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Created February 19, 2013 21:55
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Today's lunchtime fun: Rewriting the code from Matt Might's article on CEK machines in OCaml
(* See *)
type var = string
type term =
Ref of var
| Lam of lambda
| App of term * term
and lambda = L of var * term
let rec terminal step isFinal state0 =
match isFinal state0 with
true -> state0
| false -> terminal step isFinal (step(state0))
module Env = Map.Make(String);;
type d = Clo of lambda * env
and env = d Env.t
type state = env * term * kont
and kont =
| Ar of env * term * kont
| Fn of env * lambda * kont
let step = function
(env, Ref x, k) ->
let Clo (lam, env') = Env.find x env in
(env', Lam lam, k)
| (env, App (f, e), k) -> (env, f, Ar(env, e, k))
| (env, Lam lam, Ar(env', e, k)) -> (env', e, Fn(env, lam, k))
| (env, Lam lam, Fn(env', L(x, e), k)) -> (Env.add x (Clo (lam, env)) env', e, k)
let inject e = (Env.empty, e, Mt)
let isFinal = function
(env, Lam _, Mt) -> true
| _ -> false
let evaluate pr = terminal step isFinal (inject(pr))
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