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Last active December 8, 2016 21:02
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comment coding with qualtricstools
#' Turn a Directory into a list of Coded Comment Data Frames (unprocessed)
directory_get_coded_comment_sheets <- function(directory) {
# ask for directory if not provided
if (missing(directory)) directory <- choose.dir()
# we only want to look at Excel or CSV files in the given directory
files_list <- list.files(path=directory, full.names=TRUE)
files_list <- files_list[lapply(files_list, function(x) grepl("*.xlsx$|*.xls$|*.csv$", x)) == TRUE]
files_list <- files_list[lapply(files_list, function(x) grepl("^~", basename(x))) == FALSE]
# create coded comment tables
coded_appendix_tables <- lapply(files_list, function(x) get_coded_comment_sheet(x))
#' Turn a Single Coded File into a Data Frame
get_coded_comment_sheet <- function(codedfile){
# Ask for the Coded File if there isn't one provided
if (missing(codedfile)) codedfile <- file.choose()
# Pick out the sheet called "Coded"
# Error if there isn't one
sheetindex <- which(tolower(excel_sheets(codedfile))=="coded")
if (length(sheetindex) == 0) {
cat(paste0(codedfile, " did not have a Coded tab\n"))
# Load the Coded Comments as a Data Frame
coded_orig <- read_excel(codedfile, sheet=sheetindex)
# Strip out the Blank Rows
blank_rows <- which([1]) | nchar(coded_orig[1])<5)
if (length(blank_rows) == 0) {coded_use <- coded_orig}
else if (length(blank_rows)>0) {coded_use <- coded_orig[-blank_rows,]}
# Make sure the Coded Comments have a Varname column
index_qname <- which(tolower(names(coded_use))=="varname")
if (length(index_qname) == 0) {
cat(paste0(codedfile, " did not have a varname column\n"))
# Return the Coded Comments Data Frame (unprocessed)
#' Turn the original coded comments sheet into a pair: (Question, Data Frame)
format_coded_comments <- function(coded_comment_sheet) {
# determine which column to start with
index_qname <- which(tolower(names(coded_comment_sheet))=="varname")
# get the varname from the sheet
varname = as.character(coded_comment_sheet[1,index_qname])
# get coded comments, and the number of comments for each
codeList <- names(coded_comment_sheet)[(index_qname+2):ncol(coded_comment_sheet)]
numComments <- lapply (codeList, function(x) length(which(coded_comment_sheet[x]==1)))
# construct the table
coded_table <-,numComments,deparse.level=0))
names(coded_table) <- c("Response", "N")
# remove zeroes
coded_table <- coded_table[coded_table['N'] != 0, ]
# sort by reverse numerically twice
# sorting the first time gives reverse numerically reverse alphabetically
# sorting the second time reverses the reverse alphabetic to forward alphabetic,
# while keeping the descending numerical sort
coded_table <- coded_table[rev(order(unlist(coded_table[,'N']))),]
coded_table <- coded_table[rev(order(unlist(coded_table[,'N']))),]
# add "Total" and the total N to the list of coded comments and Ns
n_comments <- nrow(unique(coded_comment_sheet[, 1]))
coded_table <- rbind(coded_table,c("Total", n_comments))
# we return a pair, the varname and the coded table.
return(list(varname, coded_table))
#' Turn a List of Unprocessed Coded Comment Sheets into a List of Coded Comments Tables
format_coded_comment_sheets <- function(coded_comment_sheets) {
coded_comments <- list()
cc_length <- length(coded_comment_sheets)
for (i in 1:cc_length) {
coded_comments[[i]] <- format_coded_comments(coded_comment_sheets[[i]])
#' Merge a Splitting Column into an Unprocessed Coded Comment Sheet
#' Run create_merged_response_column() before this to create the splitting column in the responses.
#' Then pass the column name of the column created by create_merged_response_column() as split_column
#' @param split_column is the name of the column to merge in for splitting
merge_split_column_into_comment_sheet <- function(coded_comment_sheet, responses, split_column) {
# Which column is the split_column
split_index <- which(colnames(responses) == split_column)
if (split_index==0) {
# Error if the split_column isn't present
stop("No column in responses with name ", split_column)
# Get the response IDs and the split_column into a 2-column data frame
relevant_columns <- responses[, c(1, split_index)]
colnames(relevant_columns)[[1]] <- colnames(responses)[[1]]
coded_comment_sheet <- merge(x = coded_comment_sheet, y = relevant_columns, by = 1)
split_index <- which(colnames(coded_comment_sheet) == split_column)
re_ordering <- c(1, split_index, 2:(split_index-1))
coded_comment_sheet <- coded_comment_sheet[,re_ordering]
# Format and Split a list of Unprocessed Coded Comment Sheets
format_and_split_comment_sheets <- function(coded_comment_sheets, responses, split_column) {
# split_coded_comment_sheets will be a list of coded comment sheets for each respondent group
levels <- levels(factor(responses[, split_column]))
split_coded_comment_sheets <- sapply(levels, function(x) NULL)
# merge split_column in and split each sheet
for(i in 1:length(coded_comment_sheets)) {
coded_comment_sheets[[i]] <- merge_split_column_into_comment_sheet(coded_comment_sheets[[i]], responses, split_column)
coded_comment_sheets[[i]] <- split(coded_comment_sheets[[i]], coded_comment_sheets[[i]][, split_column], drop=TRUE)
# sort each sheet into the appropriate level and insert into split_coded_comment_sheets
for (j in 1:length(levels)) {
matching_split_sheet <- which(sapply(coded_comment_sheets[[i]], function(x) isTRUE(levels[[j]] %in% x[, split_column]) ))
if (length(matching_split_sheet) != 0) {
split_coded_comment_sheets[[j]][[length(split_coded_comment_sheets[[j]]) + 1]] <-[[i]][[matching_split_sheet]])
# Format each coded comment sheet
for (i in 1:length(split_coded_comment_sheets)) {
if (!is.null(split_coded_comment_sheets[[i]])) split_coded_comment_sheets[[i]] <- format_coded_comment_sheets(split_coded_comment_sheets[[i]])
#' Insert Coded Comments into Blocks
insert_coded_comments <- function(blocks, original_first_rows, coded_comments) {
r_col_dictionary <- create_response_column_dictionary(blocks, original_first_rows[1,])
questions <- questions_from_blocks(blocks)
for (i in 1:length(coded_comments)) {
if (!is.null(coded_comments[[i]])) {
varname <- coded_comments[[i]][[1]]
matched_based_on_r_col <- which(r_col_dictionary[,2] == varname)
if (length(matched_based_on_r_col) == 1) {
varname <- r_col_dictionary[matched_based_on_r_col, 1]
question_index <- find_question_index(questions, varname)
if (length(question_index) == 0) {
cat(paste0("The appendices indicated for ", varname, " could not be matched to a question\n"))
cc_index <- length(questions[[question_index]][['CodedComments']]) + 1
questions[[question_index]][['CodedComments']][[cc_index]] <- coded_comments[[i]]
blocks <- questions_into_blocks(questions, blocks)
#' Split Survey and Insert Split Coded Comments
#' The responses should already include the split column
insert_split_survey_comments <- function(split_blocks, split_coded_comment_sheets, split_column, original_first_rows) {
# grab the original first rows if not included
if (missing(original_first_rows)) original_first_rows <- get(x="original_first_rows", envir=globalenv())
# match split blocks and split coded comments
for (i in 1:length(split_coded_comment_sheets)) {
if (!is.null(split_coded_comment_sheets[[i]])) {
matching_block <- which(sapply(split_blocks, function(x) x[['split_group']] == names(split_coded_comment_sheets)[[i]]))
split_blocks[[matching_block]] <- insert_coded_comments( split_blocks[[matching_block]], original_first_rows, split_coded_comment_sheets[[i]])
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