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Last active November 12, 2021 14:11
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Miscreated Servers RCON commands and server configuration help

Miscreated Servers

RCON commands and server configuration help

Available Commands:

  • sv_servername "Name of server in quotes"
  • wm_timeScale 3 How Fast time moves
  • wm_forceTime -1 Force a current time
  • g_pinglimit 0 Ping required to join
  • g_pingLimitTimer 15 How long ping bad before kick
  • g_idleKickTime 300 How long idle before kick - Does not Work! Waiting on bug-fix
  • g_gameRules_Camera 0 Server enforced camera rules,0=both, 1=fp only, 2=tp only in vehicle
  • mis_ban_steamid 64BITSTEAMID Ban Player
  • mis_ban_status Get Ban List
  • mis_ban_remove 64BITSTEAMID Remove from ban list
  • mis_kick 64BITSTEAMID Kick from server
  • mis_whitelist_add 64BITSTEAMID Add to whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_remove 64BITSTEAMID remove from whitelist
  • mis_whitelist_status Get Whitelist
  • status Get server status
  • sv_say Send a message
  • sv_motd Set the message of the day for the server
  • sv_url Set the URL for the servers website
  • sv_chat Send a message via the chat window
  • do_shutdown SECONDS Do a restart with announcements in x seconds (default: 60 seconds, min: 45 seconds, max: 600 seconds)
  • log_Verbosity
  • log_WriteToFile
  • log_WriteToFileVerbosity
  • log_IncludeTime
  • log_chatlog
  • log_damagelog

Gameplay Options

  • g_respawnAtBaseTime Adjusts the Respawn At Base duration
  • g_playerHealthRegen Health regeneration speed - default 0.111 (about 10 minutes)
  • g_playerFoodDecay Food decay speed - default .2777 (about 1.5 hours)
  • g_playerFoodDecaySprinting Food decay speed when sprinting - default 0.34722 (25% more than non-sprinting)
  • g_playerWaterDecay Water decay speed - default 0.4861 (about 1 hour)
  • g_playerWaterDecaySprinting Water decay speed when sprinting - default 0.607638 (25% more than non-sprinting)
  • g_playerTemperatureSpeed Simple overall temperature regulation speed (effects body+env equally) - default 1.0
  • g_playerTemperatureEnvRate Temperature environment rate per sec - default 0.0005
  • g_playerInfiniteStamina Infinite Stamina - default 0, 1 means infinite
  • g_craftingSpeedMultiplier Scalar for the crafting times - default 1.0
  • asm_percent Set the AI spawner location percentage, default: 33 (max is 90) - this helps control the AI spawn density
  • asm_disable Disable the AI spawner manager system - default 0
  • asm_maxMultiplier Set the multiplier for the AI spawner max amount - default 1.0
  • asm_hordeCooldown Set the cooldown on spawning hordes - default 900 (in seconds)
  • pcs_maxCorpses Maximum number of player corpses - default 20
  • pcs_maxCorpseTime Maximum time before a player corpse will despawn - default 1200 (in seconds)
  • ism_percent - range 0 to 90, the percent of item spawners that can possibly spawn loot - default is 20
  • ism_maxCount - range 0 to 5000, the maximum number of item spawners that can have a spawned item concurrently - default is 750
  • as_corpseCountMax - the maximum number of AI corpses that can exist at once - default is 20
  • as_corpseRemovalTime - the time in seconds until an AI corpse is forcibly removed - default is 300
  • g_playerWeightLimit - the maximum amount of weight a player can carry - default is 40 (kg)
  • g_maxHealthMultiplier - scales the default health for a player - default is 1, don't go beyond 5 - experimental
  • sv_allow_prone - set to "1" to enable prone - default 0 (off)

Self Hosted/i3D Whitelisted Options

These commands are available on any self hosted server or any i3D hosted server with whitelisting enabled.

  • sv_msg_conn Display a message upon the player connecting
  • sv_msg_death Display a message upon a players death
  • g_gameRules_bases Disable base building
  • steam_inventory_enable Disable or enable Steam Inventory Service on Whitelisted servers

Available weather patterns:

  • 01 - ClearSky
  • 02 - LightRain
  • 03 - HeavyRainThunder
  • 04 - HeavyStorm
  • 05 - TornadoStorm
  • 06 - TornadoStorm_Tornado
  • 07 - TornadoRainThunder
  • 08 - TornadoRainThunder_Tornado
  • 09 - LightFog
  • 10 - MediumFog
  • 11 - HeavyFog
  • 12 - TheMist
  • 13 - Rainbow
  • 14 - RainbowHalf
  • 15 - RadStorm
  • 16 - RadStorm_Peak
  • 17 - RadStorm_Outro
  • 18 - NuclearFlashFreeze
  • 19 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Peak
  • 20 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Outro
  • 21 - Snow

wm_startPattern # or name
Can be used to immediately start a weather pattern 
by name or number. The number 0 will automatically select one.
See Available Weather Patterns above for more info.
wm_pattern x
Can be used for constantly force a weather pattern.
0 | Means no pattern at all
-1 | Means random pattern selection cycle (Default)
x | See weather pattern list (needs to be a number)
wm_forceTime hours
Can be used to freeze time to a specific hour
-1 | Time not frozen
0 | Midnight
6 | Sunrise
12 | Noon
18 | Sunset
wm_timeOffset hours
Can be used to offset time from system time on server start up
use 24-x for real negative offsets (as positive numbers)
-1 | random offset
0 | no offset
1 | +1 hour offset
wm_timeScale speedscale
Scale time of day speed
0.5 | Half of real time
1 | Real time
4 | 4x as fast as real time
512 | 512x as fast as real time
wm_timeScaleNight speedscale
Scale of night speed (relative to day)
wm_timeScaleWeather speedscale
Scale of weather speed (The weather speed is independent of day/night speed)

PVE/faction system:

We added a system that can support of multitude of scenarios like PVE, factions or role play. Players, Mutants/Animals and Bases have each been assigned a built-in faction and the damage caused between those factions is controlled in detail by a damage multiplier matrix.

Players can additionally join factions defined by issuing a chat command "!factionname". After a faction is joined it can't be left until a server restart. The current faction can be determined with the chat command "!faction".

Server administrators can fully customize the factions by turning them on/off, the damage, their names as well as access steamid restrictions.

Up to 4 factions can be defined. We predefined the factions lawmen, outlaw, military and corporate which can be redefined by the server administrators.

This system allows for example a PVE server of the following kind:

  • Players can't damage each other and bases
  • Players can join a outlaw or lawmen faction
  • Outlaw and lawmen can fight each other while the other players are unaffected
  • Lawmen can't damage each other
  • Players can damage outlaws but not lawmen
  • Outlaws could be allowed to damage bases while lawmen can't
  • Environment can damage anyone
  • Messages for deaths and join/disconnect

Basebuilding adjustment:

The server administrator can now fully disallow basebuilding or set it to allow building of bases even in cities.

New GameRule CVars:

0 No bases allowed on server
1 Normal base Building
2 Build anywhere (WARNING: Switching the server to a different mode after enabling build anywhere will cause any bases in exclusion zones to be deleted)
Activate a faction
Special built-in faction indexes: (built-in factions can't be disabled)
0 - players (without faction)
1 - environment (Mutants, Animals, etc)
2 - bases
Sets the factionname and chatcommand keyword to join the faction.
    Be sure to select a non conflicting name.
g_gameRules_faction3-6_steamids="123456;1234567;..." (Default: empty, meaning everyone can join)
Access restriction to faction (semicolon seperated list)
g_gameRules_faction0-6_dmg_f0-6=1.0 (Default: All 7x7 cvars are 1.0)
Damage multiplier of faction x to faction y.
0.0 no damage
0.5 means half damage
1.0 normal damage
2.0 double damage

GameRule CVars (Whitelisted only):

Non-zone restricted bases (Bases can be build in cities for events or server specific requirements etc.)
 0=no bases, 1=restricted zones, 2=bases everywhere(whitelisted only)

Messaging CVars (Whitelisted only):

Will output playername and faction on connect/disconnect in chat
Will output killer, victim and weapon/vehicle as well as cause of death/modifiers and factions in chat

Example .CFG (PVE with outlaw and lawmen) –

– lawmen need to join the faction with !lawmen chat command
– outlaw need to join the faction with !outlaw chat command
– players can't damage each other and bases
– players can join a outlaw or lawmen faction
– outlaw and lawmen can fight each other while the other players are uneffected
– lawmen can't damage each other
– players can damage outlaws but not lawmen
– outlaws could be allowed to damage bases while lawmen can't
– environemt can damage anyone (to increase difficulty damage to players can be halved while damage to could be doubled)
– messages for deaths and join/disconnect
– uncomment if wanted: allow bases to be build everywhere
– (if abused you can define a access restricted faction with a high damage multiplier to clean them up)
– g_gameRules_bases=2

Event / Faction Equipment (Self Hosted Servers Only)

Semicolon separated class list of equipment to be added in that order (Be sure to use double quotes around list). Place these in your hosting.cfg

Determine the item names from the "GameSDK\Scripts\Entities\Items\XML"-Folder. First list all containers/clothes then the items to put in them. (Attention: Using unfinished/unreleased+test items may be removed at any point potentially destroying your local database.)

g_gameRules_faction0_equip // Default = "" (empty means the standard equipment is generated)

g_gameRules_faction3_equip // Default = "flexcap_policefrontback_blue;SunglassesBBlack;CanvasShoes;TshirtPoliceBlue;CargoPantsBlack;PoliceBaton;PoliceHandcuffs;PoliceHandcuffKey;Cb_radio;Megaphone;Map"
g_gameRules_faction4_equip // Default = "HeadbandPatternC;BandanaRed;ScarfOrange;HitopsBlack;NoSleevesVestTan;WandererPantsBlack;BaseballBat;DuctTape;Torch"
g_gameRules_faction5_equip // Default = "MilitaryHelmetGreenCamo1;CombatBootsBlack;TacticalVestGreenCamo2;MilitaryJacketTanCamo2;CargoPantsGreenCamo2;SurvivalKnife;DuctTape;Cb_radio;GridMap"
g_gameRules_faction6_equip // Default = "flexcap_aclogofrontacback_blue;TennisShoes;ButtonUpShirtDarkGreyStriped;BlueJeans2Brown;WoodPaddle;DuctTape;Cb_radio"

Event / Faction Spawn Positions (Self Hosted Servers Only):

Semicolon separated list of spawn positions (Be sure to use double quotes around list). Place these in your hosting.cfg

The factions player are spawned in a circle around the spawn position, one is selected for each player randomly. (spawn is relative to terrain height)

Format can either be "X,Y,Z-Terrain-offset" based (determine using the maps grid) or a named spawn pos (Valid names are: rockyripple sultan cinepark woodhaven hayward clydehill capebay brightmoor pineparks pinecrest airfield)

When empty or 0 then normal spawns are selected.

g_gameRules_faction0_pos // Default = "0,0,0"
g_gameRules_faction3_pos // Default = "0,0,0"
g_gameRules_faction4_pos // Default = "0,0,0"
g_gameRules_faction5_pos // Default = "0,0,0"
g_gameRules_faction6_pos // Default = "0,0,0"

Sample: g_gameRules_faction0_pos="500,500,0;sultan;cinepark" (spawn players at 500,500 in sultan and at cinepark)

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Thanks @4iY I updated the CVAR list with those

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