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Last active May 6, 2020 05:19
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Asynchronous Cylon example from
#include "FastLED.h"
* An expansion on the FastLED Cylon script
* This extension on Cylon demonstrates aysnchronous updates. Rather than using delay()
* for the timing, which limits the flexibility, it uses timing based on millis() to
* trigger the updates. This allows us to do two things at once, each with different
* update schedules.
* I also added a button (optional) which controls which of the two tasks are running.
* The button can be either polled or use interrupts.
* In this case the original Cylon is running on an Adafruit Noepixel strip (8 LEDs)
* on a 120 ms cycle. The blinking LED (Pin 7) is running on a 73 ms schedule.
* Based on the original Cylon.ino (
* Copyright (c) 2016 - William C Waggoner
* Licensed under the MIT License (
// How many leds in your strip?
const unsigned int NUM_LEDS = 8;
// Delays and stuff
const unsigned int CYCLE_DELAY = 120;
const unsigned int BLINK_DELAY = 73;
// Brightness 128 is 1/2 bright, plenty bright enough (the V in HSV)
const byte BRIGHT = 128;
// Saturation 240 is not completely pure (the S in HSV)
const byte SAT = 240;
// Fade scale 128 (1/2 fade) works well for 8 LEDs
const byte SCALE = 128;
// For led chips like Neopixels, which have a data line, ground, and power, you just
// need to define DATA_PIN. For led chipsets that are SPI based (four wires - data, clock,
// ground, and power), like the LPD8806, define both DATA_PIN and CLOCK_PIN
const byte DATA_PIN = 6;
const byte CLOCK_PIN = 13;
const byte BLINK_PIN = 7;
const byte SWITCH_PIN = 2;
// Debounce time (ms) for pushbutton
const unsigned long DEBOUNCE = 250;
// define USE_INTERRUPTS to vary how the switch is handled, polled or interrupt driven
// Define the array of leds
// Enable bits
const byte DO_BLINK = 0x01;
const byte DO_CYCLE = 0x02;
volatile // Must be VOLATILE if we use interrupts
byte mode = 0x00;
void setup() {
// See the FastLED Blink sketch for other settings
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(BLINK_PIN, LOW);
// Link our interrupt service routine to the pin FALLING state
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(SWITCH_PIN), switch_int, FALLING);
void fadeall() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
void cycle(unsigned long now) {
static unsigned int led = 0;
static int dir = 1;
static byte hue = 0; // The H in HSV
static unsigned long next_cycle = 0;
if (next_cycle <= now) {
if (mode & DO_CYCLE) {
// Set the led'th led to hue
leds[led] = CHSV(hue, SAT, BRIGHT);
// Show the leds;
// Fade all the leds to make the "tail"
// We will regenerate the "head" the next time through
// Bounds check and reset
if (led == NUM_LEDS - 1) {
// We have reached the end of the array, turn it around to go back
dir = -1; // And go backwards
} else if (led == 0) {
// Back at the beginning
dir = 1;
hue++; // Change color on each loop
// Increment/decrement the LED number
led += dir; // Next/Prevoius LED
next_cycle += CYCLE_DELAY;
void blink(unsigned long now) {
static bool onoff = false;
static unsigned long next_blink = 0;
if (next_blink <= now) {
if (mode & DO_BLINK) {
if (onoff) {
digitalWrite(BLINK_PIN, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(BLINK_PIN, LOW);
onoff = !onoff; // Flip it
next_blink += BLINK_DELAY;
void breathe(unsigned long now) {
* Breathe uses Pin 13 to "breathe" the onboard LED.
* It merely shows that we are running ...
static char ontime = 0;
static unsigned int counter = 0;
static boolean onstate = false;
static unsigned long mark_time = 0;
if (mark_time <= now) {
if (onstate) {
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
mark_time = now + 16 - abs(ontime>>3);
} else {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
mark_time = now + abs(ontime>>3);
onstate = !onstate;
if ((++counter & 0x03) == 0) { // Only vary ontime every 4 cycles
ontime += 1;
* This section is included only if USE_INTERRUPTS is defined
* The interrupt is triggered on the pin FALLING. We increment the
* mode and set a delay (DEBOUNCE) before we will react to another
* FALLING interrupt.
void switch_int() {
static unsigned long next_check = 1000; // Ignore the first second
unsigned long m = millis();
if (m >= next_check) {
mode += 1;
next_check = m + DEBOUNCE;
void loop() {
static byte hue = 0;
static unsigned long next_cycle = 0;
static unsigned long next_blink = 0;
static boolean is_low = false;
unsigned long m;
m = millis();
/** This section is included only if we are not using interrupts
* When the SWITCH_PIN goes LOW we switch then set a flag (is_low)
* We then wait for the pin to go HIGH again and then set a delay
* to "debounce" the switch. We don't care what the pin does for
* DEBOUNCE milliseconds.
static unsigned long next_check = 0;
if (m >= next_check) {
if (is_low) {
if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == HIGH) {
next_check = m + DEBOUNCE;
is_low = false;
} else {
if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == LOW) {
mode += 1;
is_low = true;
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I wrote this while I was playing around with FastLED and a NEOPIXEL strip. It demonstrates the FastLED library as well as asynchronous processing using millis() timing rather than delay() and interrupts for handling button pushes.

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Couldn't leave well enough alone ... !

I added a "breathe" feature which varies the brightness of the builtin LED on Pin 13.

I also moved the cycle timing checks into the service functions. I think that makes more sense although it could be argued the other way too I suppose. YMMV

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