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Created September 8, 2012 11:51
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Stubbing a protocol in Clojurescript.
(require '[cljs.analyzer :as a])
(defn methods-by-protocol [ns]
(->> (a/get-namespace ns)
(map val)
(filter :protocol)
(fn [map d]
(update-in map [(:protocol d)] #(conj (or % #{}) d)))
(defn methods-in-protocol [qualified-symbol]
(-> qualified-symbol
(get qualified-symbol)))
(defmacro moot [proto]
(let [signatures (-> (cljs.analyzer/resolve-var &env proto) :name methods-in-protocol)
methods (map (fn [sig]
`(~(-> sig :name name symbol)
~@(:method-params sig)
#_(impl-goes-here) nil))
`(reify ~proto ~@methods)))
(defprotocol ReviewDeck
(when-next-card-due [deck thunk]))
(assert (= (when-next-card-due (m/moot ReviewDeck)) nil))
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