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Last active January 26, 2023 02:13
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Postman pre-request to add Veracode HMAC header
var url = require('url');
var { Property } = require('postman-collection');
const id = pm.variables.get('veracodeApiKeyId');
const key = pm.variables.get('veracodeApiKeySecret');
const authorizationScheme = 'VERACODE-HMAC-SHA-256';
const requestVersion = "vcode_request_version_1";
const nonceSize = 16;
function computeHashHex(message, key_hex) {
return CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(key_hex)).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
function calulateDataSignature(key, nonceBytes, dateStamp, data) {
let kNonce = computeHashHex(nonceBytes, key);
let kDate = computeHashHex(dateStamp, kNonce);
let kSig = computeHashHex(requestVersion, kDate);
let kFinal = computeHashHex(data, kSig);
return kFinal;
function newNonce() {
return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(nonceSize).toString().toUpperCase();
function toHexBinary(input) {
return CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(input));
function calculateVeracodeAuthHeader(httpMethod, requestUrl) {
let urlExpanded = Property.replaceSubstitutions(requestUrl, pm.variables.toObject());
let parsedUrl = url.parse(urlExpanded);
let data = `id=${id}&host=${parsedUrl.hostname}&url=${parsedUrl.path}&method=${httpMethod}`;
let dateStamp =;
let nonceBytes = newNonce(nonceSize);
let dataSignature = calulateDataSignature(key, nonceBytes, dateStamp, data);
let authorizationParam = `id=${id},ts=${dateStamp},nonce=${toHexBinary(nonceBytes)},sig=${dataSignature}`;
let header = authorizationScheme + " " + authorizationParam;
return header;
key: 'Authorization',
value: calculateVeracodeAuthHeader(request['method'], request['url'])
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One additional step that may help with this script: you need to add an additional header called Authorization and set its value to {{hmacAuthHeader}}. This will substitute in the environment variable that is created at the last step of this script, containing the HMAC authorization.

I've updated the script to do this automatically now, so no need to add a header to each request. Also using variables in URLs works now.

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This is a complete life saver for me as I'm trying to troubleshoot some issues with the Azure DevOps veracode pluggin, and I am not a developer however when I add the script to my postman it's returning "there was an error in evaluating the pre-request script:TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined...

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@Fleurpot82 Not sure if you've fixed this yet. You need to specify the two variable values so they can be retrieved in lines 4&5:

  • veracodeApiKeyId
  • veracodeApiKeySecret

If they are zero length it complains when tryoing to validate them.

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Hi @markdowd, Can you pls share the code which you have executed. Even though i specified api key id and api secret value. it shows the error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined". And i have given authorization as api key and used values from api credentials from my veracode account.

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markdowd commented Mar 4, 2022

Hi @ravikumarkd. The error tells you that the values have not been successfully retrieved in the script. Try temporarily replacing the pm.variables.get statements with literals to confirm this.

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I m in india so the veracode api services will only work in US and European countries. Because the status code is 403 Forbidden even though i gave correct api credentials. the error message is "ApiCredential invalid". Can you please answer about this issue @markdowd, @ctcampbell ?.

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markdowd commented Mar 4, 2022

@ravikumarkd I'm an end user, but it sounds like you've answered your own question.

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Hi @ravikumarkd , there shouldn't be a geographic component to Veracode API services. However, your report makes me wonder if there is something wrong with the API credentials you're using. Are you able to connect to our APIs using those credentials in other ways, e.g. through Veracode integrations or using httpie with the --veracode_hmac authentication method?

If you aren't able to come to resolution on this it may be worth contacting Veracode support to see if they can help you further.

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SMughal2020 commented Mar 15, 2022

Hi @ravikumarkd. The error tells you that the values have not been successfully retrieved in the script. Try temporarily replacing the pm.variables.get statements with literals to confirm this.

Any fix for this yet? Removing pm.variables.get gives a 401 error. As with id and key added, the error I receive is TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined.

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@Fleurpot82 Not sure if you've fixed this yet. You need to specify the two variable values so they can be retrieved in lines 4&5:

  • veracodeApiKeyId
  • veracodeApiKeySecret

If they are zero length it complains when tryoing to validate them.

Thanks @markdowd, taken me a while to get back to this, I had the variables added, as below it worked fine when a pasted the values directly in. Deleted the variables in my project and re added and it works a treat. No idea what was wrong before as I'd created multiple collections in attempting it earlier!

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Please note that we've published an official project and how-to for using Veracode HMAC in Postman here:

Contributions are welcome!

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