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Last active January 25, 2019 15:48
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Exercises for learning Scala
* Implementar `MyOptional`
* Implementar `StudentsAnalyzer`
  1. Implementar los métodos de MyOptional:
trait MyOptional[+T] {
  def get: T

  def getOrElse[A >: T](orElse: => A): A = ???

  def isEmpty: Boolean = this match {
    case MySome(_) => false
    case MyNone()  => true
  def orElse[B >: T](ob: => MyOptional[B]): MyOptional[B] = ???

  def map[B >: T](f: T => B): MyOptional[B] = ???
  def flatMap[B](f: T => MyOptional[B]): MyOptional[B] = ???
  def filter(f: T => Boolean): MyOptional[T] = ???
  def forall(f: T => Boolean): Boolean = ???
  def exists(f: T => Boolean): Boolean = !forall(x => !f(x))
  def foreach(f: T => Unit): Unit = ???
  def foldLeft[Z](z: Z)(f: (T, Z) => Z): Z = ???
  def contains[B >: T](e: B): Boolean = ???
  def toList: List[T] = ???
case class MySome[T](get: T) extends MyOptional[T]

case class MyNone() extends MyOptional[Nothing] {
  def get: Nothing = throw new RuntimeException("Empty...")
package com.despegar.scala.workshop.dia1
* Implementar todos los métodos
object StudentsAnalyzer extends App {
val MinNerdGrade: BigDecimal = 9
private val _students: List[Student] = List(
Student(id = 1, "Bob", age = 21),
Student(id = 2, "Alice", age = 20),
Student(id = 3, "Tom", age = 23),
Student(id = 4, "Sam", age = 22),
Student(id = 5, "Mark", age = 19),
Student(id = 6, "Brian", age = 21),
Student(id = 7, "Loren", age = 21),
Student(id = 8, "John", age = 21),
Student(id = 9, "Carl", age = 21))
private val _courses: List[Course] = List(
Course(id = 1, "Java"),
Course(id = 2, "Scala"),
Course(id = 3, "Kotlin"),
Course(id = 4, "C++"),
Course(id = 5, "Rust"),
Course(id = 6, "Go"),
Course(id = 7, "Python"),
Course(id = 8, "Haskell"))
private val _courseStudent: List[CourseStudent] = List(
CourseStudent(courseId = 1, studentId = 1, grade = 7.5),
CourseStudent(courseId = 1, studentId = 2, grade = 8.6),
CourseStudent(courseId = 1, studentId = 3, grade = 9.5),
CourseStudent(courseId = 2, studentId = 1, grade = 8.0),
CourseStudent(courseId = 2, studentId = 2, grade = 9.9),
CourseStudent(courseId = 2, studentId = 3, grade = 9.1),
CourseStudent(courseId = 2, studentId = 4, grade = 7.8),
CourseStudent(courseId = 2, studentId = 5, grade = 4.0),
CourseStudent(courseId = 3, studentId = 2, grade = 9.9),
CourseStudent(courseId = 3, studentId = 8, grade = 6.2),
CourseStudent(courseId = 4, studentId = 1, grade = 8.5),
CourseStudent(courseId = 5, studentId = 1, grade = 7.6),
CourseStudent(courseId = 5, studentId = 2, grade = 7.5),
CourseStudent(courseId = 7, studentId = 1, grade = 5.5),
CourseStudent(courseId = 8, studentId = 1, grade = 7.8)
* Some hints:
* 1) List.flatMap(f) can receive an f that return an Option. e.g.:
* def safeDivide(a: Int, b: Int): Option[Int] = if (b != 0) Some(a / b) else None
* List(0,1,2).flatMap(i => safeDivide(10, i)) == List(10, 5)
* 2) Useful methods:
* - filter
* - find
* - distinct
* - toSet
* - toSeq
* - map
* - flatMap
* - collect
* - headOption
* - drop(n)
* - take(n)
* - sortWith
* - toStream
def students(ids: Seq[Int]): Seq[Student] = _students.filter(student => ids.contains(
def student(id: Int): Option[Student] = _students.find(student => id ==
def courses(ids: Seq[Int]): Seq[Course] = ???
def course(id: Int): Option[Course] = ???
* A nerd has to get a grade greater or equals than `MinNerdGrade`
def isNerd(grade: BigDecimal): Boolean = ???
* It must not have repeat students
def courseStudentNerds: Seq[CourseStudent] = ???
def nerdIds: Set[Int] = ???
def nerds: Seq[Student] = ???
* A partir de ahora, va a subir un poco la complejidad...
* first nerd found
def firstNerd: Option[Student] = ???
def secondNerd: Option[Student] = ???
* It must not have repeat students
def sortedNerds: Seq[Student] = ???
* nerd in position N, sorted by grade
def topNerdAtPosition(n: Int): Option[Student] = ???
* first N nerds, sorted by grade
def firstNerds(n: Int): Seq[Student] = ???
def firstNerdOlderThan(minAge: Int): Option[Student] = ???
* traverse the list only one time
def firstNerdOlderThan_withOneTraverse(minAge: Int): Option[Student] = ???
def mostNerdy: Option[Student] = ???
* Los siguientes son mucho mas dificil.
* Dont worry!
* No pretendemos que lo puedas hacer, con tan poca practica.
* Pero vale la pena intentarlo ;)
def courseStudentsMapped: Map[CourseStudent, (Course, Student)] = ???
def courseStudentsMapped_viaFor: Map[CourseStudent, (Course, Student)] = ???
def studentsByCourse: Map[Course, Seq[Student]] = ???
def nerdInAllCourses: Seq[Student] = ???
// println(s"All nerds: $nerds")
case class Student(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)
case class Course(id: Int, name: String)
case class CourseStudent(courseId: Int, studentId: Int, grade: BigDecimal)
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