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Last active November 15, 2015 00:52
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<div class="foo">
<div class="foo__bar">Foo</div>
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.14)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
$nudge-enabled: false;
// _tools.nudge.scss
$nudge-enabled: true !default;
@if ($nudge-enabled == false) {
@warn "You have included Nudge in your project but have turned it off. Are you sure this is correct?"
// This is a private mixin for use only by the Nudge library.
// It simply spits out the styles for the message that gets
// displayed in the UI.
@mixin _nudge-message($level: 'error') {
$color: orange;
@if ($level == 'error') {
$color: red;
position: relative;
outline: 1px solid $color;
&:after {
position: absolute;
bottom: 100%;
left: 0;
font: normal 12px/1 monospace;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: white;
color: $color;
// Nudge mixin to check the validity of the nesting of elements in
// the DOM. E.g.: `.foo__bar` must always exist somewhere inside of
// `.foo`; we can ensure that developers are not using `.foo__bar`
// out of context by asking Nudge to check it.
// .example {
// display: block;
// padding: 2em;
// }
// .example__child {
// @include nudge-nest('.example');
// font-size: 1em;
// }
@mixin nudge-nest($element) {
@if ($nudge-enabled == true) {
* Immediately apply error states to all instances of the element…
@include _nudge-message();
&:after {
content: "Error: Element `." attr(class) "` should only appear within `#{$element}`.";
* …but remove the errors if things are nested correctly.
#{$element} & {
outline: none;
&:after {
content: normal;
} //endif
// _trumps.nudge.scss
@if ($nudge-enabled == true) {
* Improper use of BEM Modifiers.
* By checking whether a class attribute contains two hyphens but no space
* (i.e. there’s only one class and it’s a Modifier), tell the developer that
* they can’t use a Modifier without a corresponding Block.
* N.B. This isn’t bulletproof: `class="foo--bar baz"` would pass, as would
* `class=" foo--bar"`. Use with a pinch of salt.
[class*="--"]:not([class*=" "]) {
@include _nudge-message();
&:after {
content: "Error: Cannot have a Modifier (i.e. `." attr(class) "`) without a Block.";
} //endif
@if ($nudge-enabled == true) {
* Deprecated Selectors
* Sometimes we will want to deprecate and/or phase out certain selectors.
* We can define a list of these selectors (with optional replacements)
* that will display a warning in the UI when used.
// Array of our selectors and their replacements. If there is no replacement,
// use `null`.
// The array below is an example: do not modify it directly. Instead, replicate
// it elsewhere earlier in the project (e.g. in a `_settings.deprecations.scss`
// file).
$nudge-deprecated-selectors: (
'.deprecated-class': '.replacement-class',
'.deprecated-class-with-no-replaement': null,
) !default;
%_nudge-deprecated-selectors-shared-styles {
@include _nudge-message('warn');
@each $selector, $replacement in $nudge-deprecated-selectors {
#{$selector} {
@extend %_nudge-deprecated-selectors-shared-styles;
&:after {
@if ($replacement != null) {
content: "Warn: Selector `#{$selector}` is deprecated, use `#{$replacement}` instead.";
} @else {
content: "Warn: Selector `#{$selector}` is deprecated.";
} //endif
@charset "UTF-8";
* Improper use of BEM Modifiers.
* By checking whether a class attribute contains two hyphens but no space
* (i.e. there’s only one class and it’s a Modifier), tell the developer that
* they can’t use a Modifier without a corresponding Block.
* N.B. This isn’t bulletproof: `class="foo--bar baz"` would pass, as would
* `class=" foo--bar"`. Use with a pinch of salt.
[class*="--"]:not([class*=" "]) {
position: relative;
outline: 1px solid red;
[class*="--"]:not([class*=" "]):after {
position: absolute;
bottom: 100%;
left: 0;
font: normal 12px/1 monospace;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: white;
color: red;
[class*="--"]:not([class*=" "]):after {
content: "Error: Cannot have a Modifier (i.e. `." attr(class) "`) without a Block.";
* Deprecated Selectors
* Sometimes we will want to deprecate and/or phase out certain selectors.
* We can define a list of these selectors (with optional replacements)
* that will display a warning in the UI when used.
.deprecated-class, .deprecated-class-with-no-replaement {
position: relative;
outline: 1px solid orange;
.deprecated-class:after, .deprecated-class-with-no-replaement:after {
position: absolute;
bottom: 100%;
left: 0;
font: normal 12px/1 monospace;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: white;
color: orange;
.deprecated-class:after {
content: "Warn: Selector `.deprecated-class` is deprecated, use `.replacement-class` instead.";
.deprecated-class-with-no-replaement:after {
content: "Warn: Selector `.deprecated-class-with-no-replaement` is deprecated.";
<div class="foo">
<div class="foo__bar">Foo</div>
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