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Save ctchuang/7893329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


  • VMWare Fusion 10
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

VMWare setup

  • Enable host key bindings of OS X (so it can use Exposes of OS X)
  • Do not map Cmd-C to Ctrl-C, etc.
  • In Display, enable "Use Full Resolution" for retina display.

Ubuntu setup


If using bridged mode in VMWare, firewall is recommended:

$ sudo ufw default deny
$ sudo ufw enable

Install OpenVM Tools

$ sudo apt install open-vm-tools-desktop
$ reboot  # the screen resolution will be updated

Google Chrome

$ wget -c
$ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb  # may need to install extra packages manually

Setup gnome-session-flashback window manager

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get update gnome-session-flashback

Customize Gnome Desktop

  • Disable Screen Lock in System Setting if it's in VMWare.
  • On Mac keyboard, Option+Command+Drag
  • Add 10 desktops

Keyboard Shortcut

  • Gnome System Setting (run 'unity-control-center' in command line) -> Keyboard -> Shortcut to switch workspace

    • Navigation: Cmd + Left / Right to Move To Workspace Left / Right
    • Navigation: Cmd + Shift + Left / Right to move window to the left or right workspace
    • Navigation: Cmd + 0~9 to switch to a specific workspace
    • Super + Tab or Ctrl + F4 to switch open window
  • Or use dconf-editor (not gconf-editor) => org > gnome > desktop > wm > keybindings Use 'xmodmap -pke' to list keycode symbols. My favorites config:

    • switch to workspace 1 => ['<Super>1']
    • ...
    • switch to workspace 10 => ['<Super>0']
    • switch-applications => ['<Super>Tab', '<Alt>Tab', '<Control>F4']

Setup Terminal

  • Enable option key as meta key in Gnome terminal

    • For GNOME Terminal, Keyboard Shortcut -> Disable "Enable menu access keys"
    • In profile preferences, uncheck "show menubar" - Shift + F10 can restore it.
    • Can setup Mac-like super key convention in Gnome Terminal directly (Super-T/W/N).
  • If want to keep the Super (Windows/Command) key, remove the "Menu Applet" from task bar! It's the Menu Applet that steals your Super key.

  • Disable audible bell

  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences audible-bell false
  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences visual-bell true
  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences visual-bell-type frame-flash # or fullscreen-flash

o Zenburn theme

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