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Last active August 26, 2022 23:59
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  • Save cstewart90/a1163bad196977e351eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Default Quake Live Factories (formatted)
"cvars": {
"timelimit": "5",
"fraglimit": "10",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_training": "1",
"bot_dynamicSkill": "1",
"practiceflags": "0",
"bot_startingSkill": "2",
"g_allowkill": "0",
"g_voteFlags": "2048"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "_training",
"title": "Training"
}, {
"cvars": {
"timelimit": "0",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_training": "1",
"g_infiniteAmmo": "1",
"practiceflags": "1",
"g_startingweapons": "17",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_voteFlags": "2048"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "_rj",
"title": "RJ Practice"
}, {
"cvars": {
"timelimit": "0",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_training": "1",
"g_infiniteAmmo": "1",
"practiceflags": "1",
"g_startingweapons": "1",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_voteFlags": "2048"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "_sj",
"title": "SJ Practice"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_ammoPack": "1",
"g_ammoRespawn": "10",
"g_suddenDeathRespawn": "1",
"g_startingWeapons": "515",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_battleSuitDampen": ".33",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_runes": "1"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Classic CTF with Grapple and Runes.",
"basegt": "ctf",
"id": "actf",
"title": "Arena CTF"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_startingAmmo_sg": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_mg": "100",
"g_startingAmmo_lg": "150",
"g_startingAmmo_hmg": "150",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_startingArmor": "100",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_startingWeapons": "255",
"scorelimit": "15",
"g_startingAmmo_rl": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_pg": "100",
"g_startingHealth": "100",
"g_startingAmmo_rg": "25",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_gl": "25"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ad",
"id": "ad",
"title": "Attack & Defend"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_startingAmmo_sg": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_mg": "100",
"g_startingAmmo_lg": "150",
"g_startingAmmo_hmg": "150",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_startingArmor": "100",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_startingWeapons": "8447",
"g_startingAmmo_rl": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_pg": "100",
"g_startingHealth": "200",
"g_allowKill": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_rg": "25",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_gl": "25"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ca",
"id": "ca",
"title": "Clan Arena"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_ammoPack": "1",
"g_ammoRespawn": "10",
"g_suddenDeathRespawn": "1",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_battleSuitDampen": ".33",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ctf",
"id": "ctf",
"title": "Capture The Flag"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_loadout": "1",
"g_spawnItemPowerup": "0",
"g_regenHealth": "1250",
"g_regenHealthRate": "133",
"g_regenArmorRate": "133",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_mg": "100",
"g_spawnItemHealth": "0",
"g_spawnItemAmmo": "0",
"g_startingArmor": "100",
"g_startingWeapons": "1",
"scorelimit": "150",
"g_startingAmmo_rl": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_pg": "100",
"g_spawnItemHoldable": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_gl": "25",
"g_startingAmmo_hmg": "150",
"g_spawnItemWeapons": "0",
"g_regenArmor": "1250",
"g_regenArmorAfterHealth": "1",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_lg": "150",
"g_domCapTime": "4",
"g_startingAmmo_sg": "50",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_startingAmmo_rg": "25",
"g_spawnItemArmor": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "dom",
"id": "dom",
"title": "Domination"
}, {
"cvars": {
"timelimit": "10",
"g_itemHeight": "15",
"g_itemTimers": "0",
"pmove_BunnyHop": "0",
"pmove_CrouchStepJump": "0",
"pmove_JumpTimeDeltaMin": "50",
"pmove_WaterSwimScale": "0.5f",
"pmove_WaterWadeScale": "0.75f",
"fraglimit": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "duel",
"id": "duel",
"title": "Duel"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_ammoPack": "1",
"g_ammoRespawn": "10",
"g_throwFlagVelocity": "300",
"g_flagBounce": "0.5",
"g_flagPhysics": "1",
"g_suddenDeathRespawn": "1",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_battleSuitDampen": ".33",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "oneflag",
"id": "oneflag",
"title": "1-Flag CTF"
}, {
"cvars": {
"timelimit": "15",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "ffa",
"title": "Free For All"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_dropCmds": "6",
"g_loadout": "1",
"timelimit": "15",
"fraglimit": "0",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "ft",
"id": "ft",
"title": "Freeze Tag"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_ammoPack": "1",
"g_ammoRespawn": "10",
"capturelimit": "30",
"g_suddenDeathRespawn": "1",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_battleSuitDampen": ".33",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "har",
"id": "har",
"title": "Harvester"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_startingWeapons": "65",
"capturelimit": "5",
"g_suddenDeathRespawn": "1",
"g_instagib": "1",
"g_dropCmds": "1",
"timelimit": "15",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_allowKill": "0",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Railgun and Gauntlet only. One shot, one kill.",
"basegt": "ctf",
"id": "ictf",
"title": "Instagib CTF"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_dropCmds": "0",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_instagib": "1",
"g_startingWeapons": "65",
"timelimit": "15",
"g_allowKill": "0",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Railgun and Gauntlet only. One shot, one kill.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "iffa",
"title": "Instagib FFA"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_dropCmds": "0",
"g_freezeThawTime": "1000",
"g_instagib": "1",
"g_startingWeapons": "65",
"timelimit": "15",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_allowKill": "0",
"fraglimit": "0",
"g_overtime": "0"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Railgun and Gauntlet only. One shot, one kill.",
"basegt": "ft",
"id": "ift",
"title": "Instagib Freeze Tag"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_knockback_pg_self": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_mg": "100",
"g_enemyLocators": "1",
"g_startingArmor": "0",
"g_rrDeathScorePenalty": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_rl": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_pg": "100",
"g_startingHealth": "150",
"g_startingAmmo_gl": "25",
"g_teamForceBalance": "0",
"g_rrInfected": "1",
"g_startingAmmo_hmg": "150",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_lg": "150",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_sg": "50",
"g_startingWeapons": "7",
"g_startingAmmo_rg": "25"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Players who are fragged become infected, and must chase after all remaining players.",
"basegt": "rr",
"id": "infected",
"title": "Infected"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_loadout": "1",
"g_quadHogIdle": "30",
"timelimit": "10",
"fraglimit": "30",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_quadHog": "1"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "A Quad Damage spawns in the arena. Pick up the Quad, and it becomes you versus the world.",
"basegt": "ffa",
"id": "quadhog",
"title": "Quad Hog"
}, {
"cvars": {
"pmove_noPlayerClip": "1",
"dmflags": "28",
"fraglimit": "0",
"g_startingWeapons": "145",
"g_allowKill": "1",
"g_infiniteAmmo": "1",
"g_knockback_pg": "1.25",
"g_knockback_rl": "1.10",
"g_knockback_z": "40",
"g_itemHeight": "35",
"g_itemTimers": "0",
"g_max_knockback": "160",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_respawn_delay_max": "3500",
"g_respawn_delay_min": "500",
"g_splashradius_pg": "32",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_velocity_gl": "800",
"pmove_AirControl": "1",
"pmove_JumpTimeDeltaMin": "50",
"pmove_RampJump": "1",
"pmove_WeaponRaiseTime": "10",
"pmove_WeaponDropTime": "10",
"timelimit": "8"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "race",
"id": "race",
"title": "Race"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_teamForceBalance": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_sg": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_mg": "100",
"g_startingAmmo_lg": "150",
"g_startingAmmo_hmg": "150",
"dmflags": "28",
"g_startingArmor": "100",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_startingWeapons": "8447",
"g_startingAmmo_rl": "50",
"g_startingAmmo_pg": "100",
"g_startingHealth": "100",
"g_startingAmmo_rg": "25",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_startingAmmo_gl": "25"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "rr",
"id": "rr",
"title": "Red Rover"
}, {
"cvars": {
"g_loadout": "1",
"g_dropCmds": "4",
"timelimit": "15",
"fraglimit": "150"
"author": "id Software",
"description": "Default gametype settings.",
"basegt": "tdm",
"id": "tdm",
"title": "Team Deathmatch"
}, {
"cvars": {
"dmflags": "60",
"g_startingWeapons": "8447",
"g_allowKill": "0",
"g_overtime": "0",
"g_knockback_pg": "1.25",
"g_knockback_rl": "1.10",
"g_knockback_z": "40",
"g_max_knockback": "160",
"g_respawn_delay_max": "3500",
"g_respawn_delay_min": "500",
"g_splashradius_pg": "32",
"g_startingHealthBonus": "0",
"g_velocity_gl": "800",
"pmove_AirControl": "1",
"pmove_JumpTimeDeltaMin": "50",
"pmove_RampJump": "1",
"pmove_WeaponRaiseTime": "10",
"pmove_WeaponDropTime": "10",
"weapon_reload_rg": "1250",
"weapon_reload_sg": "950",
"g_vampiricDamage": "0.75",
"g_infiniteAmmo": "1",
"g_startingArmor": "0",
"g_startingHealth": "300",
"g_forceDmgThroughSurface": "1"
"basegt": "ca",
"id": "vca",
"title": "Vampiric CA",
"author": "id Software",
"description": "The popular Clan Arena modification with Turbo Physics and Vampiric Damage."
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