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Last active January 21, 2022 15:16
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A homebrew formula for installing bsdgames-osx. For now, just plunk it into /usr/local/Library/Formula/ and run "brew install bsdgames-osx". Tested successfully in MacOS X 10.7 and 10.8. If it fails to compile, try adding the "--with-clang" option. Some versions of clang will also require CFLAGS="-std=c11" to compile correctly.
require 'formula'
class BsdgamesOsx < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '31013cbc8fbad71f1e3e0b9b85fd7c943219a99b'
head ''
version '2.19.3'
depends_on :bsdmake => :build
def install
# This replicates the behavior of wargames calling games from /usr/games
inreplace 'wargames/' do |s|
s.gsub! /\/usr\/games/, "#{prefix}/bin"
system "bsdmake PREFIX=#{prefix} VARDIR=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/var/games"
system "bsdmake install PREFIX=#{prefix} VARDIR=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/var/games"
def test
%w[ pom ].each do |game|
system game
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Worked on Catalina too, no changes or options required. Thanks!

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