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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save csswizardry/d2b0b8b9598401201b91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save csswizardry/d2b0b8b9598401201b91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.9)
// Compass (v1.0.1)
// ----
// Config and setup.
$config: (
client: Sothebys,
project: sothebys-realty,
theme: dark,
env: dev,
// Get config out of our map.
@function config($key) {
@return map-get($config, $key);
// Directory settings.
$_img-dir: "/img/css/";
@if (config(env) == live) {
$_img-dir: "//";
* Client: #{config(client)}
* Project: #{config(project)}
* Theme: #{config(theme)}
* Environment: #{config(env)}
.foo {
@if (config(theme) == light) {
color: #ccc;
} @elseif (config(theme) == dark) {
color: #333;
} @else {
color: #000;
background-image: url(#{$_img-dir}sprites/flags.png);
* Client: Sothebys
* Project: sothebys-realty
* Theme: dark
* Environment: dev
.foo {
color: #333;
background-image: url(/img/css/sprites/flags.png);
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