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Last active October 29, 2017 21:42
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A simple example of dual client/server session types.
module Data.FSM.Channel
import Data.List
%default total
data Protocol : Type
Out : a -> Protocol -> Protocol
In : a -> Protocol -> Protocol
Accept : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
Select : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
Empty : Protocol
dual : Protocol -> Protocol
dual (Out x p) = In x $ dual p
dual (In x p) = Out x $ dual p
dual (Accept p1 p2) = Select (dual p1) (dual p2)
dual (Select p1 p2) = Accept (dual p1) (dual p2)
dual Empty = Empty
data Channel : (a:Type) -> Protocol -> (a -> Protocol) -> Type
Send : a -> Channel () (Out a remaining) (const remaining)
Receive : Channel a (In a remaining) (const remaining)
Choose : (x:Bool) -> Channel () (Select p1 p2) (\r => if x then p1 else p2)
Offer : Channel Bool (Accept p1 p2) (\r => if r then p1 else p2)
Return : a -> Channel a Empty (const Empty)
(>>=) : Channel a p1 next -> ((x:a) -> Channel b (next x) finally) -> Channel b p1 finally
Server : Protocol -> Type -> Type
Server p a = Channel a p (const Empty)
Client : Protocol -> Type -> Type
Client p a = Channel a (dual p) (const Empty)
Addition : Protocol
Addition = In Nat $ In Nat $ Out Nat $ Empty
adder : Server Addition String
adder = do
x <- Receive
y <- Receive
Send (x+y)
Return $ "Added " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y ++ "."
addee : Nat -> Nat -> Client Addition String
addee x y = do
Send x
Send y
sum <- Receive
Return $ "The sum is " ++ show sum ++ "."
Negation : Protocol
Negation = In Nat $ Out Integer $ Empty
negator : Server Negation String
negator = do
x <- Receive
Send $ toIntegerNat x * -1
Return $ "Negated " ++ show x ++ "."
Calculation : Protocol
Calculation = Accept Addition Negation
calculator : Server Calculation String
calculator = do
x <- Offer
case x of
True => adder
False => negator
calculatee : Nat -> Client Calculation String
calculatee x = do
Choose False
Send x
y <- Receive
Return $ "The negation is " ++ show y ++ "."
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