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Created July 23, 2014 04:54
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Xamarin F# Android Complete Graph
namespace BareMin
open System
open Android.App
open Android.Views
open Android.Graphics
// my phone has a Canvas of 480 x 690
// (0,0) is the upper left hand corner
type CompleteGraph(ctx) =
inherit View(ctx)
let calcPoints width height n =
let w = float32 width
let h = float32 height
let d = if w < h then w else h
let r = d / 2.f
let point i =
let t = float32 (i % n) / float32 n * 2.f * float32 Math.PI
(r * sin t) + (w / 2.f), (r * cos t) + (h / 2.f)
seq {
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
yield point i
let calcLines width height n =
let points = calcPoints width height n |> Array.ofSeq
seq {
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
for j = i + 1 to n - 1 do
yield points.[i], points.[j]
let p = new Paint()
p.Color <- Color.Purple
let mutable numberOfPoints = 3
override x.OnDraw canvas =
canvas.DrawColor Color.White
for (a,b),(c,d) in calcLines canvas.Width canvas.Height numberOfPoints do
canvas.DrawLine(a, b, c, d, p)
override x.OnTouchEvent ev =
numberOfPoints <- numberOfPoints + 1
member x.Reset() =
numberOfPoints <- 3
[<Activity (Label = "Complete Graph", MainLauncher = true)>]
type MainActivity() =
inherit Activity()
let mutable cg = Unchecked.defaultof<CompleteGraph>
override x.OnCreate bundle =
base.OnCreate bundle
cg <- new CompleteGraph(x)
x.SetContentView cg
override x.OnBackPressed() =
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