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Created October 16, 2013 00:45
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Unfinished gesture events
var directions = {
up: 0,
down: 180,
left: 270,
right: 90
xtag.pseudos.gesture = {
onAdd: function(pseudo){
var gesture = pseudo.source.gesture = xtag.merge(pseudo.source.gesture, JSON.parse(pseudo.value));
switch (pseudo.source.type) {
case 'swipe':
var hasDir = gesture.direction in directions;
if (hasDir) = directions[gesture.direction];
if ( != null) {
gesture.inverse = ( + 180) % 360;
gesture.range = {};
var poles = [];
if (!hasDir && !gesture.directional) poles.push(gesture.inverse);
var tolerance = -gesture.tolerance
span = (gesture.tolerance * -2) - 1;
while (span++) {
var item = degree + tolerance;
if (item < 0) gesture.range[361 + tolerance] = 1;
else if (item > 360) gesture.range[item - 360] = 1;
else gesture.range[item] = 1;
/* var touchFxEnd = false;
xtag.pseudos.touchFx = {
fx: {
'ring': function(event, element){
xtag.addEvent(element, 'animationend', function(){
if (document.contains(element)) document.body.removeChild(element);
action: function(pseudo, event){
var touches = event.touches,
fx = xtag.pseudos.touchFx.fx[pseudo.value];
if (touches && fx) {
var i = touches.length;
while(i--) {
var id = 'touch-fx-' + pseudo.value + '-' + touches[i].identifier,
div = document.getElementById(id);
if (div) {
else {
div = document.createElement('div'); = id;
div.className = 'touch-fx touch-fx-' + pseudo.value;
} = touches[i].pageY + 'px'; = touches[i].pageX + 'px';, event, div);
return true;
}; */
xtag.pseudos.touches = {
onCompiled: function(stack, pseudo){
var condition = pseudo.source.condition;
pseudo.source.condition = function(e){
return ((Number(pseudo.value) || 1) == (e.touches ? e.touches.length : 1)) ?
condition.apply(this, xtag.toArray(arguments)) : null;
function cancelGesture(el, type){
xtag.fireEvent(el, 'gesturecancel', { detail: { gesture: type } });
function checkTimeout(time){
return new Date().getTime() < time;
function checkDistance(start, now, distance){
return xtag.toArray(now.touches).every(function(touch, i){
return !start.touches[i] ||
(Math.abs(touch.pageX - start.touches[i].pageX) > distance ||
Math.abs(touch.pageY - start.touches[i].pageY) > distance);
var degrad = 180 / Math.PI;
function checkAngle(custom, event){
if ( == null) return true;
return xtag.toArray(event.touches).every(function(touch, i){
if (!custom.startEvent.touches[i]) return true;
var degree = ~~(Math.atan2(touch.pageY - custom.startEvent.touches[i].pageY, touch.pageX - custom.startEvent.touches[i].pageX) * degrad);
degree += ((degree < -90) ? 450 : 90);
return custom.gesture.range[degree];
xtag.customEvents.swipe = {
attach: ['tapstart', 'tapmove', 'tapend', 'dragend'],
gesture: {
degree: null,
timeout: 1000,
tolerance: 25,
distance: 100,
direction: null,
directional: true
condition: function(event, custom){
if (event.type == 'dragend' || event.type == 'tapend') {
delete custom.startEvent;
delete custom.startTime;
var start = custom.startEvent;
if (start && event.type == 'tapmove') {
if (checkTimeout(custom.startTime)) {
if (checkDistance(start, event, custom.gesture.distance) && checkAngle(custom, event)) {
delete custom.startEvent;
delete custom.startTime;
return true;
else cancelGesture(, 'swipe');
if (event.type == 'tapstart') {
custom.startEvent = event;
custom.startTime = new Date().getTime() + custom.gesture.timeout;
/*** Pinch ***/
/* function getCentroid(points){
var f;
var x = y = area = 0;
var index = points.length;
while (--index) {
var p1 = points[index],
p2 = points[index - 1];
f = p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y;
x += (p1.x + p2.x) * f;
y += (p1.y + p2.y) * f;
area += p1.x * p2.y;
area -= p1.y * p2.x;
area /= 2;
f = area * 6;
return { x: x / f, y: y / f }
} */
function getPolygonArea(touches){
var area = 0;
last = 0,
length = touches.length,
_touches = xtag.toArray(touches);
_touches.forEach(function(touch, i){
last = (i + 1) % length;
area += touch.pageX * _touches[last].pageY;
area -= touch.pageY * _touches[last].pageX;
return Math.abs(area / 2);
xtag.customEvents.pinch = {
attach: ['tapstart', 'tapmove', 'tapend', 'dragend', 'scrollwheel'],
gesture: {
tolerance: 25,
degree: null,
distance: 100,
duration: 1000,
direction: null,
directional: true
condition: function(event, custom){
if (event.type == 'scrollwheel') {
else {
if (event.type == 'tapstart') {
custom.startArea = getPolygonArea(event.touches);
else if (event.touches.length > 1){
if (event.touches.length == 2) {
else {
var area = getPolygonArea(event.touches);
if (area != custom.startArea) {
event.pinchArea = area;
event.pinchDirection = area > custom.startArea ? 'out' : 'in';
custom.startArea = area;
return true;
/*** Long Tap ***/
function clearLongtap(custom){
xtag.removeEvents(document, custom.move);
xtag.customEvents.longtap = {
attach: ['tapstart'],
gesture: {
tolerance: 6,
duration: 450
condition: function(event, custom){
custom.startEvent = event;
custom.timer = setTimeout(function(){
xtag.fireEvent(, 'longtap', { baseEvent: event });
}, custom.gesture.duration);
custom.move = xtag.addEvents(document, {
move: function(e){
if (checkDistance(custom.startEvent, e, custom.gesture.tolerance)) {
tapend: function(e){
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