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Last active February 14, 2018 09:15
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Python + Bayes -- example 3

A script that replicates all examples in my blog post on inferring probabilities using a Beta prior-- see bayes post for more information.

Run all the examples

    $ python


    $ chmod u+x
    $ ./

## Use the classes defined in the file ##

Start Python (or ipython if you like) in the directory containing the `` file.


    $ python
Then import the file and try out a new example by

* creating new data
* specifying a prior
* creating a posterior
* plotting the results of inference


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from ex003_bayes import prior, posterior
    >>> data = np.random.choice([0,1], 500, p=[0.1, 0.9])
    >>> pri = prior(1,1)
    >>> post = posterior(data, pri)
    >>> post.plot()

That's it!
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2014 Christopher C. Strelioff <>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import beta
# use matplotlib style sheet
# version of matplotlib might not be recent
class likelihood:
def __init__(self, data):
"""Likelihood for binary data."""
self.counts = {s:0 for s in ['0', '1']}
def _process_data(self, data):
"""Process data."""
temp = [str(x) for x in data]
for s in ['0', '1']:
self.counts[s] = temp.count(s)
if len(temp) != sum(self.counts.values()):
raise Exception("Passed data is not all 0`s and 1`s!")
def _process_probabilities(self, p0):
"""Process probabilities."""
n0 = self.counts['0']
n1 = self.counts['1']
if p0 != 0 and p0 != 1:
# typical case
logpr_data = n0*np.log(p0) + \
pr_data = np.exp(logpr_data)
elif p0 == 0 and n0 != 0:
# p0 can't be 0 if n0 is not 0
logpr_data = -np.inf
pr_data = np.exp(logpr_data)
elif p0 == 0 and n0 == 0:
# data consistent with p0=0
logpr_data = n1*np.log(1.-p0)
pr_data = np.exp(logpr_data)
elif p0 == 1 and n1 != 0:
# p0 can't be 1 if n1 is not 0
logpr_data = -np.inf
pr_data = np.exp(logpr_data)
elif p0 == 1 and n1 == 0:
# data consistent with p0=1
logpr_data = n0*np.log(p0)
pr_data = np.exp(logpr_data)
return pr_data, logpr_data
def prob(self, p0):
"""Get probability of data."""
pr_data, _ = self._process_probabilities(p0)
return pr_data
def log_prob(self, p0):
"""Get log of probability of data."""
_, logpr_data = self._process_probabilities(p0)
return logpr_data
class prior:
def __init__(self, alpha0=1, alpha1=1):
"""Beta prior for binary data."""
self.a0 = alpha0
self.a1 = alpha1
self.p0rv = beta(self.a0, self.a1)
def interval(self, prob):
"""End points for region of pdf containing `prob` of the
pdf-- this uses the cdf and inverse.
Ex: interval(0.95)
return self.p0rv.interval(prob)
def mean(self):
"""Returns prior mean."""
return self.p0rv.mean()
def pdf(self, p0):
"""Probability density at p0."""
return self.p0rv.pdf(p0)
def plot(self):
"""A plot showing mean and 95% credible interval."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x = np.arange(0., 1., 0.01)
# get prior mean p0
mean = self.mean()
# get low/high pts containg 95% probability
low_p0, high_p0 = self.interval(0.95)
x_prob = np.arange(low_p0, high_p0, 0.01)
# plot pdf
ax.plot(x, self.pdf(x), 'r-')
# fill 95% region
ax.fill_between(x_prob, 0, self.pdf(x_prob),
color='red', alpha='0.2' )
# mean
ax.stem([mean], [self.pdf(mean)], linefmt='r-',
markerfmt='ro', basefmt='w-')
ax.set_xlabel('Probability of Zero')
ax.set_ylabel('Prior PDF')
ax.set_ylim(0., 1.1*np.max(self.pdf(x)))
class posterior:
def __init__(self, data, prior):
"""The posterior.
data: a data sample as list
prior: an instance of the beta prior class
self.likelihood = likelihood(data)
self.prior = prior
def _process_posterior(self):
"""Process the posterior using passed data and prior."""
# extract n0, n1, a0, a1 from likelihood and prior
self.n0 = self.likelihood.counts['0']
self.n1 = self.likelihood.counts['1']
self.a0 = self.prior.a0
self.a1 = self.prior.a1
self.p0rv = beta(self.a0 + self.n0,
self.a1 + self.n1)
def interval(self, prob):
"""End points for region of pdf containing `prob` of the
Ex: interval(0.95)
return self.p0rv.interval(prob)
def mean(self):
"""Returns posterior mean."""
return self.p0rv.mean()
def pdf(self, p0):
"""Probability density at p0."""
return self.p0rv.pdf(p0)
def plot(self):
"""A plot showing prior, likelihood and posterior."""
f, ax= plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 6), sharex=True)
x = np.arange(0., 1., 0.01)
## Prior
# get prior mean p0
pri_mean = self.prior.mean()
# get low/high pts containg 95% probability
pri_low_p0, pri_high_p0 = self.prior.interval(0.95)
pri_x_prob = np.arange(pri_low_p0, pri_high_p0, 0.01)
# plot pdf
ax[0].plot(x, self.prior.pdf(x), 'r-')
# fill 95% region
ax[0].fill_between(pri_x_prob, 0, self.prior.pdf(pri_x_prob),
color='red', alpha='0.2' )
# mean
ax[0].stem([pri_mean], [self.prior.pdf(pri_mean)],
linefmt='r-', markerfmt='ro',
ax[0].set_ylabel('Prior PDF')
ax[0].set_ylim(0., 1.1*np.max(self.prior.pdf(x)))
## Likelihood
# plot likelihood
lik = [self.likelihood.prob(xi) for xi in x]
ax[1].plot(x, lik, 'k-')
## Posterior
# get posterior mean p0
post_mean = self.mean()
# get low/high pts containg 95% probability
post_low_p0, post_high_p0 = self.interval(0.95)
post_x_prob = np.arange(post_low_p0, post_high_p0, 0.01)
# plot pdf
ax[2].plot(x, self.pdf(x), 'b-')
# fill 95% region
ax[2].fill_between(post_x_prob, 0, self.pdf(post_x_prob),
color='blue', alpha='0.2' )
# mean
ax[2].stem([post_mean], [self.pdf(post_mean)],
linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo',
ax[2].set_xlabel('Probability of Zero')
ax[2].set_ylabel('Posterior PDF')
ax[2].set_ylim(0., 1.1*np.max(self.pdf(x)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
## Early plots without code
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x = np.arange(0., 1., 0.01)
# four different parameter settings
ax.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, 1, 1), 'k-',
label=r'$\alpha_0=1, \alpha_1=1$')
ax.set_xlabel('Probability of Zero')
ax.set_ylabel('Beta PDF')
# add legend and show
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False, fontsize='large')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x = np.arange(0., 1., 0.01)
# four different parameter settings
ax.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, 5, 5), 'k-',
label=r'$\alpha_0=5, \alpha_1=5$')
ax.set_xlabel('Probability of Zero')
ax.set_ylabel('Beta PDF')
# add legend and show
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False, fontsize='large')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x = np.arange(0., 1., 0.01)
# four different parameter settings
ax.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, 2, 8), 'k-',
label=r'$\alpha_0=2, \alpha_1=8$')
ax.set_xlabel('Probability of Zero')
ax.set_ylabel('Beta PDF')
# add legend and show
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False, fontsize='large')
## Example of Prior class
pri = prior(1, 1)
print("Prior mean: {}".format(pri.mean()))
cred_int = pri.interval(0.95)
print("95% CI: {} -- {}".format(cred_int[0], cred_int[1]))
pri = prior(5, 5)
pri = prior(2, 8)
###- end Python examples
# data
data1 = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1]
# prior
prior1 = prior(1, 1)
# posterior
post1 = posterior(data1, prior1)
# prior
prior2 = prior(4, 6)
# posterior
post2 = posterior(data1, prior2)
# set probability of 0
p0 = 0.23
# set rng seed to 42
# generate data
data2 = np.random.choice([0,1], 500, p=[p0, 1.-p0])
# prior
prior3 = prior(1,1)
# posterior
post3 = posterior(data2, prior3)
# prior
prior4 = prior(6,4)
# posterior
post4 = posterior(data2, prior4)
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