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Created November 24, 2017 20:12
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Yargs from Fable
module App
// a port of the last example: Yargs is here to help you...
// It could the number of lines in a file.
open Yargs
open Fable.Core
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let argv =
.usage("Usage: $0 <command> [options]")
.command(U2.Case1 "count", "Count the lines in a file")
.example("$0 count -f foo.js", "count the lines in the given file")
.alias("f", U2.Case1 "file")
.nargs("f", 1.)
.describe(U2.Case1 "f", "Load a file")
.demandOption(U2.Case1 "f", "Please specify a file.")
.alias("h", U2.Case1 "help")
.epilog("copyright 2015")
let s = Node.fs.createReadStream(PathLike.ofString(argv.["file"].Value :?> string))
let mutable lines = 1
s.on_data(fun buf ->
let s =
match buf with
| U2.Case1 b -> b.toString()
| U2.Case2 s -> s
lines <- lines + Regex.Matches(s, "(\n)").Count
) |> ignore
s.on_end(fun _ ->
printfn "%d" lines
) |> ignore
open Yargs
open Fable.Import.JS
let argv = yargs.argv
let retreat() = printfn "Retreat from the xupptumblers!"
let plunder() = printfn "Plunder more riffiwobbles!"
match argv.Item "ships", argv.Item "distance" with
| Some ships, Some distance ->
let ships = parseFloat (ships :?> string)
let distance = parseFloat (distance :?> string)
if isNaN ships || isNaN distance then
if ships > 3. && distance < 53.5 then
| _ -> retreat()
dotnet new -i ctaggart.templates
dotnet new --list -lang f#
dotnet new yargs -n myconsoleapp
cd myconsoleapp
let argv =
.usage("Usage: ts2fable some.d.ts src/Some.fs")
.command(U2.Case1 "$0 [files..]", "")
.demandOption(U2.Case1 "files", "")
let files = argv.["files"].Value :?> string array |> List.ofArray
let tsfiles = files |> List.filter (fun s -> s.EndsWith ".ts")
let fsfile = files |> List.tryFind (fun s -> s.EndsWith ".fs")
match tsfiles.Length, fsfile with
| 0, _ -> failwithf "Please provide the path to a TypeScript file"
| _, None -> failwithf "Please provide the path to the F# file to be written "
| _, Some fsf ->
printfn "ts2fable %s" Version.version
// validate ts files exist
for ts in tsfiles do
if fs.existsSync(PathLike.ofString ts) = false then
failwithf "TypeScript file not found: %s" ts
writeFile tsfiles fsf
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