* @param key
* @returns {*}\
* @private
_componentForKey = (key : string) => {
return navigatorReducer(key);
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