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Last active October 24, 2021 13:13
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Create a project support note in Evernote. The note will be cross-referenced with the task/project in OmniFocus.
Opens the support note for an OmniFocus task/project in Evernote. Creates the note if necessary, linking the note back to the task/project.
NB: If you set this up by hand, the evernote:/// URL in OmniFocus needs to be enclosed in <> for the script to find it.
Put this script in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.omnifocus2. Then you can add the script as a custom toolbar item.
version 1.0: Initial release
property notebookName : "Planner"
on run
set theURL to my getExistingNoteURL()
if theURL is equal to "" then
set theURL to my makeNewNoteURL()
end if
my viewNote(theURL)
end run
Checks for an existing note.
Returns the note's URL if found, "" if not.
on getExistingNoteURL()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell front window
set the_task to value of item 1 of selected trees of content
set existing_note_value to the_task's note
set p1 to offset of "evernote:///" in existing_note_value
if p1 is 0 then
return ""
end if
set the_existing_url to text p1 through -1 of existing_note_value
set p2 to offset of ">" in the_existing_url
if p2 is not 0 then
set the_existing_url to text 1 through (p2 - 1) of the_existing_url
end if
return the_existing_url
end tell
end tell
end getExistingNoteURL
Makes a new support note, cross-referenced to the selected OmniFocus task/project.
on makeNewNoteURL()
(* Collect information from the selected OmniFocus task/project *)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell front window
set the_task to value of item 1 of selected trees of content
set the_task_link to "omnifocus:///task/" & (the_task's id)
set the_task_name to the_task's name
set the_due_date to the_task's due date
end tell
end tell
(* Create a note in Evernote *)
tell application "Evernote"
set the_notebook to notebook notebookName
set the_note to create note with html "" title the_task_name notebook the_notebook
tell the_note
set source URL to the_task_link
set reminder time to the_due_date
end tell
-- The note link for new notes isn’t available until the note has synced.
my synchronizeEvernote()
set the_note_link to the_note's note link
end tell
(* Add note link to OmniFocus task *)
tell application "OmniFocus"
set link_text to "Evernote <" & the_note_link & ">"
set current_note to the_task's note
if current_note is equal to "" then
set the_task's note to link_text
set the_task's note to (current_note & "
" & link_text)
end if
end tell
return the_note_link
end makeNewNoteURL
We only have the `synchronize` command, which initiates a sync and returns immediately.
So start the sync and poll every 250ms.
on synchronizeEvernote()
tell application "Evernote"
repeat while isSynchronizing
delay 0.25
end repeat
end tell
end synchronizeEvernote
Tell Evernote to show the note.
on viewNote(theURL)
tell application "Evernote"
activate (open location theURL)
end tell
end viewNote
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Hi @csreed. Thank you for building this.

I am not able to make it work. I think this is related to the statement

" NB: If you set this up by hand, the evernote:/// URL in OmniFocus needs to be enclosed in <> for the script to find it."

I can install and make it run in OF2. But I get:

  • A note in Eveernote with the name of the task
  • Note in Evernote does not have a link back to the task in OF2
  • The Task in OF2 shows "Evernote "

I have created a notebook on evernote called "Planner"

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

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This is a beautiful script. Elegant solution to the problem and well-written to boot. Links work perfectly on IOS and MacOS

Thank you so much for sharing!

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I've been using this script for years - and would miss it terribly if I couldn't use it. And now, on my new Mac, I suddenly get this error message:

The operation couldn’t be completed. /Users/fdx247/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus3/Support Note.scpt:1874:1886: script error: Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier. (-2741)

Referring to this line: set the_notebook to notebook notebookName
I've changed the first line to match my default notebook: property notebookName : "@inbox"

But when compiling it in the script editor i get the same error.

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Found the answer: Evernote V10 does not support AppleScript... go figure...

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