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Last active September 30, 2018 18:14
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module Data.FSM.Entropy
%default total
data Solfege = Do | Re | Mi | Fa | So | La | Ti
entropy : Solfege -> Solfege -> Nat
entropy Do Do = 1
entropy Do Re = 2
entropy Re Do = 2
entropy Re Re = 1
entropy Re Mi = 2
entropy Mi Re = 2
entropy Mi Mi = 1
entropy Mi Fa = 2
entropy Fa Mi = 2
entropy Fa Fa = 1
entropy Fa So = 2
entropy So Fa = 2
entropy So So = 1
entropy So La = 2
entropy La So = 2
entropy La La = 1
entropy La Ti = 2
entropy Ti La = 2
entropy Ti Ti = 1
entropy _ _ = 4
data Series : (t : Type) -> (t -> t -> Nat) -> (x : t) -> (y : t) -> Nat -> Type where
End : Series t cost x x bits
Then : (y : t) -> Series t cost x y (cost x y)
(>>=) : Series t cost x y bits -> ((bits : Nat) -> Series t cost y z bits') -> Series t cost x z (bits + bits')
Melody : Solfege -> Solfege -> Nat -> Type
Melody = Series Solfege entropy
conventional : Melody Do So 10 -- Actually only needs 8, but the `End` makes up the total.
conventional = do Then Re
Then Mi
Then Fa
Then So
unconventional : Melody Do So 12 -- Needs the whole 12, as it's an odder melody.
unconventional = do Then Ti
Then Mi
Then Fa
Then So
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