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Created January 13, 2013 16:56
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Save csusbdt/4525042 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to store JSON data into the user's Google drive storage.
In this example, I started with the 5-minute example provided by Google
on the following page:
I modified the example code, so that I could write the following
Javascript object as a json string into a file called
var appState = {
number: 12,
text: 'hello'
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var CLIENT_ID = '';
var SCOPES = '';
* Called when the client library is loaded to start the auth flow.
function handleClientLoad() {
window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);
* Check if the current user has authorized the application.
function checkAuth() {
{'client_id': CLIENT_ID, 'scope': SCOPES, 'immediate': true},
* Called when authorization server replies.
* @param {Object} authResult Authorization result.
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
var authButton = document.getElementById('authorizeButton');
var doitButton = document.getElementById('doitButton'); = 'none'; = 'none';
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
// Access token has been successfully retrieved, requests can be sent to the API. = 'block';
doitButton.onclick = uploadFile;
} else {
// No access token could be retrieved, show the button to start the authorization flow. = 'block';
authButton.onclick = function() {
{'client_id': CLIENT_ID, 'scope': SCOPES, 'immediate': false},
* Start the file upload.
* @param {Object} evt Arguments from the file selector.
function uploadFile(evt) {
gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() {
* Insert new file.
function insertFile() {
const boundary = '-------314159265358979323846264';
const delimiter = "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n";
const close_delim = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--";
var appState = {
number: 12,
text: 'hello'
var fileName = 'csusbdt-drive-example-app-state.txt';
var contentType = 'application/json';
var metadata = {
'title': fileName,
'mimeType': contentType
var base64Data = btoa(JSON.stringify(appState));
var multipartRequestBody =
delimiter +
'Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n' +
JSON.stringify(metadata) +
delimiter +
'Content-Type: ' + contentType + '\r\n' +
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
base64Data +
var request = gapi.client.request({
'path': '/upload/drive/v2/files',
'method': 'POST',
'params': {'uploadType': 'multipart'},
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' + boundary + '"'
'body': multipartRequestBody});
request.execute(function(arg) {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<input type="button" id="doitButton" style="display: none" value="Do it" onclick="alert('hiiii')" /> <br>
<input type="button" id="authorizeButton" style="display: none" value="Authorize" />
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I am trying to do the "wallpaperboard" app using Google Drive, that shouldn't need any extra config though should it?

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The insertFile() worked perfectly to me.
I wonder how to send images either png or jpg.

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