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Created December 27, 2014 02:13
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FSharp.Core Surface Area Diff (what is new)
module Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.FSharpReflectionExtensions
/// Creates an instance of a record type.
val MakeRecord : recordType:Type * values:obj [] * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj
/// Reads all the fields from a record value.
val GetRecordFields : record:obj * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj []
/// Precompute a function for reading all the fields from a record. The fields are returned in the
/// same order as the fields reported by a call to Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.Type.GetInfo for
/// this type.
val PreComputeRecordReader : recordType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj -> obj []
/// Precompute a function for constructing a record value.
val PreComputeRecordConstructor : recordType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj [] -> obj
/// Get a ConstructorInfo for a record type
val PreComputeRecordConstructorInfo : recordType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.ConstructorInfo
/// Create a union case value.
val MakeUnion : unionCase:Reflection.UnionCaseInfo * args:obj [] * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj
/// Identify the union case and its fields for an object
val GetUnionFields : value:obj * unionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.UnionCaseInfo * obj []
/// Assumes the given type is a union type.
/// If not, ArgumentException is raised during pre-computation.
val PreComputeUnionTagReader : unionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj -> int
/// Precompute a property or static method for reading an integer representing the case tag of a union type.
val PreComputeUnionTagMemberInfo : unionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.MemberInfo
/// Precomputes a function for reading all the fields for a particular discriminator case of a union type
val PreComputeUnionReader : unionCase:Reflection.UnionCaseInfo * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj -> obj []
/// Precomputes a function for constructing a discriminated union value for a particular union case.
val PreComputeUnionConstructor : unionCase:Reflection.UnionCaseInfo * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj [] -> obj
/// A method that constructs objects of the given case
val PreComputeUnionConstructorInfo : unionCase:Reflection.UnionCaseInfo * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.MethodInfo
/// Reads all the fields from a value built using an instance of an F# exception declaration
val GetExceptionFields : exn:obj * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> obj []
/// Reads all the fields from a record value, in declaration order
val GetRecordFields : recordType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.PropertyInfo []
/// Gets the cases of a union type.
val GetUnionCases : unionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.UnionCaseInfo []
/// Return true if the typ is a representation of an F# record type
val IsRecord : typ:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> bool
/// Returns true if the typ is a representation of an F# union type or the runtime type of a value of that type
val IsUnion : typ:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> bool
/// Reads all the fields from an F# exception declaration, in declaration order
val GetExceptionFields : exceptionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> Reflection.PropertyInfo []
/// Returns true if the typ is a representation of an F# exception declaration
val IsExceptionRepresentation : exceptionType:Type * ?allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation:bool -> bool
/// Contains a set of derived F# active patterns to analyze F# expression objects
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
/// An active pattern to recognize constant decimal expressions
val (|Decimal|_|) : input:Quotations.Expr -> decimal option
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Five dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Six dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Seven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Eight dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Nine dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Ten dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Eleven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twelve dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Thirteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Fourteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Fifteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Sixteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Seventeen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Eighteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Nineteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-one dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-two dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-three dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-four dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-five dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-six dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-seven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-eight dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Twenty-nine dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Thirty dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Thirty-one dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Thirty-two dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> =
/// Functional programming operators for string processing. Further string operations
/// are available via the member functions on strings and other functionality in
/// System.String
/// and System.Text.RegularExpressions types.
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Core.String
/// Builds a new string containing only the characters of the input string
/// for which the given predicate returns "true".
val filter : predicate:(char -> bool) -> str:string -> string
/// Basic operations on options.
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Option
/// filter f inp evaluates to match inp with None -> None | Some x -> if f x then Some x else None.
val filter : predicate:('T -> bool) -> option:'T option -> 'T option
/// Convert the option to a Nullable value.
val toNullable : option:'T option -> Nullable<'T> when 'T : (new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : struct and 'T :> ValueType
/// Convert a Nullable value to an option.
val ofNullable : value:Nullable<'T> -> 'T option when 'T : (new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : struct and 'T :> ValueType
/// Convert a potentially null value to an option.
val ofObj : value:'T -> 'T option when 'T : null
/// Convert an option to a potentially null value.
val toObj : value:'T option -> 'T when 'T : null
/// Basic F# Operators. This module is automatically opened in all F# code.
module Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
/// Try to unbox a strongly typed value.
val inline tryUnbox : value:obj -> 'T option
/// Determines whether the given value is null.
val inline isNull : value:'T -> bool when 'T : null
/// Language primitives associated with the F# language
module Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives
/// Make an F# hash/equality object for the given type
val FastGenericEqualityComparerFromTable : Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<'T> when 'T : equality
/// Make an F# comparer object for the given type
val FastGenericComparerFromTable : Collections.Generic.IComparer<'T> when 'T : comparison
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
/// Represents additional, optional information for a type provider component
type ITypeProvider2 =
/// Apply static arguments to a provided method that accepts static arguments.
abstract member ApplyStaticArgumentsForMethod : methodWithoutArguments:Reflection.MethodBase * methodNameWithArguments:string * staticArguments:obj [] -> Reflection.MethodBase
/// Get the static parameters for a provided method.
abstract member GetStaticParametersForMethod : methodWithoutArguments:Reflection.MethodBase -> Reflection.ParameterInfo []
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// Adding this attribute to a type lets the 'null' literal be used for the type
/// within F# code. This attribute may only be added to F#-defined class or
/// interface types.
type AllowNullLiteralAttribute =
inherit System.Attribute
/// Creates an instance of the attribute with the specified value
new : value:bool -> AllowNullLiteralAttribute
/// The value of the attribute, indicating whether the type allows the null literal or not
member Value : bool
/// A module of extension members providing asynchronous operations for some basic Web operations.
module Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
/// Returns an asynchronous computation that, when run, will wait for the download of the given URI.
val AsyncDownloadData : address:Uri -> Async<byte []>
/// Returns an asynchronous computation that, when run, will wait for the download of the given URI to specified file.
val AsyncDownloadFile : address:Uri * fileName:string -> Async<unit>
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Control
/// This static class holds members for creating and manipulating asynchronous computations.
type Async =
/// Return an asynchronous computation that will wait for the given task to complete and return
/// its result.
static member AwaitTask : task:Threading.Tasks.Task -> Async<unit>
/// Basic operations on IEnumerables.
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq
/// Tests if the sequence contains the specified element.
val inline contains : value:'T -> source:seq<'T> -> bool when 'T : equality
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns true.
val findBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> source:seq<'T> -> 'T
/// Returns the index of the last element for which the given function returns true.
val findIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> source:seq<'T> -> int
/// Applies a function to corresponding elements of two collections, threading an accumulator argument
/// through the computation. The two sequences need not have equal lengths:
/// when one sequence is exhausted any remaining elements in the other sequence are ignored.
/// If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN and j0...jN
/// then computes f (... (f s i0 j0)...) iN jN.
val fold2 : folder:('State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State) -> state:'State -> source1:seq<'T1> -> source2:seq<'T2> -> 'State
/// Applies a function to each element of the collection, starting from the end, threading an accumulator argument
/// through the computation. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN
/// then computes f i0 (... (f iN s)...)
val foldBack : folder:('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> source:seq<'T> -> state:'State -> 'State
/// Applies a function to corresponding elements of two collections, starting from the end of the shorter collection,
/// threading an accumulator argument through the computation. The two sequences need not have equal lengths.
/// If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN and j0...jM, N < M
/// then computes f i0 j0 (... (f iN jN s)...).
val foldBack2 : folder:('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State) -> source1:seq<'T1> -> source2:seq<'T2> -> state:'State -> 'State
/// Returns the first element of the sequence, or None if the sequence is empty.
val tryHead : source:seq<'T> -> 'T option
/// Returns the last element of the sequence.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryLast : source:seq<'T> -> 'T option
/// Builds a new collection whose elements are the corresponding elements of the input collection
/// paired with the integer index (from 0) of each element.
val indexed : source:seq<'T> -> seq<int * 'T>
/// Computes the element at the specified index in the collection.
val item : index:int -> source:seq<'T> -> 'T
/// Applies the given function to two collections simultaneously. If one sequence is shorter than
/// the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored. The integer passed to the
/// function indicates the index of element.
val iteri2 : action:(int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit) -> source1:seq<'T1> -> source2:seq<'T2> -> unit
/// Combines map and fold. Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the collection. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFold : mapping:('State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) -> state:'State -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'Result> * 'State
/// Combines map and foldBack. Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the collection. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFoldBack : mapping:('T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State) -> source:seq<'T> -> state:'State -> seq<'Result> * 'State
/// Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to the corresponding triples of elements from the three sequences. If one input sequence if shorter than
/// the others then the remaining elements of the longer sequences are ignored.
val map3 : mapping:('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U) -> source1:seq<'T1> -> source2:seq<'T2> -> source3:seq<'T3> -> seq<'U>
/// Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to the corresponding pairs of elements from the two sequences. If one input sequence is shorter than
/// the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored. The integer index passed to the
/// function indicates the index (from 0) of element being transformed.
val mapi2 : mapping:(int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U) -> source1:seq<'T1> -> source2:seq<'T2> -> seq<'U>
/// Returns a sequence with all elements permuted according to the
/// specified permutation.
val permute : indexMap:(int -> int) -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
/// Creates a sequence by replicating the given initial value.
val replicate : count:int -> initial:'T -> seq<'T>
/// Applies a function to each element of the sequence, starting from the end, threading an accumulator argument
/// through the computation. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN
/// then computes f i0 (...(f iN-1 iN)).
val reduceBack : reduction:('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> source:seq<'T> -> 'T
/// Returns a new sequence with the elements in reverse order.
val rev : source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
/// Like foldBack, but returns the sequence of intermediary and final results.
val scanBack : folder:('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> source:seq<'T> -> state:'State -> seq<'State>
/// Yields a sequence ordered using the given comparison function.
val sortWith : comparer:('T -> 'T -> int) -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
/// Yields a sequence ordered descending by keys.
val inline sortDescending : source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T> when 'T : comparison
/// Applies a key-generating function to each element of a sequence and yield a sequence ordered
/// descending by keys. The keys are compared using generic comparison as implemented by
val inline sortByDescending : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T> when 'Key : comparison
/// Returns a sequence that skips 1 element of the underlying sequence and then yields the
/// remaining elements of the sequence.
val tail : source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns true.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryFindBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> source:seq<'T> -> 'T option
/// Tries to find the nth element in the sequence.
/// Returns None if index is negative or the input sequence does not contain enough elements.
val tryItem : index:int -> source:seq<'T> -> 'T option
/// Returns the index of the last element in the sequence
/// that satisfies the given predicate. Return None if no such element exists.
val tryFindIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> source:seq<'T> -> int option
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
/// The type of immutable singly-linked lists.
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )blank in writeUnionCase
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T listblank in writeUnionCase
interface System.Collections.IEnumerable
interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
/// Gets a slice of the list, the elements of the list from the given start index to the given end index.
member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
/// Basic operations on lists.
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List
/// Compares two lists using the given comparison function, element by element.
/// Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function. If the end of a list
/// is reached it returns a -1 if the first list is shorter and a 1 if the second list
/// is shorter.
val inline compareWith : comparer:('T -> 'T -> int) -> list1:'T list -> list2:'T list -> int
/// Tests if the list contains the specified element.
val inline contains : value:'T -> source:'T list -> bool when 'T : equality
/// Returns a list that contains no duplicate entries according to generic hash and
/// equality comparisons on the entries.
/// If an element occurs multiple times in the list then the later occurrences are discarded.
val distinct : list:'T list -> 'T list when 'T : equality
/// Returns a list that contains no duplicate entries according to the
/// generic hash and equality comparisons on the keys returned by the given key-generating function.
/// If an element occurs multiple times in the list then the later occurrences are discarded.
val distinctBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> list:'T list -> 'T list when 'Key : equality
/// Applies a key-generating function to each element of a list and returns a list yielding unique
/// keys and their number of occurrences in the original list.
val countBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> list:'T list -> ('Key * int) list when 'Key : equality
/// Returns the only element of the list.
val exactlyOne : list:'T list -> 'T
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns true.
/// Raises KeyNotFoundException if no such element exists.
val findBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T
/// Returns the index of the last element in the list
/// that satisfies the given predicate.
/// Raises KeyNotFoundException if no such element exists.
val findIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> int
/// Applies a key-generating function to each element of a list and yields a list of
/// unique keys. Each unique key contains a list of all elements that match
/// to this key.
val groupBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> list:'T list -> ('Key * 'T list) list when 'Key : equality
/// Returns a new list whose elements are the corresponding elements
/// of the input list paired with the index (from 0) of each element.
val indexed : list:'T list -> (int * 'T) list
/// Indexes into the list. The first element has index 0.
val item : index:int -> list:'T list -> 'T
/// Returns the last element of the list.
val last : list:'T list -> 'T
/// Returns the last element of the list.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryLast : list:'T list -> 'T option
/// Combines map and fold. Builds a new list whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the input list. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFold : mapping:('State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) -> state:'State -> list:'T list -> 'Result list * 'State
/// Combines map and foldBack. Builds a new list whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the input list. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFoldBack : mapping:('T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State) -> list:'T list -> state:'State -> 'Result list * 'State
/// Returns a list of each element in the input list and its predecessor, with the
/// exception of the first element which is only returned as the predecessor of the second element.
val pairwise : list:'T list -> ('T * 'T) list
/// Returns a list that contains one item only.
val inline singleton : value:'T -> 'T list
/// Returns the list after removing the first N elements.
val skip : count:int -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Bypasses elements in a list while the given predicate returns true, and then returns
/// the remaining elements of the list.
val skipWhile : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Splits a list into two lists, at the given index.
val splitAt : index:int -> list:'T list -> 'T list * 'T list
/// Sorts the given list in descending order using keys given by the given projection. Keys are compared using
val inline sortByDescending : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> list:'T list -> 'T list when 'Key : comparison
/// Sorts the given list in descending order using
val inline sortDescending : list:'T list -> 'T list when 'T : comparison
/// Returns the first N elements of the list.
val take : count:int -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Returns a list that contains all elements of the original list while the
/// given predicate returns true, and then returns no further elements.
val takeWhile : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Returns the first element of the list, or
/// None if the list is empty.
val tryHead : list:'T list -> 'T option
/// Returns at most N elements in a new list.
val truncate : count:int -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns true..
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryFindBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T option
/// Tries to find the nth element in the list.
/// Returns None if index is negative or the list does not contain enough elements.
val tryItem : index:int -> list:'T list -> 'T option
/// Returns the index of the last element in the list
/// that satisfies the given predicate.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryFindIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> int option
/// Returns a list that contains the elements generated by the given computation.
/// The given initial state argument is passed to the element generator.
val unfold : generator:('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state:'State -> 'T list
/// Returns a new list containing only the elements of the list
/// for which the given predicate returns "true"
val where : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T list
/// Returns a list of sliding windows containing elements drawn from the input
/// list. Each window is returned as a fresh array.
val windowed : windowSize:int -> list:'T list -> 'T [] list
/// Common notions of value identity used with hash tables.
module Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.HashIdentity
/// Non-structural hashing. Equality using NonStructuralComparison.(=) and NonStructuralComparison.hash.
val NonStructural : Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer< ^T> when ^T : equality and ^T : (static member ( = ) : ^T * ^T -> bool)
/// Common notions of comparison identity used with sorted data structures.
module Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ComparisonIdentity
/// Non-structural comparison. Compare using
val NonStructural : Collections.Generic.IComparer< ^T> when ^T : (static member ( < ) : ^T * ^T -> bool) and ^T : (static member ( > ) : ^T * ^T -> bool)
/// Basic operations on arrays.
[<CompilationRepresentation(enum<CompilationRepresentationFlags> (4))>]
module Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array
/// Compares two arrays using the given comparison function, element by element.
/// Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function. If the end of an array
/// is reached it returns a -1 if the first array is shorter and a 1 if the second array
/// is shorter.
val inline compareWith : comparer:('T -> 'T -> int) -> array1:'T [] -> array2:'T [] -> int
/// Tests if the array contains the specified element.
val inline contains : value:'T -> array:'T [] -> bool when 'T : equality
/// Applies a key-generating function to each element of an array and returns an array yielding unique
/// keys and their number of occurrences in the original array.
val countBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> array:'T [] -> ('Key * int) [] when 'Key : equality
/// Returns the first element of the array, or
/// None if the array is empty.
val tryHead : array:'T [] -> 'T option
/// Returns an array that contains no duplicate entries according to generic hash and
/// equality comparisons on the entries.
/// If an element occurs multiple times in the array then the later occurrences are discarded.
val distinct : array:'T [] -> 'T [] when 'T : equality
/// Returns an array that contains no duplicate entries according to the
/// generic hash and equality comparisons on the keys returned by the given key-generating function.
/// If an element occurs multiple times in the array then the later occurrences are discarded.
val distinctBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> array:'T [] -> 'T [] when 'Key : equality
/// Returns the only element of the array.
val exactlyOne : array:'T [] -> 'T
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns 'true'.
/// Raise KeyNotFoundException if no such element exists.
val findBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T
/// Returns the index of the last element in the array
/// that satisfies the given predicate. Raise KeyNotFoundException if
/// none of the elements satisfy the predicate.
val findIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> int
/// Returns the first element of the array.
val head : array:'T [] -> 'T
/// Applies a key-generating function to each element of an array and yields an array of
/// unique keys. Each unique key contains an array of all elements that match
/// to this key.
val groupBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> array:'T [] -> ('Key * 'T []) [] when 'Key : equality
/// Builds a new array whose elements are the corresponding elements of the input array
/// paired with the integer index (from 0) of each element.
val indexed : array:'T [] -> (int * 'T) []
/// Returns the last element of the array.
val inline last : array:'T [] -> 'T
/// Gets an element from an array.
val item : index:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T
/// Returns the last element of the array.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryLast : array:'T [] -> 'T option
/// Combines map and fold. Builds a new array whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the input array. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFold : mapping:('State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) -> state:'State -> array:'T [] -> 'Result [] * 'State
/// Combines map and foldBack. Builds a new array whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to each of the elements of the input array. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.
val mapFoldBack : mapping:('T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State) -> array:'T [] -> state:'State -> 'Result [] * 'State
/// Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
/// to the corresponding triples from the three collections. The three input
/// arrays must have the same length, otherwise an ArgumentException is
/// raised.
val map3 : mapping:('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U) -> array1:'T1 [] -> array2:'T2 [] -> array3:'T3 [] -> 'U []
/// Returns an array of each element in the input array and its predecessor, with the
/// exception of the first element which is only returned as the predecessor of the second element.
val pairwise : array:'T [] -> ('T * 'T) []
/// Creates an array by replicating the given initial value.
val replicate : count:int -> initial:'T -> 'T []
/// Returns an array that contains one item only.
val inline singleton : value:'T -> 'T []
/// Builds a new array that contains the elements of the given array, excluding the first N elements.
val skip : count:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Bypasses elements in an array while the given predicate returns true, and then returns
/// the remaining elements in a new array.
val skipWhile : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Splits an array into two arrays, at the given index.
val splitAt : index:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T [] * 'T []
/// Sorts the elements of an array, in descending order, returning a new array. Elements are compared using
val inline sortDescending : array:'T [] -> 'T [] when 'T : comparison
/// Sorts the elements of an array, in descending order, using the given projection for the keys and returning a new array.
/// Elements are compared using
val inline sortByDescending : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> array:'T [] -> 'T [] when 'Key : comparison
/// Returns the first N elements of the array.
val take : count:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Returns an array that contains all elements of the original array while the
/// given predicate returns true, and then returns no further elements.
val takeWhile : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Returns a new array containing the elements of the original except the first element.
val tail : array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Returns at most N elements in a new array.
val truncate : count:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Returns the last element for which the given function returns true.
/// Return None if no such element exists.
val tryFindBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T option
/// Tries to find the nth element in the array.
/// Returns None if index is negative or the input array does not contain enough elements.
val tryItem : index:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T option
/// Returns the index of the last element in the array
/// that satisfies the given predicate.
val tryFindIndexBack : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> int option
/// Returns an array that contains the elements generated by the given computation.
/// The given initial state argument is passed to the element generator.
val unfold : generator:('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state:'State -> 'T []
/// Returns a new array containing only the elements of the array
/// for which the given predicate returns "true".
val where : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
/// Returns an array of sliding windows containing elements drawn from the input
/// array. Each window is returned as a fresh array.
val windowed : windowSize:int -> array:'T [] -> 'T [] ][
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
#r @"..\packages\FSharp.Compiler.Service\lib\net45\FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll"
#r @"..\src\FSharpVSPowerTools.Core\bin\Release\FSharpVSPowerTools.Core.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text
open System.Xml.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Library
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharpVSPowerTools.CodeGeneration
let defaultFileSystem = Shim.FileSystem
let fileName1 = @"c:\mycode\test1.fs" // note, the path doesn't exist
type MyFileSystem() =
// let dfs = DefaultFileSystem() :> IFileSystem
let dfs = defaultFileSystem
let file1 = """
open System
let a = 1
let files = dict [(fileName1, file1)]
interface IFileSystem with
member __.FileStreamReadShim(fileName) =
match files.TryGetValue(fileName) with
| true, text -> new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)) :> Stream
| _ -> dfs.FileStreamReadShim(fileName)
member __.FileStreamCreateShim(fileName) =
member __.FileStreamWriteExistingShim(fileName) =
member __.ReadAllBytesShim(fileName) =
match files.TryGetValue(fileName) with
| true, text -> Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)
| _ -> dfs.ReadAllBytesShim(fileName)
member __.GetTempPathShim() =
member __.GetLastWriteTimeShim(fileName) =
member __.GetFullPathShim(fileName) =
member __.IsInvalidPathShim(fileName) =
member __.IsPathRootedShim(fileName) =
member __.SafeExists(fileName) =
files.ContainsKey(fileName) || dfs.SafeExists(fileName)
member __.FileDelete(fileName) =
member __.AssemblyLoadFrom(fileName) =
dfs.AssemblyLoadFrom fileName
member __.AssemblyLoad(assemblyName) =
dfs.AssemblyLoad assemblyName
Shim.FileSystem <- MyFileSystem()
let checker = FSharpChecker.Create()
// C:\Program Files (x86)
let programFiles86 = Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0
let net40 = programFiles86 + @"\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"
let loadFSharpCoreAssembly path =
let projectOptions =
let allFlags =
[| yield "--simpleresolution";
yield "--noframework";
yield "--debug:full";
yield "--define:DEBUG";
yield "--optimize-";
yield "--doc:test.xml";
yield "--warn:3";
yield "--fullpaths";
yield "--flaterrors";
yield "--target:library";
let references =
[ net40 + @"\mscorlib.dll"
net40 + @"\System.dll"
net40 + @"\System.Core.dll"
net40 + @"\System.Numerics.dll"
for r in references do
yield "-r:" + r |]
{ ProjectFileName = @"c:\mycode\compilation.fsproj" // Make a name that is unique in this directory.
ProjectFileNames = [| fileName1 |]
OtherOptions = allFlags
ReferencedProjects = [| |]
IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = false
UseScriptResolutionRules = true
LoadTime = System.DateTime.Now // Note using 'Now' forces reloading
UnresolvedReferences = None }
let results = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectOptions) |> Async.RunSynchronously
let symbolUses = results.GetAllUsesOfAllSymbols() |> Async.RunSynchronously
let displayContext = symbolUses.[0].DisplayContext
let assemblyRefs = results.ProjectContext.GetReferencedAssemblies()
displayContext, assemblyRefs.[1] // FSharp.Core
// xml doc code derived from
let xmlMemberMap = Dictionary()
let addXmlDoc (assemblyFile: string) =
let xmlFile = Path.ChangeExtension(assemblyFile, ".xml")
let doc = XDocument.Load(xmlFile)
if doc <> null then
for key, value in
[ for e in doc.Descendants(XName.Get "member") do
let attr = e.Attribute(XName.Get "name")
if attr <> null && not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value)) then
yield attr.Value, e ] do
xmlMemberMap.Add(key, value)
let getXmlDocBySignature (signature: SignatureGenerator.XmlDocSig) : SignatureGenerator.XmlDoc =
match xmlMemberMap.TryGetValue(signature) with
| true, element ->
try [ element.Element(XName.Get "summary").Value.Trim() ] with _ -> []
| false, _ ->
type FSharpEntitySig =
XmlDocSig: string
MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs: string Set
let formatSymbol displayContext symbol (sg: FSharpEntitySig) =
let filterer = {
SignatureGenerator.Filterer.NoFilters with
MemberOrFunctionOrValueFilter = fun m -> sg.MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs.Contains m.XmlDocSig
ModuleFilter = fun m -> m.XmlDocSig = sg.XmlDocSig
let blankLines = {
SignatureGenerator.BlankLines.None with
BeforeMemberOrFunctionOrValue = 1
BeforePublicNestedEntities = 0
AfterPublicNestedEntity = 0
BeforeMembersFunctionsAndValues = 0
BeforeTypeHeaderOpenDeclaration = 0
AfterTypeHeader = 0
SignatureGenerator.formatSymbol getXmlDocBySignature 4 displayContext [] symbol filterer blankLines
type FSharpEntity with
member x.MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs =
|> Seq.filter (fun m -> m.Accessibility.IsPublic)
|> (fun m -> m.XmlDocSig)
|> Set.ofSeq
member x.Sig
with get() =
XmlDocSig = x.XmlDocSig
MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs = x.MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs
let getEntitySigs path =
let _, a = loadFSharpCoreAssembly path
|> Seq.filter (fun ent -> ent.Accessibility.IsPublic)
|> (fun ent -> ent.Sig)
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\.NETFramework\v4.0\\FSharp.Core.dll
let fc30 = programFiles86 + @"\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\.NETFramework\v4.0\\FSharp.Core.dll"
let fc31 = programFiles86 + @"\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\.NETFramework\v4.0\\FSharp.Core.dll"
let fc40 = programFiles86 + @"\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\.NETFramework\v4.0\\FSharp.Core.dll"
//let a = fc30
//let b = fc31
let a = fc31
let b = fc40
addXmlDoc b
let aSigs =
getEntitySigs a
|> (fun es -> es.XmlDocSig, es)
|> Map.ofSeq
let dc, bAssembly = loadFSharpCoreAssembly b
let printSymbol dc s sg =
match formatSymbol dc s sg with
| Some txt -> printf "\n\n%s" txt
| None -> ()
|> Seq.filter (fun ent -> ent.Accessibility.IsPublic)
|> Seq.iter (fun bEnt ->
if aSigs.ContainsKey bEnt.XmlDocSig then
let aSig = aSigs.[bEnt.XmlDocSig]
let bSig = bEnt.Sig
if aSig <> bSig then
let sg = { XmlDocSig = bEnt.XmlDocSig; MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs = Set.difference bEnt.Sig.MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs aSig.MembersFunctionsAndValuesSigs }
printSymbol dc bEnt sg
printSymbol dc bEnt bEnt.Sig
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