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Created March 9, 2024 03:03
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import sys
import time
def stc(message, delay=0.035, foreground_color=None, background_color=None, rainbow_effect=False, bold=False, underline=False, invert_colors=False, double_underline=False, hidden=False, font_size=None, italic=False, strikethrough=False, background_intensity=None, foreground_intensity=None, end='\n', flush=False, file=sys.stdout):
Streams a message to the console character by character with optional delay, colors, and effects.
message (str): The message to be streamed.
delay (float): Delay between each character display in seconds. Default is 0.035 seconds.
foreground_color (str): Optional foreground color for the text.
background_color (str): Optional background color for the text.
rainbow_effect (bool): If True, applies a dynamic rainbow color effect to the text.
bold (bool): If True, applies bold effect to the text.
underline (bool): If True, applies underline effect to the text.
invert_colors (bool): If True, inverts the colors of the text.
double_underline (bool): If True, applies double underline effect to the text.
hidden (bool): If True, hides the text.
font_size (int): Optional font size for the text.
italic (bool): If True, applies italic effect to the text.
strikethrough (bool): If True, applies strikethrough effect to the text.
background_intensity (str): Optional background intensity ("high" or "low").
foreground_intensity (str): Optional foreground intensity ("high" or "low").
end (str): The end character(s) to be printed at the end of the message. Default is '\n'.
flush (bool): If True, the output is forcibly flushed. Default is False.
file (object): The file object to write the output to. Default is sys.stdout.
color_codes = {
"foreground": {
"black": "\033[30m", "red": "\033[31m", "green": "\033[32m", "yellow": "\033[33m",
"blue": "\033[34m", "magenta": "\033[35m", "cyan": "\033[36m", "white": "\033[37m",
"bright_black": "\033[90m", "bright_red": "\033[91m", "bright_green": "\033[92m",
"bright_yellow": "\033[93m", "bright_blue": "\033[94m", "bright_magenta": "\033[95m",
"bright_cyan": "\033[96m", "bright_white": "\033[97m", "default": "\033[39m"
"background": {
"black": "\033[40m", "red": "\033[41m", "green": "\033[42m", "yellow": "\033[43m",
"blue": "\033[44m", "magenta": "\033[45m", "cyan": "\033[46m", "white": "\033[47m",
"bright_black": "\033[100m", "bright_red": "\033[101m", "bright_green": "\033[102m",
"bright_yellow": "\033[103m", "bright_blue": "\033[104m", "bright_magenta": "\033[105m",
"bright_cyan": "\033[106m", "bright_white": "\033[107m", "default": "\033[49m"
rainbow_colors = ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan"]
def apply_color(text, color_type, color_name):
return color_codes[color_type].get(color_name, color_codes[color_type]["default"]) + text
message = str(message)
delay = max(0.0001, min(delay, 1.0))
for i, char in enumerate(message):
char_styles = ""
if rainbow_effect:
fg_color = rainbow_colors[i % len(rainbow_colors)]
char_styles += apply_color("", "foreground", fg_color)
if foreground_color:
char_styles += apply_color("", "foreground", foreground_color)
if background_color:
char_styles += apply_color("", "background", background_color)
if bold:
char_styles += "\033[1m"
if underline:
char_styles += "\033[4m"
if invert_colors:
char_styles += "\033[7m"
if double_underline:
char_styles += "\033[21m"
if hidden:
char_styles += "\033[8m"
if font_size is not None:
char_styles += f"\033[{font_size}m"
if italic:
char_styles += "\033[3m"
if strikethrough:
char_styles += "\033[9m"
if foreground_intensity == "high":
char_styles += "\033[1m"
elif foreground_intensity == "low":
char_styles += "\033[2m"
if background_intensity == "high":
char_styles += "\033[101m"
elif background_intensity == "low":
char_styles += "\033[100m"
print(char_styles + char + "\033[0m", end='', flush=True, file=file)
print(end=end, file=file)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in stc: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
# Reset all styles
print("\033[0m\033[49m", end='', flush=True, file=file)
def tutorial():
stc("Welcome to the Stream to Console (stc) Tutorial!", delay=0.02, foreground_color="magenta", bold=True)
stc("This tutorial will guide you on how to use the stc function in your own projects.", delay=0.02)
stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
# stc("Step 1: Import the stc function", delay=0.02, foreground_color="cyan", bold=True)
# stc(" To use the stc function, simply import it from the stc module:", delay=0.02)
# stc(" from stc import stc", delay=0.02, foreground_color="yellow")
# stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
# stc("Step 2: Call the stc function", delay=0.02, foreground_color="cyan", bold=True)
# stc(" You can call the stc function with your desired message and customization options:", delay=0.02)
# stc(" stc('Hello, World!', delay=0.5, foreground_color='green', bold=True)", delay=0.02, foreground_color="yellow")
# stc(" Example:", delay=0.02)
# stc("Hello, World!", delay=0.5, foreground_color="green", bold=True)
# stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
# stc("Step 3: Customize the appearance", delay=0.02, foreground_color="cyan", bold=True)
# stc(" The stc function provides various parameters to customize the appearance of the text:", delay=0.02)
options = [
("delay", "Adjust the delay between each character display (default: 0.035 seconds)"),
("foreground_color", "Set the foreground color of the text (e.g., 'red', 'green', 'blue')"),
("background_color", "Set the background color of the text (e.g., 'red', 'green', 'blue')"),
("rainbow_effect", "Apply a dynamic rainbow color effect to the text (True/False)"),
("bold", "Apply bold effect to the text (True/False)"),
("underline", "Apply underline effect to the text (True/False)"),
("invert_colors", "Invert the colors of the text (True/False)"),
("double_underline", "Apply double underline effect to the text (True/False)"),
("hidden", "Hide the text (True/False)"),
("italic", "Apply italic effect to the text (True/False)"),
("strikethrough", "Apply strikethrough effect to the text (True/False)")
# for option, description in options:
# stc(f" - {option}: {description}", delay=0.02, foreground_color="yellow")
# stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
while True:
user_input = input("Enter your text (or 'exit' to quit): ")
if user_input.lower() == "exit":
stc("Select the display options (comma-separated, e.g., 1,3,4):", delay=0.02)
for i, (option, _) in enumerate(options, start=1):
print(f" {i}. {option}")
stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
selected_options = input("Enter the option numbers: ")
selected_options = [int(option.strip()) for option in selected_options.split(",") if option.strip()]
kwargs = {}
for option in selected_options:
if option < 1 or option > len(options):
stc("Invalid option. Skipping.", delay=0.02, foreground_color="red")
option_name = options[option - 1][0]
if option_name == "delay":
value = float(input(f"Enter the value for {option_name}: "))
kwargs[option_name] = value
elif option_name in ["foreground_color", "background_color"]:
value = input(f"Enter the value for {option_name}: ")
kwargs[option_name] = value
kwargs[option_name] = True
stc("", delay=0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds
stc("Your text with the selected options:", delay=0.02, foreground_color="cyan", bold=True)
stc("", delay=0.00)
stc(user_input, **kwargs)
stc("", delay=0.00)
# Run the tutorial if the script is executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
stc("Stream to Console (stc)", delay=0.02, foreground_color="cyan", bold=True)
# stc("This is a simple demonstration of the stc function.", delay=0.02)
stc("", delay=1) # Pause for 1 second
# stc("Let's get started!", delay=0.02, foreground_color="green", bold=True)
# stc("", delay=0.02) # Pause for 0.02 seconds
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