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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Music with Overtone.
(:require [ :refer :all]
[leipzig.melody :refer :all]
[leipzig.scale :as scale]
[ :as canon]
[ :as live]
[leipzig.chord :as chord]
[leipzig.temperament :as temperament]))
; Instruments
(def the-key (comp temperament/equal scale/F scale/major))
(definst bass [freq 110 dur 1.0 volume 1.0]
(-> (sin-osc freq)
(+ (* 1/3 (sin-osc (* 2 freq))))
(+ (* 1/2 (sin-osc (* 3 freq))))
(+ (* 1/3 (sin-osc (* 5 freq))))
(clip2 0.8)
(rlpf (the-key 14) 1/7)
(* (env-gen (adsr 0.02 0.2 0.1 0.1) (line:kr 1 0 dur) :action FREE))
(* volume)))
(definst organ [freq 440 dur 1 volume 0.6]
(-> (square freq)
(+ (sin-osc 9) (sin-osc (* 2 freq)))
(+ (sin-osc 9) (sin-osc (* 1.999 freq)))
(+ (sin-osc 6) (sin-osc (* 4.01 freq)))
(+ (sin-osc 3) (sin-osc (* 6 freq)))
(+ (sin-osc 3) (sin-osc (* 1/2 freq)))
(lpf 4000)
(* (env-gen (adsr 0.05 0.2 0.7 0.1) (line:kr 1 0 dur) :action FREE))
(* 1/10 volume)))
(definst sing [freq 440 dur 1.0 volume 1.0]
(-> (saw freq)
(+ (saw (* freq 1.01)))
(rlpf (mul-add (sin-osc 8) 200 1500) 1/8)
(* (env-gen (asr 0.03 0.3 0.1) (line:kr 1 0 dur) :action FREE))
(* 1/4 volume)))
(definst kick [freq 220 volume 1.0]
(-> (line:kr freq (* freq 1/2) 0.5)
(+ (sin-osc freq))
(+ (sin-osc (/ freq 2) (sin-osc 1)))
(* (env-gen (perc 0.01 0.1) :action FREE))
(* volume)))
(definst tip [freq 110]
(-> (white-noise)
(rlpf (* 3 freq) 1/2)
(* (env-gen (perc 0.01 0.05) :action FREE))
(* 1/5)))
; Arrangement
(defmethod live/play-note :bass
[{hertz :pitch seconds :duration}] (bass hertz seconds))
(defmethod live/play-note :accompaniment
[{hertz :pitch seconds :duration}] (organ hertz seconds))
(defmethod live/play-note :melody
[{hertz :pitch seconds :duration}] (sing hertz seconds))
(defmethod live/play-note :beat
[{hertz :pitch drum :drum}] (drum hertz))
; Composition
(defn power-up [chord]
(-> chord (chord/inversion 2) (assoc :-i (-> chord :i scale/lower))))
(def chords
[(-> chord/triad power-up)
(-> chord/triad (chord/root 1) power-up)
(-> chord/triad (chord/root 2) power-up)
(-> chord/triad (chord/root 1) power-up)])
(defn maybe [f] #(if (nil? %) % (f %)))
(def bassline
(let [blat (phrase [2/2 1/2 5/2] [0 0 nil])
walk (phrase [3/2 2/2 2/2 1/2] [1 -2 1 -2])]
(then walk)
(then (->> blat (where :pitch (maybe (scale/from 2)))))
(then walk)
(then blat)
(then walk)
(then (->> walk (where :pitch (maybe inc))))
(then walk)
(filter :pitch)
(where :pitch (comp scale/lower scale/lower))
(where :part (is :bass)))))
(def flatline
(phrase (cycle [4 1/2 1/2 3]) (repeat 0))
(take-while #(-> % :time (< 32)))
(where :pitch (comp scale/lower scale/lower))
(where :part (is :bass))))
(def flock
(phrase (repeat 2) (mapcat repeat (repeat 2) chords))
(times 2)
(where :part (is :accompaniment))))
(def accompaniment
(phrase [3/3 1/3 8/3] [(chords 0) (chords 0) nil])
(then (phrase [4] [(chords 1)]))
(then (phrase [3/3 1/3 8/3] [(chords 2) (chords 2) nil]))
(then (phrase [4] [(chords 1)]))
(filter :pitch)
(where :part (is :accompaniment))
(times 2)))
(def core-med
(phrase (repeat 1/3) [-7 -5 -3])
(canon/canon (canon/interval -7))
(after -1)
(then (phrase [15 1 7 1 7 1] [7 8 9 8 7 8]))
(where :pitch scale/raise)
(where :part (is :melody))))
(def my-friend
(let [i-know
(after 2
(phrase [2/3 1/3 3/3 5/3 7/3]
[2 1 0 1 -2]))
(after 2
(phrase [2/3 1/3 3/3 2/3 1/3 2/3 1/3 2/3 1/3 2/3 7/3]
[2 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 -2 -3]))
(phrase [2/3 1/3 3/3 2 2 2 2 4]
[2 1 0 1 -2 -1 1 0])]
(->> i-know
(then thats-no-excuse)
(then anyone-else)
(times 2)
(where :pitch scale/raise)
(where :part (is :melody)))))
(def ba-da
(->> (phrase [1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2]
[0 0 0 -2 -3 0 -2 -3 0 -2 -3])
(canon/canon (canon/interval -7))
(times 8)
(where :pitch scale/raise)
(where :part (is :melody))))
(def twiddle
(let [twid (fn [a b c] (phrase [1/2 1/2 1/2 3/2 1/2 1/2] [b a b c b a]))]
(->> (twid -1 2 3)
(then (twid -2 1 2))
(where :pitch scale/raise)
(after 24)
(where :part (is :accompaniment)))))
(def beat1
(let [k (->> (phrase [1 1 2/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 1] (repeat -14))
(where :drum (is kick)))
t (->> (phrase [2 2 2 1] (cycle [7 14])) (where :drum (is tip)))]
(->> (with k t)
(where :part (is :beat))
(times 4))))
(def beat2
(let [k (->> (phrase [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2] (repeat -14))
(where :drum (is kick)))
t (->> (phrase [1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4]
[7 14 7 14 14 14 14 14 7 7 7 7])
(where :drum (is tip))
(after 1/2))]
(->> (with k t)
(where :part (is :beat))
(times 4))))
; Track
(def intro
(with bassline accompaniment twiddle beat2))
(def verse
(times 2)
(with my-friend)))
(def chorus
(with flatline flock core-med beat1)
(then (->> (with flatline flock core-med beat1)
(take-while #(-> % :time (< 24)))
(with twiddle)))))
(def bridge
(let [bass (->> (phrase (repeat 4) (concat (range 0 7) [8]))
(where :pitch (comp scale/lower scale/lower))
(where :part (is :bass)))
arpeggs (->> (phrase (cycle [2 1 1
1 1 1 1])
[2 0 -3
-2 1 3 5
4 2 -1
-2 0 1 0])
(times 2)
(where :part (is :accompaniment)))]
(->> (with bass arpeggs core-med)
(then (with flatline flock arpeggs core-med)))))
(def track
(then verse)
(then chorus)
(then verse )
(then bridge)
(then (with chorus ba-da))
(wherever :pitch, :pitch the-key)
(where :time (bpm 120))
(where :duration (bpm 120))))
; Loop the track, allowing live editing.
(live/jam (var track))
(recording-start "my-friend.wav")
(live/play track)
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