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Last active October 15, 2022 15:46
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Parse Snipe IT label HTML and create nice PDF for Zebra ZD420
from import code39, code128, code93
from import eanbc, qr, usps
from import Drawing
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from import renderPDF
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleN = styles['Normal']
styleN.fontSize = 6
styleN.fontName = 'Meta'
styleN.allowOrphans = 1
styleN.leading = 6
styleN.borderPadding = 0
styleN.leftIndent = 0
import reportlab.rl_config
reportlab.rl_config.warnOnMissingFontGlyphs = 0
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Meta', 'MetaOT-Medi.ttf'))
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('SourceCodePro', 'SourceCodePro-Medium.ttf'))
import lxml.html
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(open('/Users/ctheune/Labels.html').read())
def createBarCodes():
Create barcode examples and embed in a PDF
c = canvas.Canvas("label.pdf", pagesize=(2*inch, 1*inch))
for label in tree.find_class('label'):
label_data = {}
for line in label.text_content().splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if ':' in line:
key, value = line.split(':', maxsplit=1)
label_data[key] = value.strip()
if label_data['C'] == 'Flying Circus':
label_data['C'] = 'Flying Circus Internet Operations GmbH'
label_data['ID'] = int(label_data['T'].replace('FC', ''))
# Company
c.setFont("Meta", 5)
c.drawString(0.6*inch, 0.08*inch, label_data['C'])
# Tag
c.setFont("SourceCodePro", 19)
c.drawString(0.6*inch, 0.2*inch, label_data['T'])
# Model
model = [Paragraph(label_data['M'], style=styleN)]
f = Frame(0, 0.6*inch, 2*inch, 0.45*inch, showBoundary=0)
f.addFromList(model, c)
# draw a QR code
qr_code = qr.QrCodeWidget(f'{label_data["ID"]}')
bounds = qr_code.getBounds()
width = bounds[2] - bounds[0]
height = bounds[3] - bounds[1]
d = Drawing(45, 45, transform=[45./width,0,0,45./height,0,0])
renderPDF.draw(d, c, 0, 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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