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Last active September 26, 2015 17:04
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Vuforia cloud reco sample OnQCarUpdate
// Initialize the application trackers
- (BOOL) doInitTrackers {
// // Initialize the image or marker tracker
QCAR::TrackerManager& trackerManager = QCAR::TrackerManager::getInstance();
// // Image Tracker...
QCAR::Tracker* trackerBase = trackerManager.initTracker(QCAR::ObjectTracker::getClassType());
if (trackerBase == NULL)
SFDebugLog(@"Failed to initialize ImageTracker.");
return NO;
QCAR::ObjectTracker* imageTracker = static_cast<QCAR::ObjectTracker*>(trackerManager.getTracker(QCAR::ObjectTracker::getClassType()));
if (imageTracker == NULL)
SFDebugLog(@">doLoadTrackersData>Failed to load tracking data set because the ImageTracker has not been initialized.");
return NO;
// Initialize visual search:
QCAR::TargetFinder* targetFinder = imageTracker->getTargetFinder();
if (targetFinder == NULL)
SFDebugLog(@">doLoadTrackersData>Failed to get target finder.");
return NO;
NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
// Start initialization:
if (targetFinder->startInit(kAccessKey, kSecretKey)){
NSDate *methodFinish = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval executionTime = [methodFinish timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
SFDebugLog(@"waitUntilInitFinished Execution Time: %f", executionTime);
// callback called when the initailization of the AR is done
- (void) onInitARDone:(NSError *)initError {
[self hideCameraLoader];
SFDebugLog(@"error init ar: %@", initError);
if (initError == nil) {
NSError * error = nil;
[self.currentARSession startAR:QCAR::CameraDevice::CAMERA_BACK error:&error];
// by default, we try to set the continuous auto focus mode
// and we update menu to reflect the state of continuous auto-focus
// bool isContinuousAutofocus = QCAR::CameraDevice::getInstance().setFocusMode(QCAR::CameraDevice::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO);
// SampleAppMenu * menu = [SampleAppMenu instance];
// [menu setSelectionValueForCommand:C_AUTOFOCUS value:isContinuousAutofocus];
} else {
SFDebugLog(@"Error initializing AR:%@", [initError description]);
int resultCode = targetFinder->getInitState();
if ( resultCode != QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_SUCCESS)
SFDebugLog(@">doLoadTrackersData>Failed to initialize target finder.");
if (resultCode == QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION) {
SFDebugLog(@"CloudReco error:QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION");
} else if (resultCode == QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
SFDebugLog(@"CloudReco error:QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE");
} else {
SFDebugLog(@"CloudReco error:%d", resultCode);
int initErrorCode;
if(resultCode == QCAR::TargetFinder::INIT_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION)
[self showUIAlertFromErrorCode: initErrorCode];
return NO;
} else {
SFDebugLog(@">doLoadTrackersData>target finder initialized");
return YES;
// update from the QCAR loop
- (void) onQCARUpdate: (QCAR::State *) state {
QCAR::TrackerManager& trackerManager = QCAR::TrackerManager::getInstance();
// Get the image tracker:
QCAR::ObjectTracker* imageTracker = static_cast<QCAR::ObjectTracker*>(trackerManager.getTracker(QCAR::ObjectTracker::getClassType()));
// Get the target finder:
QCAR::TargetFinder* finder = imageTracker->getTargetFinder();
// Check if there are new results available:
const int statusCode = finder->updateSearchResults();
// SFDebugLog(@"status %i", statusCode);
if (statusCode < 0){
// Show a message if we encountered an error:
SFDebugLog(@"update search result failed:%d", statusCode);
if (statusCode == QCAR::TargetFinder::UPDATE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION) {
[self showUIAlertFromErrorCode:statusCode];
}else if (statusCode == QCAR::TargetFinder::UPDATE_RESULTS_AVAILABLE){
SFDebugLog(@"results found");
// Iterate through the new results:
for (int i = 0; i < finder->getResultCount(); ++i){
const QCAR::TargetSearchResult* result = finder->getResult(i);
// Check if this target is suitable for tracking:
if (result->getTrackingRating() > 0){
NSString *currentID = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:result->getUniqueTargetId() length:strlen(result->getUniqueTargetId()) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (!self.isPLayingVideoFullScreen && ![currentID isEqualToString:self.currentTargetID]) {
// Create a new Trackable from the result:
QCAR::ImageTarget* newTrackable = finder->enableTracking(*result);
if (newTrackable != 0){
// Avoid entering on ContentMode when a bad target is found
// (Bad Targets are targets that are exists on the CloudReco database but not on our
// own book database)
std::string str = result->getMetaData();
std::cout << str << '\n';
SFDebugLog(@"Successfully created new trackable '%s' with rating '%d'.", newTrackable->getName(), result->getTrackingRating());
NSDictionary *dictionary = [Util dictionaryFromMetadata:result->getMetaData()];
self.currentTargetID = currentID;
self.lastRecognizedMarker = [Marker modelObjectWithDictionary:dictionary];
[self actionForMarker:self.lastRecognizedMarker];
[self doStopFinder];
self.trackableDictionary[currentID] = self.lastRecognizedMarker;
SFDebugLog(@"Failed to create new trackable.");
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