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Last active July 4, 2020 11:36
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{"name": "Imidazoles", "reactant": "[n+;H]", "product": "n"},
{"name": "Amines", "reactant": "[N+;!H0]", "product": "N"},
{"name": "Carboxylic acids and alcohols", "reactant": "[$([O-]);!$([O-][#7])]", "product": "O"},
{"name": "Thiols", "reactant": "[S-;X1]", "product": "S"},
{"name": "Sulfonamides", "reactant": "[$([N-;X2]S(=O)=O)]", "product": "N"},
{"name": "Enamines", "reactant": "[$([N-;X2][C,N]=C)]", "product": "N"},
{"name": "Tetrazoles", "reactant": "[n-]", "product": "[nH]"},
{"name": "Sulfoxides", "reactant": "[$([S-]=O)]", "product": "S"},
{"name": "Amides", "reactant": "[$([N-]C=O)]", "product": "N"}
""" Functionality to neutralize molecules """
import json
import numpy as np
import copy
from rdkit import Chem
from sascorer import calculateScore
_neutralize_reactions = None
def read_neutralizers(name="neutralize"):
filename = f"{name}.json"
with open(filename) as json_file:
reactions = json.load(json_file)
neutralize_reactions = []
for reaction in reactions:
n_s = reaction["name"]
r_s = reaction["reactant"]
p_s = reaction["product"]
r = Chem.MolFromSmarts(r_s)
p = Chem.MolFromSmiles(p_s, False)
assert r is not None and p is not None, "Either R or P is None"
neutralize_reactions.append((r, p))
return neutralize_reactions
def neutralize_smiles(smiles):
""" Neutralize a set of SMILES
:param list smiles: a list of SMILES
assert type(smiles) == list
charged_molecules = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(s) for s in smiles]
neutral_molecules = neutralize_molecules(charged_molecules)
return [Chem.MolToSmiles(m) for m in neutral_molecules]
def neutralize_molecules(charged_molecules):
""" Neutralize a set of molecules
:param list charged_molecules: list of (possibly) charged molecules
:return: list of neutral molecules
assert type(charged_molecules) == list
global _neutralize_reactions
if _neutralize_reactions is None:
_neutralize_reactions = read_neutralizers()
neutral_molecules = []
for c_mol in charged_molecules:
mol = copy.deepcopy(c_mol)
#mol = Chem.Mol(c_mol)
assert mol is not None
for reactant_mol, product_mol in _neutralize_reactions:
while mol.HasSubstructMatch(reactant_mol):
rms = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(mol, reactant_mol, product_mol)
if rms[0] is not None:
mol = rms[0]
return neutral_molecules
def sa_score_modifier(sa_scores, mu = 2.230044, sigma = 0.6526308):
""" Computes a synthesizability multiplier for a (range of) synthetic accessibility score(s)
The multiplier is between 1 (perfectly synthesizable) and 0 (not synthesizable).
Based on the work of
:param list sa_scores: list of synthetic availability scores
:param float mu: average synthetic availability score
:param float sigma: standard deviation of the score to accept
mod_scores = np.maximum(sa_scores, mu)
return np.exp(-0.5 * np.power((mod_scores - mu) / sigma, 2.))
def reweigh_scores_by_sa(population, scores):
sa_scores = sa_score_modifier([calculateScore(p) for p in population])
scores = [ns * sa for ns, sa in zip(scores, sa_scores)] # rescale scores and force list type
return scores
if __name__ == '__main__':
s_q = "c1ccccc1C(C(=O)[O-])c2ccccc2"
s_q = "c1cccc(c12)cc(cc2)C[NH+]([NH3+])C(=O)[NH3+]"
s_n = neutralize_smiles([s_q])
print("Q: ", s_q, calculateScore(Chem.MolFromSmiles(s_q)))
print("N: ", s_n, calculateScore(Chem.MolFromSmiles(s_n[0])))
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